Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 41: : Seize the opportunity to squeeze the wool

   is obviously a powerful sword demon, but seeing Li Muran as if seeing a ghost, fearing to avoid it.

  Bella, Black Bean, Christian no longer screamed when he saw this scene.

   "The gift matter has been smoothed out. But there are other things, Master Tucker needs to bother you a bit."

   "What else is there?"

   "Master Tucker, please don't panic, this time it is for your benefit."

   "For my benefit again?"

"Yes. I want to develop my abilities and create more props that Master Tucker likes. It can also be said that we have become a resource point under Master Tucker faction. It can be understood as Master Tucker's. Subordinates, units protected by Master Tucker, or the new Demon King who has a cooperative relationship with Master Tucker. My interests are related to Master Tucker's interests."

"Although Master Tucker promises that we will not threaten us for 80 years, this does not mean that others will not come to kill us again. If we are killed by others, Master Tucker will not get more advanced items. That is Master Tucker. ’S interests have been harmed."

   "We are now members of Master Tucker's faction, Master Tucker's should also protect their own interests. Therefore, it is reasonable, Master Tucker should protect us."

   Listening to Li Muran's words, Tucker frowned and covered his forehead.

   "Wait, didn't I come to kill you? How did you become to protect you? When did you become my faction? I have always been single, no faction at all?"

   "You can't protect even your own faction, Master Tucker will be laughed at by other demon kings. So please give us an item that you can contact Master Tucker at any time, Master Tucker will arrive in three days."

"You listen to me. How come I am the dignified sword demon? You call me and I go? If there are factions, I am the head. You should listen to my call... .. Forget it, I'm already annoying you, and I regret that my head was so hot to kill you. I really stabbed a hornet's nest."

   "Can I give you the props that you contact me? This is the last time."

   "Yes, this is the last time."

   "Really, the last time. No other requests?"

   "Yes. Master Tucker, you are too suspicious, not a devil at all."

   "Who do you think? I have lived for hundreds of years. This is the first time I have been so embarrassed."

   Tucker cried out, and pulled out a whistle-like prop.

   "Just blow this when you have a crisis. I'll give you three opportunities to contact me. As long as you blow this, I will be there in three days. You are fine now."

   "How could it be okay. Too few, 3 times is enough for a fart. You are the devil of the sword, be generous. 6 times."

   "Ahhhhh. 4 times, no more."

   "10 times, round up."

   "Please let me go. 6 times, really can't be more."

   "10 times, I will let you go if you promise."

   "Okay, okay. 10 times, I have had enough."

   Finally, Li Muran and Tucker reached an agreement that Bella’s side was in danger, and Tucker would come to help put out the fire 10 times.

   At the same time as he took the whistle, Li Muran sneaked something into Tucker's pocket and whispered in his ear.

  While afraid that Li Muran would make another condition, Tucker also picked up his pile of gifts and turned around to run.

   looked embarrassed as if he was the one who was threatened by Li Muran's family.

   Just two steps, Tucker stopped suddenly and laughed.

   turned around and ran back.

   held Li Muran's shoulder this time.

"I have always been alone, and I have never thought about having any partners, family members. But for the first time I have the idea of ​​wanting a subordinate. Li Muran, I admire you very much. Do you want to follow me. As long as you follow me No matter what you want, I will find a way to help you get it. I will let you live better than the king and the devil. I will show you the stage of talent, let you become the focus of the world, and be paid attention to by everyone. Shine."

   Tucker poked blatantly, and Bella, who had been watching the excitement by the side, panicked all of a sudden.

  , regardless of the image, rushed up and took Li Muran's arm, pulling Li Muran away from Tucker's control.

   "No. I won't agree. Li Muran is my secretary and my dependent. No one will give it to me. I won't let go of my hand holding Li Muran."

   Tucker smiled like a hero.

"Bella. You are not a devil like this. It's not that whoever comes first has the final say. Li Muran has to make his own decision. Li Muran, what do you think. My treatment here is much better than Bella~www Muran, I...I will work hard. Please don't leave me."

   Li Muran looked at Tucker with an air, and then at Bella, who looked at him expectantly with weeping eyes like a puppy.

"Thank you Master Tucker for your invitation. I am so lucky to be appreciated by the Lord of the Sword Demon. But, I have decided to follow Bella. I don't want to be a person who betrays my master for profit. If I am If you really betray Bella, Master Tucker will look down on me. So, please allow me to refuse."

   Tucker listened and laughed again.

   "Sentimental and righteous, I like you more and more. I can see that you and Bella have a strong bond."

   At this time, Bella was holding Li Muran's arm hard.

   A soft touch came from Li Muran's arm.

   Li Muran looked serious and answered Tucker righteously.

   "That's right. There is something I like about Bella. It's that element that guides me forward, and I never get lost."

   Bella listened and said happily while wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

   "I was finally affirmed by Li Muran."

   Tucker also nodded.

"Okay, then. Tell me whenever you change your mind. The door of my house is open to you at any time. Goodbye. You have to be careful. Let go of the Heart of the Devil City, it's not just that I noticed you. There are many of your demon kings. Crisis will come again."

   "Master Tucker!"

   After saying goodbye to Li Muran and the others, Li Muran just called Tucker by name.

   Tucker screamed and ran away as if to escape.

"Bon Voyage!"

   Li Muran’s last blessing was not conveyed to Tucker either.

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