The path was rugged and remote. The further the woman went, the more out of the way she went. At the end of the path was a barren garden.

Although it was spring, it still looked like a cold winter day. Ten thousand trees had withered, and the buildings were in ruins. The pavilion in the middle of the garden seemed to have not been refurbished for a long time.

Yi Xiang knew that he had taken the wrong path, but he was in no hurry to leave. Instead, he strolled into the abandoned pavilion, took out the handkerchief that had been tied to his lapel, and simply wiped the stone bench inside. He sat down.

It was very quiet here, as if it was far away from the hubbub.

She vaguely remembered that there was a deserted place like this on the university campus, a good place for lovers to hang out in. It was said that the medical academy had buried all the organs of the human body there, and gradually no one came to visit.

She would sit there all day, holding a drawing board, painting one sky after another in the abandoned garden.

Because he was in the abandoned garden, the eternally unchanging sky appeared even more spacious and distant, making people feel as if they were minuscule. No matter what they did, they would not be able to compare to the unchanging sky. It was just dust.

— — The Irishmen usually comforted themselves with this kind of theory.

As she was lost in thought, she suddenly became interested. She ran down the pavilion, broke off a branch that was as thick as a person's thickness, and squatted on the muddy ground. She placed the branch before her eyes and narrowed one eye.

"What are you looking at?" someone behind him asked.

"Look at the ratio." The man answered casually.

Startled, she turned around in a panic.

Very quickly, she bumped into a warm smiling face, soft and bright, with a golden split.

The branch in her hands fell to the ground with a thud.

"Pei Ruochen!" The lover, who rarely remembers names, calls out his name with unmistakable accuracy.

"Princess." Pei Ruochen replied lightly. He bent down to pick up the fallen branch from the ground and mimed what she had done. He held the branch in front of his eyes with one eye.

It was originally a clumsy move, but for some reason, when Pei Ruochen did it, it became indescribably elegant and moving.

Her lover just squatted there, not moving at all.

"Indeed, I can see different fields of vision." After Pei Ruochen had finished, she handed the branch over to her and politely asked, "Princess, are you playing alone? Why isn't there a maid following them? "

"I was planning to go to the Flower Hall …" Her lover spoke the truth.

"But the parlour is on the other side of the palace, and the princess is on the wrong side." Pei Ruochen gently corrected her mistake, and her eyes that were as gentle as water gently rippled.

Her lover felt like he was going to sink in.

"I know this is the wrong way." Suddenly, she didn't want Pei Ruochen to see her sorry state and didn't want him to think that she was stupid. She said without hesitation, "I knew this path was wrong from the very beginning."

Pei Ruochen looked at her with interest and asked, "Since that's the case, why does the princess still want to head in this direction?"

"It's just that I suddenly feel like I don't need to go to the parlour anymore." "At first, when I went to the Flower Hall, I wanted to bring Your Highness to my place, but when I saw the maidservant, I knew that there must be a lot of princesses in the Flower Hall. I couldn't take Your Highness away, and the others probably didn't want to see me either, so I decided not to go."

"So, you just happened to come here to play by yourself?" Pei Ruochen looked at her with interest and asked.

"Yeah." As she spoke, she raised her face and looked at him with a smile, "If I didn't come, why would I have seen you?"

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