Chapter 30: Laziness

“Master Kurxiu, look there!” A veteran with forgiving short hair had never thought that he would see such a scene in his lifetime.

Kurxiu looked in the direction the veteran pointed.

“what is that?”

A iridescent giant sword exudes indescribable huge magic power, lying between the sky and the earth.

It is a great force that human beings can’t imagine.

That is the direction Qin Mo is heading away, is he going to use this to kill the beluga whale?

Kuerxiu found that he had completely underestimated Qin Mo’s strength. He should be happy or vigilant.

At least at this moment, I should be happy to be able to fight side by side with such a teammate.

Kurxiu came back to her senses and swung her well-known sword skill one hundred swords at the beluga whale in front of her. She wanted to do what she could do now.

The white whale swimming in the sky can no longer maintain a leisurely state.

When its pair of blood-red eyes caught the giant sword exuding amazing magic power, it desperately tried to avoid it.

But it was too late, and the huge blood-red eyes of the “Beast of Fog” that had been raging in the world for more than four hundred years revealed humanized fear.

That is different from the previous destructive power at the dimensional level. The strong skin of the white whale, the excellent magic resistance, and the bottomless endurance have all lost their meaning.

“Aung Aung Aung——————”

The screams resounded across the entire plain, and the powerful impact from the collision turned into a bursting wind, blowing away all the fog.

The white whale’s body like a mountain turned into two halves and fell from the blue sky.


The huge sound of falling to the ground echoed in the plain again.

The bodies of the remaining two beluga whales also became transparent, and disappeared.

The crusade team was victorious, but no one cheered for the first time, and everyone stood there blankly.

Is this really something that humans can do?

No, only ghosts and gods can do this kind of thing.

No one wants to believe that the abyss-like gap torn in the great plain was caused by humans.

No one wants to believe that the beluga whale, which is like a natural disaster, was killed by a single sword.

Qin Mo brought them too much incredible.

Can a Juggernaut be so strong? Most people think no.

Reinhardt has always used his power carefully, for fear of irreversible damage.

Most people on the crusade team still lack an intuitive impression of the top combat power.

So today, Qin Mo’s sword refreshed the three perspectives and showed the realm that humans can reach.

“It’s amazing! Qin Mo, I’m starting to regret why I didn’t include you in my camp earlier.” Kuerxiu looked at the returning Qin Mo and sighed like this.

“Where did Emilia and Rem go?” Qin Mo twitched his nose twice and found that the breath of the two people was already far away from here, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

“Before they said they were searching for the wounded.”

“Master Kuerxiu! Master Emilia, she… The Witch Cultist…” A man lying on the back of the earth dragon and covered in wounds brought news of Emilia.

“Qin Mo, if you need support, I would be happy to…” Kuerxiu stopped her words because she found that Qin Mo had disappeared before her eyes.

Although Qin Mo had previously guessed that Laziness would try to test Amelia, he didn’t expect that it would come so quickly when he was facing the white whale.

Even if Pettchius came in person, with the strength of Emilia and Rem, it wouldn’t be enough for such a short time!

By the way, Emilia is an elven warlock, and Rem is a ghost.

Qin Mo finally realized that this is probably, possible, maybe, as if, as if, as if, in fact, it is really his own pot!

Unexpectedly, he would dug a hole for Emilia and Rem by himself.

“Master Emilia! Master Emilia!”

Like Rem’s voice, the silver-haired half-elf slowly regained consciousness, and it seemed that he and Rem were attacked by the Witch Cult while searching for the wounded.

Emilia opened her eyes in a daze. This is a dark and damp cave.

His hands and feet were locked by chains and shackles, and behind him was a hard rock.


Emilia whispered the name of the blue-haired maid, and Rem was locked beside her.

“Sir Emilia, it’s great that you woke up!” The blue-haired maid gave a relieved smile.

After waking up in this place, Rem felt that she could become a ghost, and now she could easily break the shackles on her hands and feet.

But she didn’t do anything extra, because she smelled the violent stench not far away, which was even more disgusting than ordinary Witch Cultists.

In other words, the previous self will definitely choose to break the shackles and go desperately with those witches!

But it doesn’t work now, Master Emilia is still here, and I only need to ensure Master Emilia’s safety before Master Qin Mo finds here.

“Oh! Witch! Finally…finally…have you finally woken up?” A voice full of joy and madness reached Emilia’s ears.

This was a skinny man, so thin that only skin and bones were left, and his dark green hair was dry and lifeless.

If there is no such pair of crazy eyes that seem to protrude from the eye sockets, some people may only think that this is a weak person.

“Ah ah ah —- —- fantastic”

“This beautiful silver hair!”

The green-haired man put a finger of his right hand into his mouth.


He gnawed up hard with his teeth.

“This charming face!”


He didn’t care about the flesh and blood hanging on the corner of his mouth and the gnawed finger, and sent another finger into his mouth.

“You can’t go wrong!”


“You are the noble witch!”


“You are love–love love love love love love–”

Dark cave, crazy man.

“I’m love? Are you a witch’s cultist?” Seeing the creepy scene before her, Emilia didn’t flinch at all, looking directly at the madman in front of her.


The madman hugged his body with his hands and kept twisting, tears flowed from his eyes.

Then he quickly walked back a few steps, turned to face Emilia, and bowed his waist respectfully and politely.

He only raised his head and looked at Emilia lovingly.

“I am the Great Sin Secretary of the Witch’s Cult! Be lazy! Pettigius Romanikandi!”

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