Emergency: I can't open it by force, please collect the new domain name Pineapple Head Two-Dimensional Godless King to get the ability to travel through each two-dimensional element. Nie Kong is eager to live unscrupulously. Digimon (end)——Cross and Vampire——IS——Demon Dad——Alchemy High School——Dragon Ball——Wagtail Goddess——Zero War Ji——Blood Devouring Rage——Dating Battle——Conan—— -Sniper-the inferior in the magic high school-box-Tokyo Ghoul! Liu Xia waved his bodyguard, Ye Qiu, a young man from the mountain village, came to the bustling city and became a personal bodyguard of the wealthy daughter. The story of a kind little bodyguard holding a beautiful woman. If you think "Close Bodyguard" is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to you and your friends on Weibo! British JK Rowling Harry Potter Complete Works "Harry Potter" series Chinese electronic version first! The award-winning, best-selling Harry Potter set of seven e-books around the world, with fascinating cover drawings from OllyMoss. Join the ranks of global readers and enjoy the magical world with unlimited imagination! The master of Lingshan Island is in Dragon Ball! Start choose All King Supernatural Power 【Feilu Novel.com exclusive contract novel: People in Dragon Ball! The opening selects all king magical powers] Fang Yun travels to the world of Dragon Ball, the opening god-level system is awakened, and he chooses god-level abilities. [Choice 1: Destroy the supernatural powers] [Choice 2: Angel supernatural powers] [Choice 3: Great priest supernatural powers] [Choice 4: All king supernatural powers] Fang Yun decisively chose the full king supernatural powers. Monkey King: Fang Yun, don't you need to practice? Vegeta: Damn it, Fang Yun is so strong in radio gymnastics all day long! Billus: Fang Yun, what do you mean by waving at me? Fang Yun: I really don't know how to fight, I'm just practicing erasure. Feilu Novels.com reminds you: This novel and the characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated. The more than 200 classic laws listed in Murphy's Law "Murphy's Law" compiled by Yang Zhixing are the essence extracted from the ever-changing life of people. The book summarizes the most classic laws, rules and effects in management, economics, psychology, life, education, career, family, and feelings. It scans the whole process of life in an all-round way, and gives us one after another to open up the wisdom. The key to the door lights up one after another to show the way. Grasping these laws has very important guiding significance for us to understand the nature of things, discover the laws of development of things, and solve multiple problems encountered in life and work. You can also use these magical laws and theorems to control your life and change your destiny. Gourd's portable space: Yan Xiaoshi, a genius doctor Xiaonong Queen's military doctor, traveled through the ancient sick and weak Yan Xiaosi. There is a mother who loves her, and three sisters who regard her as treasures. However, the mother called her son, and the three sisters called her fourth brother. When did she become a man? Reaching out, fortunately, there is everything that should be. It's just that the family is surrounded by disciples, this day is really difficult. Yan Xiaosi, whose eyes were dizzy with hunger, decided to make money to support the family and make her mother and three sisters beautiful. However, the wild man who picked it up easily got her back. "Si'er, I like you." Yan Xiaosi: "...I am a man." Wild man: "But I don't mind breaking my sleeve."

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