Unloved: The Abandoned Beauty

Chapter 11 - 11: Them again!!

Keeping up with Bobo was extremely difficult, especially with Colette's current physique.

By the time Bobo stopped Colette was trailing behind completely out of breath, huffing and puffing as she arrived at the tree that Bobo hung from. Cursing internally for being so frail at this age.

Bobo made no reaction to her arrival and continued to look around searching for something. He stopped searching and focused his gaze on an area not far from the tree. Unclear about whether she should call out to him or leave him be and she looked at the direction that Bobo was looking. As she was doing so, she heard the screeches again, they were much louder than before too!

'Is this the reason he wanted to bring here, to investigate the screeching?' Colette assumed, despite being in a different lifetime it seems that they still had a connection and a mutual understanding of things. She looked in the same direction of Bobo and she noticed two very familiar figures struggling to forcefully shove something dark into a jute sack.

'It was them again!!' seeing the two again alarmed Colette as she concluded that the thing they just put into the sack was a chimp. They had attempted a few days ago to capture Bobo using a trap and thus, would definitely do it again.

At this juncture Bobo climbed down the tree and pulled on her ragged clothes urging her to help that chimp. However, Colette was in a dilemma as she would definitely not be able to defeat one of the men let alone both of them. She would of course help if it was within her power...

'At times like this, if brute force doesn't work then it's time to use the brain!' deciding to rely on intelligence Colette follows the retreating men.

After a while of patiently trailing them back to their hideout, Colette was left in shock by the location.

In her previous life, she had relied on the equipment and materials from this very place in order to smoothly live in the wilderness, even with the challenges. Now, it turns out that she had been using things that the traffickers had left behind!

Despite the shocking revelation Colette had to remind herself to concentrate on the task at hand. The setup their hideout was almost the same as what she remembered, looking around she found that they had caught three other chimps. More specifically, young chimps!

'It must be that it's easier to make them submissive and less likely to rebel after being "educated".' Colette muttered silently.

Devastatingly, they were locked in a small cage with limited space to even move around. It appalled Colette that they had caught another chimp and it would also be put into a similar cage if not the same one. The cage with the three chimps was under a table as if to hide them, to which Colette found it to be pointless as there are no authorities on the island to apprehend them.

At most it would be out of the sight of the chimps that swing from the the trees as the they would only get the top view of a table. Believing that it's simply a strange human product whilst unknowingly their young are under the table

At the sight of this Colette started to consider how she could save the four chimps in her current state. After much pondering, she came to the conclusion that she would target them one by one during the night when they are most vulnerable. Colette was not concerned about hidden traps or getting around the small layout of their hideout as she had actually familiarised herself to them in her past life, overlooking this small detail.

Colette decided to retreat from the area to think of a secure plan that would not put her life at risk. During Colette's observation she found that the men had two firearms in one of three gazebo tents. The danger level of this rescue mission had just increased, getting a slightly closer look one of the firearms seemed to actually be a tranquilliser rifle!!

'This is perfect! I won't need to do anything too difficult, most likely, I'll just steal the guns and shoot the men with the tranquilliser darts. That should put them for a few days.' taking one last glance at the positioning of the equipment and tents Colette hurriedly left the area.

Without Colette noticing Bobo had already started making his way back to the nest before her.

Colette returned later that night...

jute sack - more commonly known as a gunnysack

Chimps build beds which are called nests.

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