But Sakura firmly believed that that fellow Roman must be in the chariot right now, and must be the current commander of Chaldea.

Therefore, Chaldea went to war with herself in an all-round way, which Sakura really didn’t understand.

With Roman’s wisdom and ability, it is impossible for him not to know that the current Chaldea has no chance of winning against her.

‘Want to obtain my combat information? Or Roman, do you think Chaldea can defeat me here? ‘

While thinking about this idea in her mind, Sakura stretched out her hand, and from the tip of her finger to the ground, dripped a drop of milky white liquid and a drop of pitch black liquid respectively.

“The Sea of ​​Life——Creation of Imaginary Numbers! Expand~!”

But it doesn’t matter, since the war is starting, Sakura will naturally not run to flirt with her opponent.

If you want to fight, then fight.

Although she still needs Chaldea on the bright side to help herself attract the attention of those behind-the-scenes as much as possible, Sakura is still willing to teach Chaldea a lesson.What’s more, in this way, the first emperor can also see his own strength, let him know his own strength, stop hiding it, and have been unwilling to exchange some key technologies with him.

Accompanied by the rapid expansion and unfolding of the sea of ​​life.

Spaceships, under the order of Emperor Shi Huang who was looking at the battlefield smiling, landed on the villages near the battlefield, emptied one village after another, and completely cleared the battlefield.

“Matou Ying, are you trying to show me your strength, then show me…”

The huge magic power and Qi, in the state of Xiaoying’s heart constantly reciting the Yellow Court Sutra, quickly recovered, and continuously poured into the sea of ​​life under her feet.

At the same time, one after another, the Alterego created by Sakura in imitation of BB came out of the sea of ​​life under Sakura’s feet.

571. Perfect Alterego!

Parson Lip-Passionate Lips.

Melt Lilith – Melt Lilith.

Violet Violet.

Gold Protea – Emperor Flower.

and the Kazuradrop-the drop of vines, which successively surfaced on the surface of the sea of ​​life.

But this is far from enough.

Although Sakura imitated BB and created the Alterego in front of her.

But obviously, the girls that Sakura created were just empty-handed, almost no different from the ones that Sakura created when she was young.

But this is only because Sakura hasn’t completely finished shaping them.

Along with the godslayer ritual, it was quietly started by Sakura.

The base contract was signed with these empty shells of Alterego.

Through special means, this Alterego was directly identified as her Sakura’s own Sakura in the godslayer ceremony.

Immediately started the last step.

Inject power!

Accompanied by powers one after another, they were injected by Sakura into these alteregos who were roughly equal to her avatar.

Immediately standing on the sea of ​​life, they opened their eyes one by one.


There is no nonsense, no reason.

Emperor Hua, who was assigned the purest and purest side of Sakura, took the lead in raising her arm that could cover a piece of sky, and with the most innocent childlike smile, she patted Gudazi, Mashup, and Nezha directly. past.

“Why did Zhen’s main body call us again? How long can I live this time? Really, I will write down the grudge.”

Complaints came out of his mouth, but there was no pause.

Just when the giant emperor flower, like a child who wanted to play with ants, attacked Gudazi and his party.

Her legs were like a pair of blades, and Lilith, who had the exact same figure and face as Sakura, was like an elegant swan at this moment, complaining while rushing towards the chariot.

And right beside her, Parsonlip, who had a pair of huge robotic hands, followed her with a straight face.

Innocence, hatred, ruthlessness…

Just when Regalia, Lilith, and Parsonlip, who symbolize the three emotions of Sakura, attacked Chaldea.

The violet, which symbolizes Sakura’s controlling side, and the vine drop, which symbolizes Sakura’s greedy side, stayed in the sea of ​​life.

“Violet, please protect me.”


“Then I’ll start…”

Speaking of the petite vine drop, it immediately provoked a very weird dance on the sea of ​​life.

At the same time, he began to utter words in his mouth, a small language that was very obscure and difficult to understand among the many languages ​​on the earth.

Its general meaning is the name of various metal minerals…

Just when the drop of vines began to perform a very weird dance.

The interior of Chaldea’s chariot.

Looking at Lilith and Parsonlip who were approaching the chariot through the artillery fire, Roman, whose face was obviously full of tension, immediately turned to look at Da Vinci and asked.

“Is there no problem with Da Vinci?”

“There should be no problem…”

“Is it just supposed to…”

“Look, I’m useless. After all, it’s just a temporarily refitted chariot. The energy levels of those guys outside are equivalent to strategic nuclear bombs with a multi-million-ton equivalent… There is no guarantee, Aqiman.”

“If you use the fruit of wisdom, can you delay enough time?”

“Are you kidding me, Aqiman, Fujimaru and the others are still outside…”

“I’m not kidding, no matter what, Da Vinci, we have to delay enough time for Fujimaru to get used to the Ten Commandments…Only in this way can we have a slight chance of defeating Sakura…”

“…Achiman, why are you so eager to defeat Sakura…Although she has a different philosophy from ours, she is not an enemy right now.”

“I saw…. I saw the future where all of us fell in this rumor belt…”


“Yes, Sakura is standing behind a strangely dressed zombie, overlooking the future of our dilapidated bodies…”

“I understand, I’m going to activate all the weapon systems of the tank as a biological CPU…”

Seeing Roman uttering such a prophecy in a serious manner, Da Vinci’s face immediately became serious.

And immediately turned around and ran towards the entrance of the cockpit.

Just as Da Vinci ran out of the cockpit, towards the center of the chariot, a certain room except for Da Vinci himself, the rest of the room when no one is allowed to enter.

At a corner, looking at the person leaning against the wall who looked like he was waiting for him, Da Vinci who was in a hurry stopped involuntarily.

“Da Vinci, do you really think that Romani saw that kind of future? Or is that kind of future really the future that will happen in our future?”

“Get out of the way, I don’t have time to talk to you about this.”

“It seems that you believe it…”

“Are you going to stop me? Holmes…”

“I want to stop you, but I won’t do that… You can go there, but I still have to say that Roman probably has a problem!”

Just when Da Vinci rushed past Holmes, rushed into the mysterious room, retreated his clothes, and planned to enter a special warehouse to start using the biological CPU to activate all the functions and weapons of the chariot.

Lilith and Parsonlip, still facing the fierce artillery fire from the chariot, approached within 100 meters of the chariot.

Looking at the chariots in front of them that continuously spit out various types of attacks.

With raging rage in her eyes, Lilith stared at the chariot with hatred, and took the lead in kicking Chaldea’s chariot.

In an instant, a large amount of magic power poured into Lilith’s blade-like long legs.

Then a crescent-shaped slash was sent out in an instant, opening a passage for Lilith to go straight to the chariot.

However, Lilith did not choose to use this channel.

Instead, immediately after sending out this slash, he turned sideways and gave up this passage to Parsonlip beside him.

“Come on, Parsonlip!”


He spit out a word from his mouth without any feeling, as a response to continue.

Magic power and authority gushed out instantly, and a phantom of a pitch-black door opened behind Parsonlip.

The arm in her left hand, which was like a mechanical claw, was launched like a rocket in an instant.

And quickly wrapped in a thick breath of death.

There was a loud bang.

A large amount of death power began to flow on the armor like black mud.

At the same time, a depression also appeared clearly on the front of the chariot.

“so hard.”

Raise your hand to retract the arm that returned and connected automatically.

Seeing the result of his blow, Parsonlip, who was once again surrounded by gunfire and surrounded by smoke and dust, immediately spit out the word ‘so hard’.

However, neither Lilith nor Parsonlip showed a trace of disappointment on their faces.

Because the black mud formed by the power of death flowed on the armor of the chariot.

Where the black mud flowed, the color of the armor changed obviously…

The metal of the tank armor is dying…

This is exactly the impact of the power of Nanan, the “Goddess of Death” shared by Sakura on Parsenlip.

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