Er Ke reminded Wang Chao.

Two days later, Wang Chao’s body recovered a little, and he quickly asked Er Ke to bring him a notebook to the hospital, and then searched for “The Legend of Wukong” on the Internet.

Sure enough, this legendary novel, which had the reputation of “the first book on the Internet” in the previous world, really did not exist in this world.

Wang Chao was not at ease, and searched for the author of “The Legend of Wukong” and found that there was no such person.

Immediately, Wang Chao registered his own Weibo account, recalled the plot of “The Legend of Wukong” in his mind, typed it out through a notebook, and uploaded it to Weibo.

In the next few days of recuperation, Wang Chao had nothing to do, and he kept writing “The Legend of Wukong”, because it was a newly registered Weibo and there was no verified relationship, so “The Legend of Wukong” was only watched by Erke alone.

It wasn’t until this day that a fan went to watch Erke’s Weibo that he found that Erke Xin followed a person and clicked in with curiosity, and only then did he see “The Legend of Wukong”.

When the fan saw it, he was immediately shocked and deeply fascinated by “The Legend of Wukong”, and as a result, it was spread ten, ten and hundred, and in just one week, Wang Chao’s Weibo followers have exceeded 50,000!

This is extremely scary for a newly registered and unauthenticated Weibo.

On Wang Chao’s Weibo comments, there are people constantly urging manuscripts every day.

“Author update!”

“If the author doesn’t update, there will be no little JJ.”

“Author, if you don’t update it, I’ll go and smash your glass.”

These comments Wang Supernatural can see it, he also wants to satisfy everyone, all of a sudden “The Legend of Wukong” is sent, but he has to use the computer to type it!

Wang Chao is not one of those professional entry clerks, who can type tens of thousands of words a day. Wang Chao can type 5,000 words a day at most, plus revision, and he can only post one chapter of content a day.

Fortunately, this book is not long, and Wang Chao officially finished the book the day before he was discharged from the hospital.

Ding, congratulations to the host for creating the legendary novel “The Legend of Wukong”, especially rewarding the host’s natural skills, which will not be forgotten.

Never forget: The host can remember everything it has seen and recall memories that have existed in its mind.

Rewarded, Wang Chao was also discharged from the hospital. He didn’t let anyone pick him up, but went through all the formalities by himself and went to the mall. Tomorrow he has to go to receive the Best Outstanding Youth Award, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of media interviews with him, and he will have to buy several sets of clothes.

Wang Chao picked a slim and fitted expensive suit in the mall, bought a few pairs of leather shoes, did a hairstyle, and didn’t go back until after ten o’clock in the evening.

Noticing that the lights were still on in Erke’s house, probably live broadcasting, Wang Chao did not disturb Erke’s work. He ate something on his own, cleaned up the house, turned his head and went to sleep.


Hilton Shanghai Boss Hotel.

Early in the morning, one after another quickly drove into the underground parking lot of the hotel, and all the media knew that today was the son of the best outstanding youth award awarded by the state to the hero Wang Chao.

Huaxia has not won this award for ten years, and this time the sudden award made the media all like wild cats that smelled fishy, rushed in advance, took advantage of it, and wanted to get the interview as soon as possible and increase the portal traffic of their company.

When Wang Chao arrived here, the relevant personnel took him to the lounge. After waiting for more than an hour, Wang Chao finally received a notice and asked him to go on stage to receive the award.

The process of awarding the award is simple.

The bonus has already hit Wang Chao’s card, and the award presentation process is that the Shanghai Shi Chief personally handed the Best Outstanding Youth trophy to Wang Chao, and then Wang Chao read the thank-you words that had been prepared earlier, and the award ceremony was over.

After coming down from the stage, Wang Chao was immediately surrounded by media reporters, and one by one, he couldn’t wait to stuff them into Wang Chao’s mouth.

“Mr. Wang Chao, can you tell us how you felt about handing over Xuan Jitu to the country at that time?”

“Mr. Wang Chao, can you tell us why you stood up and fought to the death to protect the archaeology staff when you faced the Nether ant colony?”

“Mr. Wang Chao, how did you discover Xuanjie’s tomb, and why did you go to the Loulan ruins?”

“Mr. Wang Chao…”

One question after another made Wang Chao feel that his head was about to explode, he let the media reporters quiet, thought about it, and finally said: “Everyone, I am just an ordinary network anchor, exploration is my hobby and interest, and the discovery of Xuanjie’s tomb is also a coincidence.” As for why they saved Professor Zhang, I can only say that because I was moved, because I was moved, because I was moved to remind me of the traditional virtues of 5,000 years of China, because I am a Chinese person. ”

Because I’m a Huaxian!

On the major media portals, Wang Chao’s words instantly dominated the screen!

For Wang Chao, not many people knew him before, until the matter of the Loulan ruins came out, Wang Chao quickly became popular in China. And the information about him has also been dug up by countless media and netizens.

Things related to him also surfaced one by one and appeared in front of the public.

NetEase News reported that when everyone was discussing Wang Chao’s deeds in the Loulan ruins, the editor of this portal found a different Wang Chao. A month ago, a song that suddenly occupied the first place on the NetEase Cloud Music Original List was born! The song is called “Fight Like a Man”. It’s like a tornado, sweeping the original list. And who the author of this song is, this portal editor has not investigated for a month. It was not until Wang Beyond was now in front of the public’s eyes that the editor of this portal learned from a platform audience that this song was composed by Wang Chao. It seems that our best outstanding young man is not only a Chinese person, but also a Chinese singer.

Sina News reported like this: Wang Chao, a native of Huaxia, singer, and an online anchor. Do you think that’s enough? No! Just yesterday, the number of new users registered on Weibo for less than a month suddenly exceeded 100,000, attracting the attention of the Weibo platform. After investigation by the staff, it was found that the reason why the newly registered Weibo account could suddenly increase so many fans was because of a novel called “The Legend of Wukong”. After all kinds of inquiries by the staff, I finally got some information about this newly registered user. His backstage is written like this, Wang Chao, the network anchor. That’s right! He is Wang Chao (Nono’s) who just won the Best Outstanding Youth Award! I think that after the singer, I am afraid that I will add the writer to Wang Chao’s Weibo certification.


Completely fired!

“Fight Like a Man” quickly began another round of sweeps after the report came out. And the number of Weibo fans exposed by Wang Chao is constantly rising every hour, reaching one million in just one day! “The Legend of Wukong” has more than four million hits in a short period of time, sweeping the list of online original novels.

Inside the rented room.

Wang Chao sat on the sofa, listening to the news brought by Er Ke next to him, and scratched his head.

He didn’t expect that just because of the Best Outstanding Youth Award, he would be angry all of a sudden. It seems that choosing to hand over the Xuanjie tomb map to the state is indeed the most beneficial choice for him.

Wang Chao laughed.

Er Ke was on the side, looking at Wang Chao with adoration, and his eyes were about to be filled with stars.

“Wang, you are so handsome!” _

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