“Well, to put it simply… ah~!”

During these few sentences, Ishtar was a little distracted because of the communication with Rin Tohsaka’s consciousness in his body. Suddenly, Rahmu, who had broken through the defenses of many magical plants, used the sharp spikes in his hand heavily. Bad on the thigh.

Fortunately, during the battle, Ishtar only used magic power to protect and strengthen himself, and was not pierced by Rahmu’s spikes.

But even so, under the tremendous force, Ishtar still let out a scream, and bumped into the magical plants below that were constantly spewing pollen and seeds towards the sky.

Crawled out from a cloud of green slurry.

Under the protection of the magic plants, Ishtar did not receive secondary damage when he fell to the ground.

However, just as Ishtar shook the sticky green slurry on his body and looked up at the wound again.

In the blink of an eye when Ishtar was driven away from the sky, a gap was broken in the magical plant defense line defending the sky.

“Ishtar, I’m done, ready to accept ether~!”

“too slow!”

Although that’s what he said.

But Ishtar, who actually felt the parallel time-space rift opened in his body and the continuous flow of real ether in his body, turned his lips up at this moment.

“Well, I can’t help it. It’s too difficult to borrow the master’s magic…Ishtar, I’ll leave it to you, Sakura, I…I have to rest… . rest .. for a while.”

Listening to Tohsaka Rin’s voice getting smaller and less energetic, I knew that Tohsaka Rin was just Ishtar who was too tired and fell into a deep sleep, and didn’t worry about her.

Instead, relying on the possession of the second method in the body, he came to a steady stream of true ether, and started…

“Leopard man! Pay attention, I’m about to fuck!”

Just as Ishtar was driving Maanna, she rushed to the sky again with full firepower.

Because Tohsaka Rin borrowed Gem Weng, the second method unfolded brought Ishtar an extra-plenty of true ether, resulting in a small part of the true ether going backwards along the previous contract between Ishtar and Sakura. Sakura’s body.

Sensing the true ether coming from the contract in her body, Sakura knew that this was probably what Rin Tohsaka did with the second method, and then smiled.

Then he directly took out a parchment scroll with countless Command Spells printed on it from his small satchel.

“I haven’t been a master for a long time, and I almost forgot the ancestral craftsmanship of our Matou family~ In the name of the command spell—Ishtar, let’s show your true power!”

One, two… At this moment, she has mastered the most mature and complete command spell manufacturing system. For possible future situations, Sakura, who had achieved mass production of command spells in Azkaban, used them all at once A full hundred command spells!

Although without the blessing of the Great Holy Grail, these command spells would not be able to bring about the powerful effect they had during the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, but such a large number is enough to cause a certain degree of qualitative change!

Just when Sakura remembered that she was the Master, and began to use Command Spells to support Ishtar and the Leopard.

On the other side, Ishtar, who was in an unprecedentedly good condition, also started to release the treasure~!

Standing tall in the sky, standing proudly, I saw Ishtar raised his hand to sweep, a blue ‘gate’ opened above Ishtar’s head instantly, and the bright starry sky, with the door fully unfolded, has appeared in Ishtar. On Shtar’s head!

“Open the door!”

Immediately afterwards, the huge conceptual Venus began to cover the starry sky, and slowly passed through the gate.fall.

At the same time, Ishtar smiled proudly, and threw the long sword in his hand towards the falling Venus. Under the shining golden light, the extraordinarily holy Ishtar continued to chant.

“This is all my strength!”

The huge conceptual Venus began to collapse and gather towards Ma’Anna, converging into a huge magic arrow.

At the same time, looking at the terrifying scene in the sky, the Leopard Man, who realized that he was also within the damage range of the Ishtar Noble Phantasm, immediately recalled screaming.

“Meow! Wait meow!”

However, Ishtar, who had already assumed the firing position and was still in the chaotic battlefield, could not hear the leopard man’s voice.

Accompanied by Ishtar’s final words of liberation…

“Crush it, the salary of the mountain shocking star!”

The brilliant Lost Venus, like a huge light cannon, has shot directly at the densest area of ​​the Rahmu in the midair, creating a huge explosion that can shatter mountains!

Under such an explosion, I’m afraid that even the real Abif Mountain can only be smashed to pieces!

379. The brilliance of nuclear weapons, the nuclear ‘fear’ of Chaldea

Tens of thousands of Rahmu were instantly vaporized under Ishtar’s treasure.

However, just when these Rahmu thought that this was the end, they were preparing to gather again to launch an attack.

But Ishtar told them that this was just the beginning!

Relying on the continuous flow of true ether in the body and the blessings brought by Sakura’s continuous release of the command spell.

Ishtar once again opened the ‘gate’ to the starry sky, and liberated the treasure once again.

Accompanied by Ishtar’s complacent and slightly crazy laughter.

On the edge of the damage range of Ishtar’s treasure, the leopard man who repeatedly jumped sideways and dodged left and right felt that Ishtar was crazy.

Little did they know that Ishtar was just having fun.

A few minutes later, when the Rahmu on the ground and in the sky all looked at Ishtar who was panting and stopping the release of the treasure with lingering fear.

It was only then that Ishtar realized that his physical appearance was not his own.

“Oh no, I seem to have gone too far. The magic channels and circuits in Rin’s body…seem to have become tattered!”

If it were Ishtar’s own body, Ishtar wouldn’t have any problems here with a treasure of this level for most of the day.

But for Tohsaka Rin’s body, the more than ten Noble Phantasms fired continuously in the past few minutes have already overwhelmed this body.

After all, driving and controlling such a huge magical power in a short period of time, let it burst out in a short period of time.

This is definitely not something ordinary humans can bear.

But maybe it was frightened by Ishtar’s madness, after Ishtar deliberately stopped firing the treasure due to the body’s metastases.

Of the millions of Rahm, no one dared to step forward in a short period of time, allowing Ishtar to float there to repair his body.

And just when one of the two sides did not dare to attack and the other temporarily lost its ability to attack.

Accompanied by firelight and thick white eyes, it came out from the large circle of magical plants.

A roaring missile, carrying the most powerful weapon in human history, stretched into the sky.

At the moment when the missile was launched, an enchantment was instantly deployed directly from the center of the camp, making the inside of the enchantment very dark in an instant.

The next second, when Rahmu and the others saw the missile rising, they rushed towards the missile with all their strength, preparing to shoot down this dangerous thing.


A round of sun just appeared in the sky hundreds of meters above the camp.

The glare of light, which is enough to burn human vision, was the first to light up.

If they hadn’t experienced opening the barrier, most of Sakura and the others would have temporarily lost all vision in the dazzling light.

Immediately afterwards, as the light and heat began to spread continuously, the huge roar accompanied by shock waves also began to spread and sweep towards the surroundings.

Under the terrifying high temperature of 100 million degrees at the core, as well as the terrifying impact of the light radiation and shock waves of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Except for the completely vaporized ones of the millions of Rahmu, the rest were like roasted prawns, continuously falling from the sky.

Looking outside through the barrier, Sakura sighed with regret at the brilliance created by human power.

“The brilliance of nuclear weapons seems to be able to shine on the Age of Gods, but it’s a pity that radiation can’t penetrate magic… Otherwise, maybe the effect will be better…”

Speaking of which, Sakura once again established a magic communication with Kurumi, allowing her to launch a second missile containing the “Light of Humanity”.

And this time, without the millions of Rahmu in the sky blocking it, the missile was successfully launched above the sea before Sakura remotely activated the magic ignition device and detonated it!

“Everyone, let’s gather…we are going to attack the core of the sea of ​​life and start the battle of killing gods!”

The sun, round after round, rises on the earth in this era.

The terrifying scene it created can be clearly seen even as far away as Uruk.

At this moment, the people who rode the pterosaurs to Chaldea and Uruk near the seaside observation post naturally also witnessed such a terrifying scene, the sun rising one after another on the distant sea.

“This… is too crazy! Da Vinci sauce, that’s a nuclear bomb, right!”

Gu Dazi, who was born as an ordinary person, is definitely familiar with nuclear weapons, the strongest weapon of mankind, and at the same time, he is definitely more in awe than magicians.

look inWhen the sun came round after round, Gu Dazi, who had always been fearless, felt a little fear in his heart at this moment!

“…It should be, and it should still be transformed with magic…”

“They…that witch…how did she…”

Just when Gudazi didn’t know how to evaluate this kind of thing, he started to falter when he spoke.

Da Vinci, who was sitting beside her on the back of another pterosaur, dragged his chin to think at this moment.

Nuclear bomb? It’s not that Da Vinci can’t make it, it’s just that the raw materials are a bit difficult to get, but isn’t there Sakura… Anyway, this guy who is both an enemy and a friend can already enter and leave Chaldea at will… ..

If Sakura is not willing to accept this kind of transaction, then Gudazi can work hard to summon some servants temporarily, and go to the singularity to dig the raw materials back…

“Although it looks crazy, it is indeed very effective. After all, even if modern weapons are much less lethal to servants, if they can actually hit, the physical damage it creates can also be solved. Most of this type of enemies! It’s really a good idea!”

Existences like Servants can indeed disable a large number of modern weapons, but these existences also need to follow the laws of physics in the world on the surface of the earth.

Most of the modern weapons are ineffective against these existences, more simply because the bodies of these guys are far beyond ordinary people’s imagination… But once a certain limit is exceeded, physical damage can naturally take effect on these guys.

In other words, modern weapons that fail are simply because they are not powerful enough.

As long as it is powerful enough, gods can actually be killed by nuclear bombs.

After all, the fusion bomb in the nuclear bomb is a weapon with no upper limit in power in theory. As long as there are enough materials and technology, it is not impossible to make a nuclear bomb that shatters the earth…

Due to the low voice of Da Vinci’s thoughts, no one nearby can hear them at present.

However, Chaldea, who has been monitoring them, clearly heard Da Vinci’s thoughts through the equipment…

And after listening to Da Vinci’s words, staring at Da Vinci’s extremely serious face on the big screen, including Roman, couldn’t help shivering…

Chaldea’s equipment department is usually scary enough, and there will be an explosion every now and then.

But those are small things, and explosions generally don’t cause too much damage.

But in the future, according to what Da Vinci said, she seems to be planning to build a nuclear bomb…

“Commander… We Chaldea won’t be blown up in a nuclear explosion in the future!”

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