End of this testimonial

Finally finished, it is not easy.

I’m too hard.

Of course, it is more difficult to chase the readers of this book, especially those who have been chasing the book since the early days.


When I finish writing a book, I can finish all three books.

Originally I was going to be cruel to the end in August, but the Chinese New Year was procrastinated and procrastinated.

As a web author, such an update is obviously unqualified.

But I’m lazy! There is no way to fight back the handicap.

Even if you say crane pigeon pigeon, or not without pigeon, there is no stand to refute it.

After all, I broke the trust of the readers first.

Even later, it was completely released for self-renewal.

It’s not easy to get to the end.

To be honest, if I chase after myself, there is a high probability that I will give up.

Some readers are really good and have always supported me, feeling that they are not worthy of such good readers.

The goal of the next book is to keep updating, even one chapter a day.

Yes, new books will be written.

I’m a person with a surplus of brains, and I always want to write a little bit of balance, but if I write it, I will die a lot of brain cells, and if I want to write it well, I will die more.

But I have decided to struggle to write a novel for more than ten years until I become a middle-aged man who is so smart that he is bald.

This book is really a real debut, and when I look at it now, there are indeed many problems.

When I first wrote it, I really didn’t understand anything.

In the later period, I wanted to change it too late, so I had to go with the flow and go one way to the dark.

Then Unlimited Seeing Jigu became its current shape.

I don’t know what the author is like.

That’s it anyway.

I can’t help Qin Mo anymore, so this book is over.


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