At the wedding banquet, Wu Xiufen was very excited when she heard that Zhu Qing was going to interview her son. She took photos with Zhu Qing and showed off to her relatives and friends.

Just after the wedding banquet ended, she asked Yu Xiaoyu and found out that the reason why Zhu Qing wanted to interview Chen Hao was because Chen Hao donated 30 million!!!

Wu Xiufen was stunned when she heard the news!

First of all, she doesn’t quite believe that her son really has 30 million!

Secondly, even if she had 30 million, she didn’t quite believe that her son would just donate it!

So, she quickly found Chen Hao to verify the situation......

After learning that this incident was true, Wu Xiufen collapsed on the spot!!

Chen Hao smiled bitterly and shrugged, and said to Zhu Qing:"You should have seen......"

"This is the attitude of my family......"



Zhu Qing also looked embarrassed and signaled the cameraman to turn off his phone.

"Xiaohao, can we donate less? That’s 30 million. Thinking about it makes me feel sick......."Wu Xiufen said with a sad face

"All have been donated......"Chen Hao���Spread your hands

"Can I have it back? ? ?"

"Who did you donate to? Mom, go get it for you......"Wu Xiufen said seriously


"Or come back......"

Chen Hao shook his head

"You won't get a single point back? ? ?"Wu Xiufen asked


"You won't get a single point back!!"Chen Hao nodded with determination.

"Oh my god, I can't do it anymore. I really can't do it this time......."

"My blood pressure, my heart......"

Wu Xiufen grinned and almost shed tears

"Yes, Zhu Qing......"

"Isn't your show called"Zhu Qing Comes to Help"!!"

"Yes aunt."Zhu Qing nodded.

"So can you do me a favor? ?"Wu Xiufen asked

"Uh, you say? ?"

"Can you help me get back the 30 million my son donated? ?!"Wu Xiufen said



Zhu Qing was speechless.

"Reporter Zhu, that’s it for today’s interview. You’ve seen the situation. However, if you are willing to broadcast the content of the interview, just pick the one that can be broadcast earlier......."

Chen Hao said hello to Zhu Qing


Zhu Qing nodded, winked at the cameraman, and the two of them got out of the car.

"Son, where did you get so much money to donate?!"

"That’s 30 million. Your dad and I will never make that much money in our lifetime!!"

After Zhu Qing left, Wu Xiufen asked with a bitter face.

"Mom, don't get excited, listen to me......"

"Here's the thing, wasn't I promoted? In fact, the main reason why I was promoted was because I saved the life of the chairman of our group. In order to thank me, he not only promoted me, but also gave me some company shares......"

"So, I am not short of money at all now......"

"In addition, you don’t have to feel bad, Mom, that money was actually donated by me for our group, I don’t have to pay it myself!!"

In order to appease his mother Wu Xiufen, Chen Hao started talking nonsense again.

"real? ?"Wu Xiufen was doubtful.

"Of course......"

"Otherwise, how could I have so much money?......"Chen Hao patted his mother on the shoulder comfortingly:"Mom, actually I wanted to find a chance to tell you about this when I came back this time. I haven't lost time yet. In addition, I am going to give you and my dad Buy a house and buy a car for my dad......"

"Then, if you are willing to open your small supermarket, continue to open it. If you are not willing to open it, you can close it......."

After listening to her son's words, Wu Xiufen's overall condition improved a lot.

"Xiaohao, tell your mother the truth, how much money do you have now? ?"Wu Xiufen asked with a serious face.

"Not much......"

"Tens of millions......"Chen Hao still didn’t dare to tell the truth

"Tens of millions? ?"

"How many tens of millions is that? ?"

Wu Xiufen asked

"Probably, around 50 million......"Chen Hao thought for a while and said

"Fifty million......"

"My God, wouldn’t our family become a rich man?!"Wu Xiufen's face was filled with a bright smile.

Chen Hao smiled:"So, from now on, you and my dad can just enjoy themselves......."

"That is!!"

"We all have so much money, why don’t we just enjoy happiness!!

Wu Xiufen thought happily, and then suddenly slapped her thigh:"Xiao Hao, since you have so much money and a girlfriend, why don't you get married quickly? Then, your father and I can have grandchildren."......"

"This life is complete!!"

The more Wu Xiufen thought about it, the more beautiful she became, and then she slapped her thigh again:"Xiao Hao, how about you and Qinqin discuss it and get married after the New Year!!"

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