
“Can the anchor not be funny, the sip of water I just drank and all squirted out.”

“The anchor told us through his own experience that ideals are beautiful and reality is cruel.”

“There is meat and water, but there is no pot. Oops, no, I’m already lying on the ground laughing. ”

“My King has exposed his side as a senior tease.”

“Dude who just said that the water spray, alas, don’t mention it, I’m cleaning the instant noodles on the computer screen of the Internet café.”

Wang Chao, who changed the style of painting, made the audience happy, and a group of people ridiculed Wang Chao without heart and lungs, which made Wang Chao very sad.

“Why are you so ruthless, don’t anyone pity me?” Wang Chao said indignantly.

However, it is not useful.

The more he resembles an angry little widow, the happier the audience in the live broadcast room is.

Seeing this, Wang Chao could only roll his eyes helplessly.

But…… It’s not that he can’t help it.

Carrying wolf meat, he plucked many broad leaves from the lush trees around him. Everyone thought that Wang Chao had given up wolf meat and was ready to eat these leaves.

“My King, is this going to change from a carnivore to a herbivore?”

“I was still thinking about eating meat just now, but now I want to gnaw leaves, the reality is not too cruel.”

“Brothers, let’s quietly accompany the anchor to dinner.”

“Laugh at my king.”

Wang Chao put these leaves on the ground, then put the wolf meat on the leaves, then took out the water bag and poured some water on the ground, and the soil that was already wet became more RouRuan.

I saw Wang Chao stuffed his hands into the soil, dug out a pair of Shirun soil, and then slowly pinched it with his hand, and used this soil to squeeze out a pot.

After that, he found a few large stones, fixed the earthen pot on the ground, and then put the leaves on the ground one by one in the earthen pot, completely covering the inside of the earthen pot.

“Hmph, do you think I can’t eat meat and drink soup without a pot? Figure-breaker Tucson like. Wang Chao snorted coldly.

When the audience saw him, he made a pot out of his kung fu for a while, and they were all amazed. However, some people questioned: “I have to admit that the anchor’s technology of using soil to make pots is good.” However, there is a problem, the pot made by the anchor must not be able to transfer a lot of heat, and if it is put on the fire to bake, the pot will easily break, and the previous work will be lost. ”

Barrage is right.

The earthen pot produced in this way cannot be directly placed on the fire to bake, otherwise it is easy to crack. However, Wang Chao had no intention of putting this earthen pot on the fire and roasting it.

He went back to the cave and took some hay, then found a large pile of fairly dry firewood and many, many small stones, raised a fire, and cut the wolf meat into pieces by the way.

The fire soon burned.

Wang Chao slowly put these small stones in the fire, while constantly adding firewood to the fire.

“Now, I’ll teach you a way to make hot soup in the wild.” While operating, Wang Chao explained to the audience, “In the wild, there is definitely no such thing as pots and pans. However, human wisdom is infinite. Many ancestors left us many ways to cook soup in the wild. For example, with cans or mineral water bottles. ”

“If you can, just burn it directly on the fire. If you have to pay attention to mineral water bottles. Plastic is certainly not something that burns directly on a fire. We have to pay attention to the distance, let the mineral water bottle slowly absorb the heat, and boil the water inside. However, I don’t have cans and bottles of mineral water around, so I have to use another method, which is what everyone sees now. ”

“There are a lot of such wide leaves in the forest, so let’s get a little of these leaves, and then use whatever soil to make a pot shape, and then put the leaves in it, remember, you must put more, you must not leak.” Next, find a bunch of small stones about the size of this, preferably round. ”

Wang Chao found the stone for everyone to see. The stones are oval in shape, about the size of a thumb.

“After the fire is made, when the fire grows, we put these stones into the fire, let the stones absorb the heat of the fire, and then we wait.”

Wang Chao paid attention to the stones in the fire, and after about ten minutes, Wang Chao used two Shi trunks to clip out the stones and put them in the earthen pot. Seven or eight seconds later, he picked up another stone and put it in, and at the same time clamped out the stone that had been put in the earthen pot before.

“Repeat the action I am doing now, constantly replacing the stone that has dissipated the heat in the water with a stone full of heat, and then it is time to witness the miracle.”

In about ten minutes, the audience was surprised to find that the water in the earthen pot was really boiling!

“Groove! Is this Nima OK? ”

“66666, I really obeyed.”

“Divine skill, this anchor ability can really be, has been concerned, road turn fan.”

The water is boiling, but it’s not over.

Wang Chao put the small pieces of meat wolf that had been cut earlier into the water one by one, and put the bitter vegetables into it, and then continued the previous action, constantly replacing the stones with heat.

Although it was very laborious and not easy to cook, but the effort paid off, under Wang Chao’s persistence and the audience’s expectations, the wolf meat was finally cooked.

“Haha, ripe.” Wang Chao took a bite and said excitedly: “This should be the most delicious food I have eaten since I came here.” Although it tastes a little weird. ”

Wolf meat is actually not delicious.

But for Wang Chao, coming to this world for so many days, being able to eat such a meal here and live safely is more beautiful than anything else.

“Audience friends, let’s eat fragrant wolf meat stewed bitter vegetables, drink stone soup, and enter MeiMiao’s Zhou Gong world together.”

It was already completely dark.

Wang Chao looked at his watch, it was already past 10 o’clock at night.

This day was a long day for him, like a lifetime.

From birth to death, and back from the dead.

That’s how life goes up and down.

Facing the camera, Wang Chao said goodbye to the audience.

“I don’t dare to break into the dragon frame at night, it’s ten o’clock now, and our live broadcast today is here.” Next, the anchor will go to the Fishman River inside the Shenlong Shelf, and then build a boat from there and float out of the Shenlong Shelf. Okay, audience friends, good night. ”

Wang Chao lay on the hay and closed his eyes.

The drone was mobilized by him in the middle of the entrance to the cave to prevent him from hearing the movement as soon as something else came in.

It was his first night on the Shenlong Rack.

It will also be his first step towards becoming a legend.

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