Chapter 1176 Clouds

Trial tower, ninth floor.

When the cloud began to look back, I found that the environment I was in was more pleasant.

There are many exotic flowers and trees, and there are many fruit trees, which are full of mature fruit, and they are bursting with strange fragrance.

This cargo is also welcome. After picking up a few cockroaches, I will smash it up. Anyway, I will not poison her.

Not to mention, the taste of these spirits is really good, the cloud has never known what it is called, and it is beginning to plug into the storage ring.

Maybe these spirits are not transformed by the formation, or else, she has also dug away the trees?

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought of it, took out the pickaxe, and began to dig the tree.

The spirit of hiding somewhere is simply mad!

Those fruit trees are real!

However, it still dare not go out, afraid to be caught by the cloud, if there is no shelter, the spirit is very weak, it is not the opponent of humans and monsters.

At the beginning of the cloud, a few Lingguo trees were dug in the storage ring, and they continued to move forward. There were pavilions and pavilions in the back, and there was a back garden.

Only, except for plants, there is no living thing.

The beginning of the cloud, the heart of the heart, do not know the **** instrumental spirit, this test set up for her test, I am afraid it will not be simple.

At the beginning of the cloud, he walked a few steps forward and suddenly saw a woman coming across from the opposite side. The cloud stood stiff and stood in the same place.

The eyes of the first cloud of the cloud are moist, and I know that this is probably the illusion of the spiritual setting, but she can't help but walk towards the woman.

The woman's face was deserted, and the eyebrows were cold and cold. After seeing the cloud, I picked up my eyebrows: "I want to have a meal, are you still alive? It seems that the living is not bad, and the thick cheeks can be mixed well!"

"Dear, hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, can't you say something nice? I told you that everything here is different from us. It's so fun, like this storage ring, there are so many things in it... ..." At the beginning of the cloud, he said that he was going to take the woman's arm.

"Go and go!" Although the woman screamed coldly, she still did not break the arm of the cloud, and her eyes became softer.

At the beginning of the cloud, she took the woman's arm to a gazebo. After the two sat down, the cloud was like a child, and began to show the woman something in the storage ring, as well as various spiritual attacks.

"Hey, don't look at me, these little purple needles are inconspicuous, but, look, after I order, they will burst open, is it quite like a dynamite? But this stuff is more environmentally friendly than the explosives! If it used to be If I have such a skill, I won't let you stop me from many dangers. I won't let you, let you..." Yunchu said that he couldn't go on, and fell on the table and burst into tears.

Yunxiao, the cold-smelling woman said faintly: "It’s just a stinking skin, and it’s nothing more than a scar on the body."

At the beginning of the cloud, I wiped a tear: "You know that I am not talking about this. If it is not the last time to help me, Yunling will not be mad with you, and you will not become so cold." ”

The expression of Yunxiao’s expression was slightly moved when he mentioned Yunling’s moment, but it only returned to the cold and clear appearance in a flash: “Xiaojiu, even if he didn’t help you, he will be separated from me because he is like that. There is only ambition in my heart, I am not suitable for him."

(End of this chapter)

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