of the Great Wall that was accelerated hit straight into Roman’s magic circle.

In an instant, tens of thousands of tons of huge metal, the kinetic energy of the carrier falling from the universe, and the blessing brought by the first emperor who is the “will” of this world.

The heavy bombardment landed on the barrier that Roman deployed.

In the history of pan-humanity, according to Xingyue’s information, the First Emperor is roughly equivalent to the King of Conquerors in the East. If the information in Sakura’s memory is accurate, the First Emperor in the history of pan-humanity is roughly the existence of Flash Level…

But in this lore belt, he has survived for two thousand years, unified the whole world, and turned his body into a mechanical holy body.How strong is the first emperor who has obtained the body of a real immortal, which is equivalent to an immortal who has not ascended?

You must know that due to the management method of the First Emperor, the soil where Alaya was born does not exist in this world. It is impossible for Alaya to touch the Great Qin Lost Belt.

And the personal will of Emperor Shi Huang, who is admired and believed in by all people in this world, has almost replaced all of these, which is equivalent to this world’s alternative Alaya, plus the Efang Palace and the Great Wall in space.

And the first emperor’s spiritual base that is not only big, but also extremely tall.

As long as he is in this Alien Belt and has full strength, he is equivalent to some of the two major restraining forces. Once he gets serious, he is almost equivalent to religious leaders like enlightened beings in terms of strength.

Even in some places, it may be even worse than that. Of course, in some powers, the First Emperor is still far behind the Enlightened Ones…

Therefore, even if it is just an ‘attack’ thrown casually, for Roman, it is a game of betting his life…

PS: The strength of the first emperor is my second set based on the information and settings of the first emperor… (Brother Zheng is awesome~!)

601. With blood-soaked arms, Lao Fu took over the Commander

Heavy, suffocating…

Both hands firmly supported the unfolded magic circle, and the muscles of the whole body trembled constantly under the heavy impact.

Bean-sized drops of sweat ran across his cheeks in the scorching heat of the magic circle.

At this moment, Roman, whose veins were bulging, even though he had pushed his magic power to the limit, those Demon God Pillars started to extract the earth’s veins regardless of the cost.

But it was still dropped by Emperor Shihuang, and it began to sink little by little.

However, while sinking, the power contained in this

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