Wang Chao had already peeled the peel outside.

He held some sticky pulp, looked at the barrage, sighed to the camera, and said helplessly: “You guys, this is really a wild fruit that tastes good, why don’t you believe it?” ”

“Stop talking nonsense, eat quickly.”

“I bet on five cents, the anchor is scared.”

“Anchor, don’t delay time, hurry up and eat.”

“Eat! Eat! ”

Wang Chao really started eating.

The flesh of cat poop is actually similar to the flesh of Xiangqiao, and it is a little different when bitten into the mouth, and the taste is sese, but it is very delicious.

Wang Chao was really hungry.

After swallowing the pulp, he jumped up and picked several more, and then peeled off the peels one by one and ate them. His expression was full of enjoyment, and he couldn’t see anything bad at all.

The audience was dumbfounded.

Yishu’s cat poop made Wang Chao full and completely filled his stomach.

He touched his stomach and said endlessly: “The flesh inside the cat poop does seem to be unappetizing, but it is really a very delicious wild fruit.” It contains a lot of protein and vitamins, which can quickly replenish the energy consumed by the human body. At the same time, cat poop can also be used as medicinal herbs. It can clear the lungs and relieve cough, dispel wind and remove shi, and is a panacea for treating tuberculosis cough, wind and shi joint pain. ”

“Groove! What a meal! ”

“The anchor can actually eat it, it’s amazing!”

“Damn, watching the anchor eat this thing, I get goosebumps all over my body.”

“Aaa This slippery thing like a big bug dare the anchor to eat it? It’s disgusting. ”

“It’s terrible! This thing won’t be for Avatar, right? ”

“My King is mighty.”

Nature is magical.

Wang Chao said: “Nature has countless things that we know and don’t know. Some things are very important treasures that nature has given us. We must face nature with a reverent attitude and must no longer destroy the precious resources that nature has left us. ”

Eat and drink.

Wang Chao is on the road again.

Everything in the Shenlong frame is new to the audience.

Human curiosity is actually very large, and most people are curious about things they have never seen. And this is one of the reasons why the popularity of Wang Chao’s live broadcast room has been soaring.

Noticing that the number of people in his live broadcast room was increasing, Wang Chao once again told the audience what he was going to do today. “Next, our main purpose is to go to the Fishman River. However, the Shenlong frame was full of dangers, and I didn’t know what I would encounter next. At this time, I can only pray to God. ”

Wang Chao clasped his hands together and prayed reverently to heaven with his eyes closed.

When some viewers saw Wang Chao’s appearance, they couldn’t help but ask suspiciously: “Anchor, since you also know that there are many dangers inside the Shenlong Shelf, maybe when you will die, then why do you still go to the Shenlong Rack to broadcast live?” To earn eyeballs, fame? ”


Seeing a question from the audience, Wang Chao was suddenly stunned and stopped to think.

Why did he come to the Shenlong Rack? Wang Chao also asked himself this in his heart.

Although he knew that coming to the Shenlong Frame was a task set for him by the system, but… In the past few days, Wang Chao himself has never regretted coming to the Shenlong Frame.

Obviously, this was not the system that forced him to come to the Shenlong Frame.

The system set tasks for him, but never forced him to do anything.

Before crossing, he was full of yearning for wilderness survival, and after graduation, one of his dreams was to do wilderness survival.

Perhaps, this is the reason why the system let him come to the Shenlong Rack.

If he had never yearned for this kind of wilderness survival, the system would not have given him such a task. The reason why he came to the Shenlong Frame was entirely because of himself.

“Actually, I can’t tell myself.”

Wang Chao sighed: “In the past, I was very interested in survival in the wilderness, and I had yearned for the life of the wilderness countless times in my dreams, and yearned for magical nature countless times. After graduating, my biggest dream was to go on a wilderness survival. But many times, the reality is harsh. ”

Wang Chao was a little sad.

“Everyone has this thing. But to put it into action, it is undoubtedly difficult and difficult. I have always been haunted by the trivialities of reality and have never had the opportunity and will not have the opportunity to survive in the wilderness. But later, by chance, God gave me this opportunity. So, I came to the Shenlong Shelf and decided to stop paying attention to the worldly things and pursue my ideals. ”

The emergence of the system gave him the opportunity to pursue his ideals like a man.

Wang Chao suddenly thought of a song, and immediately sang it in front of the camera.

“Looking ahead, the wind and clouds are surging, and the blood has begun to boil.

Tearing that wound from yesterday, Yuwang moved stupidly… Stepping on the pervasive battlefield, tired body and mind

Fight like a man, go fight! Burning heroic dreams.

Smelt liver and gallbladder strength, undefeated faith.

Fight like a man, go fight!

Until the end of life. ”

We should be like a man, dignified, face our ideals, pursue and fight! If we back down and give up, we may regret it for the rest of our lives.

This song is dedicated to all men who have ideals in their hearts.

Twenty thousand!

Fifty thousand!


Just as Wang Chao sang this song, the number of people in the live broadcast room was constantly rising!

After eight o’clock in the morning, the number of people in the live broadcast room at this time has never reached 100,000! The morning and early morning are the lowest traffic times on the live broadcast platform, but during this lowest period, the number of people in Wang Chao’s live broadcast room can exceed 100,000!

The staff of the live broadcast platform hurriedly inquired about the data, and they suspected that Wang Chao had lost popularity. But when they saw that the data was completely correct, the staff of the live broadcast platform were shocked.

They immediately recommended Wang Chao’s live broadcast room to the homepage, which once again brought Wang Chao a lot of popularity and attention. At the same time, the staff of the live broadcast platform also immediately went to find and inquire about Wang Chao’s contact information, preparing to sign a contract with Wang Chao.

“Woo-woo, go fight like a man, it’s so touching.”

“yes, fight like a man. We…”

“How many people have been sung by the anchor.”

“Xiongqi! The anchor awakened my fighting spirit as a man! Without further ado, ten rockets were sent! ”

“Just with the song of the anchor, from today onwards, I will never go to other live broadcast rooms.”

A song that resonated with many people in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Er Ke also appeared, and she said through the barrage: “Can I ask weakly, where is this song sung by Wang?” I searched Baidu but found nothing. ”

She paid attention to Wang Chao’s live broadcast room early in the morning, and when she heard Wang Chao sing this song, although Er Ke was a girl, she was faintly aroused to fight spirit.

She decided to sing this song to everyone in the live broadcast room in the afternoon, but she went to Baidu to search again, but she couldn’t find it, so she had to ask Wang Chao.


Wang Chao still knows Er Ke, who is very famous on the live broadcast platform. He didn’t expect that Er Ke was watching his live broadcast, and he also asked him for the name of the song, and it seems that his popularity is getting higher and higher.

Well? Wait a minute.

Asking for a song title?

Wang Chao was stunned for a moment.

The song he just sang can’t be found in Baidu? No, although this song is not very famous, it will not be searchable on Baidu, right?

Wang Chao was about to ask, when he suddenly heard a prompt from the system in his mind.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for writing his own songs, fighting like a man, comprehending skills, singing souls, and rewarding life genes with 1 point.”

Soul Singing (Introductory): Your voice can penetrate deep into the human soul, be confident, sing loudly, boy.

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