Unlimited Apostle and The Twelve War Maidens

Chapter 1292: You can't enter this house! (Part 1)

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At this moment, when You Probe saw these Tianyi tribe native soldiers, he saw that Akiya had already come to these soldiers, bowed respectfully to these soldiers, and then said

Dear military masters, what can I do here?

The leading soldier with the wanted warrant in his hand heard the word and raised the wanted warrant in front of Akya and said

We were ordered to apprehend this fugitive, and now we are going to conduct a routine search here.

As soon as Akya saw the portrait of Aigil on the wanted order, her expression instantly became serious. "This novel was first published by the 07 Chinese website"

At this moment, You was also shocked, for fear that Akya would sell Aijir and herself.

After all, Akya and herself are just a fate, there is no reason to take the risk and hide Aigil.

However, Yu never expected that Akya smiled and said the second after seeing the wanted order

Military masters, it doesn't matter if you want to search here, but recently I have a child here who has "red scale disease", so for the sake of military masters, it is better not to enter the house. 』

The red scale disease that Akya said is an infectious disease spread among the Wingless and Tianyi tribes. Anyone who is ill will grow red-red ròu pieces that look like scales on their bodies, which look extremely permeating.

The native soldiers of the four Tianyi tribes heard the words, first looked at each other face to face, and they obviously flinched.

However, at this moment, the soldier who took the lead said arrogantly

``It's just a small red scale disease, don't touch things with your hands, it will be fine! You guys will go in and search for it!

When the other three soldiers heard the words, although their faces were reluctant, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and searched the farm because it was an order.

As for the lead soldier who gave the order, he naturally hid outside the farm and didn't go in.

Upon seeing this, Akya couldn't stop the native soldiers directly, and could only hope that they would shrink back in front of the wooden house where Ai Gil was hiding.

Soon, the soldiers searched all the main buildings of the farm, and then came to the wooden house where Ai Gil was hidden.

At this time, I saw Akiya hurriedly came to the wooden house and said to the three soldiers who were about to enter the house to search.

"Three military masters, wait! What's locked in this wooden house is the child with red scale disease. I think it is better not to go in, so as not to be infected.

When the three soldiers heard Akya's words, they immediately backed away, for fear that they would be infected through the air.

But at this moment, the soldier who took the lead suddenly shouted

"You guys went in one by one to see the other three soldiers heard the words, one by one you pushed me, I pushed you, and they were not willing to enter this wooden house.

After the three of them hesitated for a while, a native soldier was finally forced to come to the door of the wooden house due to his relatively low status, ready to open the door and check in.

However, just as the native soldier was about to open the door of the wooden house, I saw You suddenly opened the door and walked out of it.

When you came out, the soldier who was about to enter the house was directly scared back three feet. And the other three soldiers hurriedly flew back a long distance in fright.

You heard what Akiya said in it just now, and he had read many ancient books, so he naturally knew what this Chili Squama was.

As a result, Yuzhan came out and immediately blinked at Akiya, then said

"Xiao Ai's condition is not very satisfactory. It is better for us to stay away from this wooden house."

If you want to pretend, then pretend to be serious, and just scare the four soldiers to pee.

When Akya saw You blink, she immediately reacted, so she immediately entered the acting state and knelt on the ground with a puff, and then cried to You with tears.

"Xiao...Is Xiao Ai really hopeless?

Seeing Akya's flamboyant acting skills, You were stunned for a while, then shook his head very cooperatively, and replied

I have tried my best, and what we can do now is to keep anyone from approaching this wooden house so as not to be infected..." See the latest chapter on Baidu Souqi Chinese Net.

When Akya heard You's words, she immediately began to cry while wiping her tears and pounding the ground.

My little Ai!!! Your life is so bitter!!! Ouch~

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