Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 121 The Pasta Cult

Twenty minutes later.

Most of the motorcycle gangs who fell into a coma were first transported to the Rome branch building by the aftermath team for further detailed inspection.

And the lump of "spaghetti" was also put into a special container, escorted by technicians and elite security guards, and sent directly to the Paris research center a thousand kilometers away.

"Spaghetti" will have more professional researchers to conduct investigation and analysis, and draw detailed or general conclusions for rating.

But in the end, it was either sent to Rockford Island for control, or it was wiped out by the company because it was too dangerous.

Judging from the current data

This "spaghetti" is basically a non-threatening anomaly


At this time, the perimeter of the bar has been completely blocked.

Standing inside and outside the cordon are armed security guards disguised as police, and real police officers from the Rome City Police Department.

Residents living nearby, wearing their own casual clothes and even pajamas gathered outside the cordon, discussing what happened in the bar.

The reporters who "come after hearing the news" even took pictures or videos with high-definition devices.

After the filming and recording of the materials are completed, prepare an exaggerated report with the title and accompanying text, which are said to be unconstrained, but are actually nonsense.

But at this moment, the chief of the Rome City Police Department also arrived at the scene, and walked through the crowd to the main entrance of the bar, turned around and shouted to everyone:

"Everyone! Our police have arrested all the people who gathered to fight, and only a few people were slightly injured.

Our police station will announce the details of this case early tomorrow morning, so please don’t worry, our police will definitely protect your safety! "

"I just said that sooner or later those motorcycle gangs will have internal strife."

"No one was killed?"

"Go home, I'm too sleepy."

After listening to the director's narration, the residents began to disperse one after another.

After all, the residents know that this bar is the territory of the motorcycle gang. Now that they have received the "internal strife" among many speculations, they naturally lose interest and go home to sleep.

As for the key point that the reporters heard, the police will announce the case tomorrow.

The words on the scene are to let the masses know more about the case, but it is actually a warning to the reporters.

If these reporters really dare to fabricate and report cases for the sake of profit and fame, then the police and the government will usher in the investigation to the end.

Therefore, the reporters had no choice but to leave.

At the same time, the interior of the bar has become empty.

Fourteen members of Task Force 141, including Ghost and Xiaoqiang, are still in charge of the security work here, and several technicians are conducting final inspections.

By the bar.

Brea and three other intelligence agents were torturing the hedgehog.

However, before Breya and the others used unconventional torture methods, the hedgehog-head told the whole story very cooperatively.

"On August 29 this year, that is, in the early morning 56 days ago, the leftover pasta you ate suddenly communicated with you?"

Breya, who was standing in front of the hedgehog head, said with his hands on his hips, and there was a little disbelief in his expression.

"That's right! I really didn't lie! Really! It said that it is a creation god, and that it can satisfy my wish as long as I give it a drink!"

Hedgehog nodded quickly.

"And then?" another intelligence agent asked.

"Then I gave it a drink, who knew that guy lied to me! It doesn't know anything at all! It's a complete alcoholic!"

Speaking of which, the hedgehog's hair is broken. It seems that he should have been cheated of a lot of wine.

After the intelligence agent finished speaking, Breya, whose mouth twitched, continued to ask:

"After that, you used the talking spaghetti as a gimmick to confuse your motorcycle companions, and established a sect called the Pasta God, right?"

"It's not bewitching, is it?" Hedgehog explained: "That guy can say a lot of funny things when he's drunk, so I brought him to the gang to act as a mascot.

In fact, we gather here every week to drink and carnival. The Spaghetti God is just for our jokes. All the holy gods and holy places are fake.

As the mascot of our gang, you must never let the police get it. Who knew you would dare to shoot?

Our fate and its fate, which is more important, can still be clearly distinguished. "

"." After hearing Hedgehog's words, Brea and the other three intelligence agents were speechless for a while.

After a month of hard investigation, I applied for the highest level of support from the European branch.

But in the end, the actual answer I got turned out to be just a lump of talking spaghetti?


"Fortunately, it was just a farce." Brea said.

"Yeah." The intelligence agent who acted with her nodded and agreed: "At least no one will die because of it."

"Then. Let's take this guy to the Roman Building." Another intelligence agent offered.

"I have no objection." Brea said.

"Okay, let's go."


Holding the hedgehog heads, the two intelligence agents left the bar through the back door with the last few technicians and drove to the branch building in Rome.

At this time, staying in the bar, the intelligence agent who worked with Brea smiled and said: "I didn't expect to find a non-threatening abnormal creature after being nervous for a month.

Phew. It's finally coming to an end, all that's left is to write a report, but before that, do you want to have a cup of coffee together? Brea. "

"No need, drinking coffee too late is not good for your health." Brea shook her head and declined.

"Okay, then look forward to the next cooperation." The intelligence officer accepted it frankly.

"Me too." Brea responded with a smile.

After the conversation ended, the intelligence agent also left the bar through the back door, while Brea walked towards the ghost.

Coming to Ghost and Xiaoqiang, Breya thanked again: "Second Lieutenant, Sergeant, thank you 141 for your support, but I didn't expect this time to make a fuss."

"It's nothing." Ghost replied quietly.

"Second Lieutenant, everything has been dealt with, you can evacuate first." Brea said.

"Understood, Xiaoqiang, let's go." Ghost turned and left.

"." Xiaoqiang nodded in response.


Ghost, Xiaoqiang and other 141 people turned on the optical camouflage of the power armor, and disappeared from the bar in the "invisible" state.

And Brea also left the empty bar through the main entrance.

She knows that 141 needs to perform other tasks, but she won't ask, and she doesn't have the authority to know.

When I left the bar, it was already 01:12 in the morning.

There were no crowds watching outside the cordon.

The armed security guards disguised as police officers left one after another after being reminded by Brea and ordered by their superiors.

In the end, the real police officers who didn't know the details completely sealed off the bar as the "scene of the crime".

The current bar has been thoroughly "cleaned" by technical staff and the aftermath team. Even if someone violently breaks into the interior, it is impossible to find anything useful.

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