Section 3: Witches of Lapis, a Local City

Translated by AmaLynne


The girl’s name seems to be Anna.

She is the daughter of a doctor’s family outside the center of town.


「So, what kind of flowers do you want?」

「Mama favorite flower!」

「So what is it?」


When I asked Anna-chan, she looked puzzled.


「I don’t know.」


「I have no idea.」

「You don’t even know what kind of flowers you’re asking for?」

「Un. I thought Master Faust will know.」

「There’s no way…」


That shit old man… No, master could have used her clairvoyance to see past it.

Of course, I can’t do that trick.


「I’m sorry Anna-chan, sis, I’m still too inexperienced to find it in one shot like Master.」

「I see. But that’s okay, cheer up.」



I remembered something that stuck with me, but anyway, I had to derive the answer from the hints now.

We decided to go to Anna-chan’s house.


Lapis is a provincial city with a population of about 100,000.

It is not small, not inconvenient, reasonably peaceful, and easy to live in.

On the outskirts of that city are the Witch Forest and my master’s house.


「Oh, Meg, are you running errands again?」

「Yes, something like that.」

「Sis Meg, are you working?」

「That’s right…」

「Meg-chan, how rare to see you here at this hour. I made fried potatoes. Want some?」

「Thanks, Auntie. Can I have one for her, too?」



Many people in this town are friendly.

Whether you are a stranger or a witch, they are easy to get along with and accept you.

The brick city is in harmony with the greenery, the nature and the river are clean, and the air is clean.


I live in such a town.


As we were walking along, both of us munching on fried potatoes, I noticed Anna-chan staring at me intently.


「What’s up?」

「Sis, you must be famous.」

「That’s right. After all, I am a disciple of Faust, the Seven Sage.」

「The Seven Sage?」

「The seven smartest people in the world.」


In this world, there are beings who deviate from『human』beings, such as witches and wizards.

They are collectively called mages.


Among them, there are seven beings called『Sages』who are officially recognized by the International Magical Association.

They are the Seven Sages.

My master,『Faust the Eternal Witch』, is one of them.


Since ancient times, witches have used their powers for the benefit of others, and people have given them gifts as a token of their gratitude.

In this way, witches and people have maintained a long-standing relationship.

That is why the master is respected by many people in the city.

All kinds of people rely on her.


「Will you be like Master Faust someday?」

「Of course―――」


I am… going to be.

If I hadn’t died, I’m sure I could have, someday.

I would have been an amazing witch, adored by everyone.


Why am I dying?

Who in the world put the curse on me?

I have no idea, and I will probably die without knowing anything.

There is nothing real about it.


「Ahh―, damn it!」

「Whoa! You scared me.」

「Anna-chan, enough of this dark talk, let’s get going!」

「When was the last time we had a dark conversation?」

「Oh, we haven’t done that at all, if I think about it! Don’t worry about the details!」

「Sis, you’re weird.」

「I was born that way!」


I have always hated thinking about troublesome or painful things.

I’m not good at worrying.

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