Uplifting Journey

Chapter 531 Extra Story-1-076 Abnormality of Different Painting Styles, Distortion and Differentiati

The speed-sweeping field transformed into a wide-area detection mode fed back the rough conditions of various regions on the mainland. Wen Wen found that such abnormal monsters appeared in almost all places where humans existed.

"This kind of monster gives people the feeling, is this also a product of magic power? It always feels a bit weird." Wen Wen, who was falling at a high speed, subconsciously took out her dagger with many abilities solidified, and her figure flashed when she saw the situation clearly It disappeared in mid-air, and at almost the same moment, the tall and thin monster that appeared in the entire city was torn into pieces by the invisible sharp blade.

However, Wen Wen, who slaughtered monsters in the entire city at high speed with the help of her speed-grazing ability, stopped on the roof of a building with an ugly face. The Witch of the enchantment is far behind.

However, these monsters have the special ability to devour human emotional activities. Wen Wen just brushed past many monsters at high speed before, and felt that her mind was shrouded in cold air, and almost fell into a state of dead silence that she didn't want to move.

Before Wenwen could breathe a sigh of relief, a large number of monsters similar to those before appeared again out of thin air in the urban area, and this time, there was a strange geometric figure like a five-pointed star that looked much stronger and slowed down surrounded by many monsters. slowly emerge from the air.

The moment the uncomfortably asymmetrical geometry appeared, the white mist visible to the naked eye spread in all directions along with the turbulent cold wave.

Like a black hole devouring all energy, the temperature of the material around the geometric body dropped rapidly towards absolute zero. At the same time, after a short period of ice, a large area of ​​the building collapsed towards the west like a sandcastle hit by a tsunami.

In the area where even the light began to gradually dim, it seemed that even the kinetic energy of the matter following the rotation of the earth was swallowed up by the strange geometry. Not only were countless buildings collapsing and moving towards the west in an orderly manner, even the entire land began to vibrate violently .

Wen Wen gritted her teeth and broke free from the highly targeted psychic attack caused by looking directly at the geometry. She held the dagger back and was about to take action, but found that her eyes blurred and she returned to the mid-air hundreds of meters high.

The keen perception allowed Wenwen to understand the situation in an instant - judging from the changes in the surrounding space, her consciousness should have returned to the time point when she was just transferred from the magician's headquarters.

It should be that the actions of the awakened members of the League of Magicians on the upstream timeline began to affect her, and the shock of the timeline touched the passive effect of the embedded mode on her body.

Wenwen looked around and saw that the city below that should have been dilapidated in the wailing was now in a complete and orderly appearance, but ordinary people have already sensed that something is wrong, and they are starting the evacuation plan for emergency transfer.

And in the sky above the city, a figure that is so fast that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye is dragging a dark red hot trail to circle back, beheading the tall and thin monster that just appeared in the ring-shaped sonic boom cloud that exploded from time to time. The aftermath still made the city buildings tremble, and countless glass cracked and shattered as it passed by.

Wen Wen, who naturally fell to the roof of the building before, followed the superman-like figure with her eyes, and then saw the figure that had emptied the monster in the city rise sharply, drew an arc and landed vertically on her around.

"Sayaxiang" looked at the blue-haired girl surrounded by high temperature, Wen Wen frowned and said, "What happened, where did those monsters come from?"

"Huh" Sayaka, who was covered in burn marks all over her body, exhaled in the hot air that cracked the cement. She glanced at the distorted air around her, and then said seriously to Wen Wen, "If I remember correctly, these It should be a monster. After Madoka's sacrifice, the replacement of the witch appeared in the world line, should they be regarded as the memory of the flame demon?"

Taking advantage of the gap before the new monsters appeared, Sayexiang, who deliberately chose to clean up this area, quickly explained the current situation to Wenwen——

Wenwen, who stayed in the world time, didn't realize how many things happened in the previous round of tsunami-like time shocks, but for awakened people like Sayaka and the others, the state of the world has changed many times.

The monsters that appear here are all types Xiaomeiyan encountered before becoming a demon. It should be the result of the domain controlled by the flame demon approaching the world line here after Yuanshen was weakened, and began to interact with this side——

I don’t know if Sayaka’s temptation stimulated her before, but the development of the Magician’s Union will help the Flame Demon to draw power from the stalemate with Yuanshen to seize power, and now this kind of penetration will force the development of the Magician’s Union to speed up. Speed ​​up, she stretched out her hand here. Although the timing is a bit surprising, it is not too surprising after all.

In any case, the power of the ring principle has only shifted but not disappeared. After the magician alliance grows, it should gradually take over Yuanshen and fight against the flame demon. They have already made a plan for this situation.

What really caught the League of Magicians by surprise and powerless was the simultaneous occurrence of anomalies at every time point of every world line under its control—a large number of anomalies with problematic styles and sources.

More importantly, the situations that appear on each world line are still changing randomly. Some anomalies are still within the scope of the Union of Magicians, such as the witching of a large number of unawakened people, but others are things that they are completely unprepared for. it's -

Global-scale earthquakes, tsunamis and severe climate changes brought about by geomagnetic reversals. Asteroid clusters with unreasonable trajectories falling from the sky. Biochemical viruses sweeping the world. The sudden arrival of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Xiao Meiyan, who was originally a magical girl, even if she has seized some authority from the circle, even if she has her own domain close to this side, she should not directly penetrate the defense line of the Magician Union because of the limited way of power interference. Distorting the world line into a messy appearance is obviously different from Wen Wen's partially verified high-dimensional life force operation method.

But the fact is that with the approach of the flame demon domain, these abnormal interferences that are not based on the black box of magic power and are beyond the prediction scope of the alliance's inner power to the theory of the ring are constantly pouring out.

Looking down from a higher dimension, it can be seen that this bundle of fractured world lines, which are originally highly convergent and overlapped, extremely similar between parallel worlds, and close to a ring, except for the start and end points torn apart by invisible forces, every time node begins to disintegrate Differentiated, collapsed in different directions under the erosion of a large amount of external force.

This has caused many awakened people with insufficient experience and quality to suffer serious injuries due to the differentiation of the low-dimensional body along with the world line. Even some awakened people with low qualifications have their high-dimensional consciousness collapsed and died in this drastic change. The personnel have now all attacked, and gradually cleared abnormal variables from the starting point of the time axis of each world line, and worked hard to adjust the scattered state of the world line.

Although their efforts have maintained the existence of the League of Magicians, if they want to contain the wildly divided world line like a wild horse, then I don't know how much energy is needed——

The divergence of many world lines far exceeds the limit of the activities of the alliance members in that world line - although many anomalies occur around the earth and humans, some anomalies even spread beyond the Milky Way, unless the magic power of the entire alliance is mobilized Distorting the world line one by one from the macroscopic perspective, otherwise relying on the power and technology currently possessed by the low-dimensional body to interfere is completely powerless.

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