USSR 1941

Chapter 612: Mentality

With a "bang", Han En was shot in the head as soon as he emerged, and fell back into the tank compartment without even groaning.

Maybe it all happened so fast that the tank crew didn't even react at that moment. They thought the commander came back because he stepped on the air or avoided bullets.

It wasn't until the commander didn't respond for a while that the clever gunner suddenly realized what had happened.

"Close the hatch, close the hatch!" yelled the gunner, "Shut that damned hatch!"

The electromechanical crew got into the position of the hatch cover with a low waist, and the tank was as familiar to them as their own home, and they could move skillfully and accurately even in the dark.

But it's too late...

Just as the electromechanicalist reached out to close the hatch, a smoked grenade was thrown in from the outside at the right time.

And the electromechanicalist still pulled the hatch cover and buckled it in inertial thinking.

There was a muffled "boom", like the sound of firecrackers being exploded in an iron can.

In fact, because of the thick armor of the tank, it was probably much quieter than a firecracker.

But that doesn't mean it's less harmful.

After the inspection, it was found that most of these tank crews died of bleeding from the seven orifices, and Yu Yi survived... They did not die from the shrapnel of the grenade, but the sudden increase in pressure in the confined space.

At this time, Walter didn't even know what happened to car No. 7, and was still calling again and again.

However, this situation didn't last long, because he soon noticed a few dark shadows faintly appearing on the steel beam above.

"We should retreat, Captain!" The gunner said in a panic, "If we don't leave, it will be too late!"

"Retreat!" Walter ordered.

Walter is a mature commander, although his order seems very unkind: the commander of the No. 7 car has always asked to retreat, which has been rejected, but after the No. 7 car was blown up, Walter himself chose to flee for his life.

This is indeed inappropriate from the perspective of morality and courage, but it should be done on the battlefield.

Excluding all other rational analysis, there is only one end for car No. 6 to stay here at this time.

Blown up like car number seven and can't do anything.

Judging from this reality, any sane commander would not choose to stay.

But the weather was not good, the tank did not move forward after starting, no matter how the driver stepped on the accelerator.

So Walter and the others knew what was waiting for them.

The two tanks were destroyed by the Soviets without much effort, and the second was detonated by the navy soldiers with explosives... The navy soldiers jumped over the tank from the steel beam, jumped to the other end of the tank, and tied the explosives to the tank. Demolition on tanks.

Just listening to the sound of "boom", the whole tank was blown into a ball of fire.

The next thing is easy to handle. The naval infantry tied the rope on the steel beam, and then hoisted the package of prepared explosives to the pier, tied it in a circle, pulled the wire and detonated it immediately.

With a loud bang, the railway bridge was blown up to the sky.




Since he was driving an amphibious landing ship for both land and amphibious purposes, the Soviet army withdrew without a trace in just a moment.

At this time, the German artillery was even struggling to deal with the sneak attack of the Soviet assault company.

Captain Khatuchev did not report to the division headquarters immediately after crossing the Tsaritsa River. He waited on the river bank for a long time.

"I told them that they can retreat when they see the explosion in the direction of the railway bridge!" Captain Khatuchev said.

Shulka nodded in understanding.

Khatuchev hoped that some members of that commando team could come back... But this is obviously an extravagant hope. This company will use the fastest speed to penetrate into the enemy-occupied area and attack everywhere. Still difficult.

Sure enough, after waiting for a long time, no amphibious landing ship returned.

But later Shulka learned that there were indeed some survivors in this commando team. Several of them had been hiding in the buildings and ruins after completing their missions, and with the secret help of the Soviet people, they persisted until the Soviet army counterattacked.

These are things for later.

Shulka offered Khatuchev a cigarette and said: "Comrade Captain, Batrakov is waiting for news from us!"

Captain Khatuchev nodded, and after looking towards the river for the last time, he reluctantly stepped onto the amphibious landing ship with Shulka.

In fact, Batrakov had already received the news. When Shulka and Captain Hatuchev walked into the headquarters, Batrakov was on the phone with the army headquarters.

"Yes, Comrade Golikov!" Batrakov said excitedly: "We have blown up the railway bridge, and the men and equipment of an enemy division are trapped on the north bank of the Tsaritsa River!"

"Yes, I promise to complete the task!"



When Batrakov put down the phone, he gave Shulka and Captain Khatuchev a warm hug, then shook hands and smiled happily: "Thank you, Comrade Shulka, Comrade Khatuchev! An act of heroism made a difference, you saved everyone! Now..."

Speaking of which, Batrakov pulled the two of them to the front of the map and said: "The superior asked us to surround and destroy the enemy. How do you think we should fight this battle!"

Shulka couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

He glanced at Batrakov and asked back: "Is this an order from Comrade Golikov?"

"You can say that!" Batrakov replied, "But of course, Comrade Golikov's order is for us to seize this opportunity to teach these enemies a hard lesson!"

Shulka breathed a sigh of relief.

He actually knew that Golikov was unlikely to issue such an order. The reason was that Stalingrad was not strong enough at this time and should still focus on defense. What Batrakov said was too radical.

Commanders who are inexperienced in the field often make such mistakes. They are prone to go to extremes, just as they will be dejected and at a loss when the situation is unfavorable, and they will be too optimistic when the situation is good.

"I don't think this is realistic, Comrade Batrakov!" Shulka said: "Although we have blown up the railway bridge, it does not mean that we can surround and annihilate them! First of all, they are already on the north bank. The river has built complete fortifications. Secondly, they still maintain artillery fire and air superiority. Third, under the circumstances of artillery fire and air superiority, they can even easily use fishing boats to provide supplies and even build floating bridges!"

After a pause, Shulka added: "Of course, it is difficult to sustain their attack with supplies from fishing boats and pontoons, but the defense is still more than sufficient!"

"We have reinforcements, Comrade Shulka!" said Batrakov. "Comrade Golikov will send us reinforcements of two divisions, as well as an artillery regiment and two battalions of rocket artillery ... These troops were originally It was to reinforce us to take back the railway bridge!"

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