Unloved: The Abandoned Beauty

Chapter 5 - Traffickers!?!

Upon seeing her utopia again, Colette couldn't help but run out and circle a few trees that she used to build her shelter with, they were the pillars of her shelter.

Colette continued to excitedly run around checking out the previous location of her home. It looked much more spacious than before.

'Hmm probably because I didn't know how to build a shelter.' *shrugs*

The shelter Colette built previously was beginner level.

Having no idea on how to properly expand her shelter, she randomly added on parts which resulted in her shelter wasting a lot of valuable space.

Especially since she had the tendency to get a little too creative, she definitely got carried away and added random extensions.

"Hahaha..." Colette chuckled to herself dazedly whilst standing in the shadow of a tree, reminiscing the past and her antics when she tried to follow from her memory what Byung Man had done. However, to no avail it took her several weeks to build her shelter successfully... well, it was completed and somewhat similar to what she saw online.

In reality, her initial shelter had a terrible foundation which later caused the shelter to collapse on Colette. This gave her a few nasty bruises, luckily she it was mostly palm tree leaves since she was unable to cut any trees at that time (too weak).

Colette continued to look about the surroundings when ... SNAP!!

She whipped her head in the direction of the sound, what she saw caused to be completely horrified and speechless.

It was a young chimp, it had been caught in a trap! But what was a trap even doing on the island?!?

That didn't matter right now, Colette's priority was to get the chimp out of the trap cage, she tried approach carefully as to not scare the young chimp.

The poor thing had no idea what was happening and was busy munching on the bait...

Colette only needed to unhook the trap door and the chimp would be able to escape.

Just as Colette was close enough to unhook the trap door- *Shuffle*

"HAHAHA! You reckon' we caught one those lil things?"

"I bet we did, didn't you hear trap going off before??"

"Yeah, course I did but it better not be another ruse like the one before."

At the sound of other people looking for the trap, it alarmed Colette. She swiftly unhooked the trapped and tried to get the chimp to out of it. Though it was quite difficult because the little chimp was still busy munching on the bait, completely ignorant to it's own dilemma...

She carefully got the chimp out, however, it made an alarmed screech which alerted the men! Colette covered the chimps mouth and tried to run away, looking for a somewhere to hide behind.

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