Chapter 98-Reflex Warlock

Dutara Youyi was stuffing chocolate in her mouth, watching Qin Mo’s interaction with Fengji Rinna coldly.

Some aspects of this newcomer are still quite good in the eyes of Dodara Youyi.

Whether it was the bastard Wallenstein or the clown Hiraga Lingquan, he killed them mercilessly.

But there are also some things that are not so pleasing to the eye, he really likes the Japanese style festival Rinna’s kind of eldest lady’s house wine that doesn’t even have a brain.

She really didn’t get along with a professional killer like her.

Well, forget it, what does this have to do with her ruthless Dutara Youyi?

I, Totara Yuyi, a professional killer, cold, not emotional.


Ms. Dutara Yuyi, who was cold and affectionate, suddenly yelled.

Because she discovered that Qin Mo was attacking her suddenly, the last time Qin Mo rushed to Pinghe Lingquan without warning, and then the pesky clown was split in half with a sword.

No, it’s not without warning, at least Pinghe Lingquan even said Qin Mo.

But she is just standing here to eat snacks. Is there anything that gets him in the way?

She had to come over and kill herself, but she wouldn’t catch it all.

“Have a full meal! “Centipede”! ”

Tatara Yuyi smiled grimly, revealing her chain-saw-shaped spirit outfit “Ground-grabbing Centipede”, and pulled up the starter rope.

Along with the hum of the engine, the blades, like centipede’s slender feet, began to rotate at a high speed.

At the same time, she was also ready for her sword-cutting skill, and once Qin Mo really attacked, she would make him pay the price.

Very fast, Qin Mo has appeared in front of her.

The goal is to the right side!

Although Duodaliang Youyi’s body cannot keep up with Qin Mo’s speed, as long as her eyes can catch Qin Mo, then she can return Qin Mo’s attack to him.

That’s right, Tatara Youyi is a reflection warlock, this type of swordsman can reflect all attacks back.

The stronger the enemy’s attack power, the stronger the reflection power.

Usually the method of defeating this kind of warlock head-on is to make the attack speed exceed the reaction speed of the reflection warlock in order to avoid the reflection.

But Tatara Yui’s concentration and dynamic vision are outstanding, and it is almost impossible to hide her eyes with speed.

From the day she was born, she was destined to be a killer and began to receive killer education.

From the day of her third birthday, her biological father began to assassinate her non-stop.

She has never had a good night’s sleep, and it is possible that a bullet will be shot at her somewhere at any time.

More than ten years of such a life has caused her thick dark circles to never disappear, and her dynamic vision has been exercised to Ultimate.

Whether it’s gunshots, slashes, explosions, magic… she can bounce it back.

As long as Qin Mo attacked her, she would activate the knife-cutting skill “complete reflection”, giving him a surprise.

bring it on!

Duodaliang Youyi was expecting Qin Mo’s first blow in her heart.

However, what did she see?

That bastard snatched all the chocolate in her pocket, not one left!

“It’s so sweet!”

Qin Mo sighed while chewing on the chocolate.

She has never seen such a brazen person.

But she was still relieved, Qin Mo’s goal wasn’t just her life.

She can’t die yet, at least not now.

After all, that is someone who can defeat the “Devil”, and she can’t guarantee that Qin Mo can break through her “complete reflection.”

“That’s it, the target of the “Evil King True Eye” is the “non-turning” dark spirit. ”

Feng Ji Rinna walked to Qin Mo’s side.

Qin Moshun took a piece of chocolate to her, and Feng Ji Rinna gladly accepted it.

You take a piece for two people, and I ate it sweetly.

“Shut up! You two bastards!”

Tatara Yui finally couldn’t help it.

“Rinna! Aren’t you the eldest lady? Why do you eat so hard to eat such cheap chocolate!”

“Kuku Kuku…” “Non-turning” cherished things taste differently. “Fuji Rinna said triumphantly.

“Why do you like chocolate so much?”

Duodaliang Youyi heard Qin Mo say such a thing.

“Why tell you!”

After all, the two talents had just met. Judging from Qin Mo’s behavior, Duoduoliang Youyi could hardly trust him.

“Just because I am better than you, although I don’t know why, you should have a strong desire to survive at this stage, right?” Qin Mo looked at Duoduoliang Youyi maliciously.

Duodara Yuyi felt a bit bitter in her heart. She really didn’t expect to be threatened by others like this one day, just to ask her why she likes to eat chocolate.

It’s not a big deal, at best, it’s just being laughed at by Rinna.

She was born in a family called “The House of Dark Hell”, and everyone in this family is a killer.

Tatara Yuyi was also raised as a killer in this way.

The family has a long history, which is said to be more than a thousand years old, but since signing a contract with Rebellion, it has been assisting Rebellion in its operations.

This group of people will accept the practice from birth, just to become first-class killers.

Killing training, torture resistance training, latent training and adaptation training.

After going through all the training, it is the choice.

Was locked in a secret room, and killed each other with the people who had shared ups and downs until the last one was left.

During the training, she did not have any recreational activities at all, all the time was used for training, even eating would be poisoned every three days.

Her only joy at the time was to get a chocolate as a reward whenever the task was successfully completed.

Perhaps these chocolates were nothing to other children, but they were the motivation for her to live.

“That’s the reason, it’s boring, right?”

“No, “Don’t turn” Do you want to be my follower? This “demon eye of twilight” is the source of the darkness of Huangquan. I lodge this on my body to naturally accommodate all darkness. ”

Kazeki Rinna walked towards Tatara Yuyi, her eyes full of sincerity.

When the maid Charlotte heard Rina Kazeki’s speech, she almost broke her teeth and looked at Tatara Yuyi with extremely terrifying eyes.

At this time, she didn’t even act as a translator.

“She is probably saying if you want to work for her, she can accept you.” Qin Mo looked at Duoduoliang Youyi meaningfully, “I think this is also a good choice. As far as I know, “Dark Prison” “Home” has actually fallen, isn’t it? ”

A faint emotion flashed in Dutara Yuyi’s eyes, but it was quickly erased by her.

“No! No matter how I set foot on this crooked road, I still depend on other people’s lives to eat. I want to be a normal person when my family is down? It’s shameful, I will not do it!”

“Anyway, I’m still the one who took the lives of others for a piece of chocolate. I can’t even atone for it, because I don’t feel any guilt about killing people.”

“I want to live like a wild dog, and die by the side of the road!”

“In this way, at the very last moment, I’m still the killer of the “House of Hell”. As long as I follow through to the end, I can probably be proud of this humble job! ”

The self has been set, and the soul has been built!


Qin Mo walked to Duoduoliang Youyi and looked at the eyes that seemed to be awake.

“Are you stupid?”

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