However, the method of use is greatly restricted, and a plan for use is required.

The effect of    ability almost depends on the personal strength of the operator.

   It is estimated that only Li Muran can control Bella's ability and let Bella exert such an effect.

   Therefore, it is not Bella who is strong, but Li Muran.

   After trying to understand, Li Muran was relieved again...The guilt that Bella was a crumb demon disappeared instantly.

  Bella is still a crumb.

   pushed down the glasses, Li Muran asked questions.

   "Skills are all from the "Fantasy" series. Is it because Bella is the "Fantasy Demon"?"

   After Li Muran asked questions, Bella and Tucker responded together.

"This should be."

   "It must be so."

  He should listen to Tucker's words, after all, the qualifications of the devil are there.

"I am the Sword Demon King, and my skills are all related to swords. Since Bella is the'Fantasy Demon King', her skills must be related to the Phantom Type. Under normal circumstances, the Demon King's skills are all related to her own attributes. related."

   "So that's it. Then...Can't the Demon King learn the skills of other systems?"

  For example, Isha is good at wind magic.

   I have agreed with Isha before, and I will ask her for advice when I am free.

   If Bella cannot learn wind magic, Bella may be disappointed and depressed.

   "No. It's not absolute. The Demon Lord can also learn the skills of other factions. In learning other skills, you will lose the Demon Lord's unique advantages and become the same as ordinary people. In short, it is very laborious."

"The devil's advantage lies in the same skills as his own attributes. Not only the acquisition conditions, the rarity of the skills, but also the stronger power of the skills. If you have a good project, why not go to the field you are good at, but want to run Learn what you are not good at? This is obviously a method of self-decision. So the devil generally doesn't pay much attention to skills in other fields."

   Tucker said, and demonstrated the fire magic.

   needs to be chanted, and the flames released are not big, only the wick of the candle.

   This kind of skill is completely useless in actual combat, and can only be assigned to the banquet atmosphere group.

"I also learned fire magic because of curiosity. But after a lot of effort, I can only do it to this degree. In the end I gave up magic and focused on my sword skills. Although I have a lot of time now and it’s easy, but In the early days of the Demon King, time and energy are precious and should not be wasted. The same goes for other Demon Kings. So everyone will choose the most efficient method of growth, which is to enhance the Demon King’s own abilities."

   "That's it."

   is like a computer major not to go to painting work after graduation.

   not only wastes the professional knowledge that I have learned hard, but also fails to seize the opportunity in the new field. Learning new knowledge will bring great pain.

   Of course, except for the rich second generation who only want to experience life when they have money at home.

   Ordinary people still don’t want to make their lives more difficult.

   The same goes for the Demon King.

   "Then, Master Tucker, is my skill a rare and powerful skill?"

   "It's hard to say whether it is powerful or not. The key depends on the method of use. But the rarity is certain. The skills of the devil are special. At least, I have never seen others use similar skills with Little Bella."

   Hearing Tucker's words, Bella's eyes shone, her hands on hips and her chest raised her head, and she looked at Li Muran triumphantly.

   Although there is no explicit statement, the thoughts I want to express are already obvious.

   As the secretary, Li Muran immediately understood that he would cooperate with the boss to give a corresponding response.

   "It's still the crumb demon."

   "Smelly Li Muran, bad-hearted. Bullying me all day long."

   In the Devil City, Bella complained about daily farce chasing Li Muran with her fist.

   everyone laughed happily, and the banquet atmosphere became active again.

   Li Muran then asked Demon King Tucker about the conditions for awakening the new skills.

   It's a pity that Tucker is not quite clear.

   "Some say that you will be awakened when you level up, and some have a greater chance of awakening the heart of the Demon King by hunting down and devouring the Demon King City. But in my opinion, it's all the same. I think that when the time comes, you will wake up."

   Throwing out his thumb and grinning Tucker gave an incomprehensible answer.

   Today, Tucker is showing his love and has given Li Muran and Bella full information.

   Li Muran's understanding of the Demon King further deepened.

   These can help Li Muran and Bella in the future development.

   Although the most valuable information that seemed to be the most valuable in the end was not available, I was disappointed.

   But people have to be content and happy.

  The question about skills is here. Next, Bella showed off the effect of "Phantom Type Two".

   Bella spread out her palms, and silver light particles flew out of her palms.

   When the light particles fly in the room, it creates a wonderful illusion of the Milky Way landing around.

   When I was a child, my curiosity about fairy tales, the universe, and the fantasy elements was stimulated again. For a while, it seemed to be back to the era of innocence and chasing dreams.

   The light particle finally fell on Li Muran.

   Then, Li Muran became a tree.

   Of course, it didn't really become a tree, but a layer of illusion was shrouded in Li Muran's real image.

   Everyone shouted out in surprise.

   "Master Li Muran has become a tree."

   Li Muran also felt novel. There is a sense of ‘I’m in another world’.

   "This is the effect of the'Magic Type Two'."

  The magical type can only transform Bella herself.

   Magic Type II can transform other Although it can only transform one unit because of its low level, it must be a unit that is friendly to Bella and cannot change the image of the enemy.

   But this is still great.

   Changing the image of other people is different from changing your own image.

   This is a skill with unlimited possibilities.

   Li Muran immediately came up with many uses.

   "To cover up the trap, let the enemy make mistakes in judgment and kill each other, create chaos...Ahahaha. There are as many interesting uses as there are."

   Li Muran kept talking about the usage that he suddenly thought of. The more he talked, the more excited he got, and the spectacle lenses were even shining brightly.

   The way Li Muran was immersed in the association surprised everyone.

  Everyone gathered around Bella secretly.

"Why can he think of so many combat uses for a transforming skill that doesn't hurt? Li Muran is good, so amazing. I, the Sword Demon King, was frightened. If he didn't say it, I didn't know that this skill could have so many more. Usage, so much destructive power."

   "All I can think of is the usage of active atmosphere, but what Mr. Li Muran thinks of is all about destruction..."

   "And it's all insidious."

"Bella, in fact, I always wanted to say. You and Li Muran are really a perfect match. Only Li Muran can maximize the effect of your skills. Most people don't think of so many usages, let alone think of so many detrimental moves. Ha. , Haha. I, I am ashamed."

   "Yes. Only Master Li Muran can immediately convert Bella-sama's harmless human and animal skills into a killing weapon that can cause great pain to the enemy. Li Muran is definitely the best match for Bella-sama."

   "I, I don't think you are complimenting me at all..."

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