USSR 1941

Chapter 653 Vole

Shulka felt a little sorry.

Although it was not his idea to let the two battalions "sacrifice" to the German army on Mamayev Post, the whole plan was made by Shulka, and they can also be said to have indirectly "died" in Shulka's hands. .

But what about this question?

Shulka didn't know whether Khrushchev was right or wrong in doing so.

To say that he is right, it is so unfair to the officers and men of the two battalions stationed on Mamayev Kurgan, they were all kept in the dark and even fought with the enemy to the end ... These two battalions are like Goli As Kov said, they were veterans with experience and a strong will to fight. They stood firm on Mamayev Hill for three days with a serious shortage of ammunition, and were finally annihilated in a surprise attack launched by the German army in the dark.

Saying he was wrong does help the whole plan, and it can even be said to be very helpful, because maybe because of this deceptive plan, the Germans believed that they would be able to take Stalingrad in the not-too-distant future, so reinforcements, supplies And reserve forces will no longer be sent as a priority for the attack on Stalingrad, so the entire plan can be implemented smoothly.

Therefore, sometimes things on the battlefield cannot be explained clearly, and it is necessary to distinguish between right and wrong. Objectively speaking, the national interest should prevail.

The German army was really fooled, which can be seen from the fact that the German army dispersed reinforcements to the Central Army Group and the Northern Army Group.

Paulus also protested to Hitler for this.

It is rare for an army commander to ask the head of state for instructions beyond the army group commander, but Paulus has this capital, because the Sixth Army under his command has been the mainstay of the Stalingrad campaign.

"Your Excellency!" Paulus said, "we need reinforcements, ammunition, fuel, and everything, but I know that they have been transferred to other places, including an armored division that was supposed to arrive this afternoon. An artillery regiment!"

"My general!" Hitler replied: "Perhaps you already know the situation on the front line. The enemy launched a full-scale counterattack against our defense line, and we had to send supplies and reinforcements to other directions... Obviously, the Russians did this in the hope Scatter our reinforcements to delay the progress of our attack on Stalingrad. I will not give up, I am organizing another batch of reinforcements, and they will arrive in Stalingrad soon and be delivered to you! What you have to do , is to speed up the pace! It will be ours soon!"

Paulus had no choice but to put down the phone. Although he knew that the "soon" that the head of state said might be far away, he couldn't do anything.

If he had anything to do, it was to transfer the two Italian divisions on the Don Line to Stalingrad as a reserve... Mamayev Kurgan has just been taken by the Germans and he needs more troops to hold it And expand the results.

This order dissatisfied Dumilescu, commander of the Romanian 4th Army stationed south of Stalingrad. starter

The reason is that the defense lines of these two Italian divisions were handed over to the 4th Roman Army for defense, and the 4th Roman Army was originally understrength.

"Our anti-tank equipment is seriously insufficient, General!" Dumilarescu complained to Paulus on the phone: "If the enemy tanks appear in front of us, even if there is only one enemy tank, then we will have nothing to do but wait for death! "

Dumilescu was not intimidating. The 4th Romanian Army had only 34 75mm anti-tank guns in total, but they were stationed on a defense line of 75 kilometers, which means that an average of two kilometers long defense line deployed one anti-tank gun.

"Don't you still have an armored division?" Paulus asked back.

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"You mean the 1st Armored Division?" Dumilarescu laughed. "We do have them, but we only have 24 tanks available!"

"What about the other tanks?" Paulus asked.

"They had the wires bitten off by the field mice!" replied Dumilarescu.

Paulus couldn't help laughing: "You are so funny, General! I think those voles must have been sent by Stalin!"

Paulus thought Dumilarescu was joking, or complaining for the Romanian army, hoping to get some resources.

But what Paulus didn't know was that Dumilarescu was telling the truth, and that a considerable part of their tanks had been bitten off by field mice and could not be used.

The reason is that most of the tanks equipped by the Romanian First Armored Division are the "No. 1" and "No. 2" tanks that were eliminated by the German army. In addition, there are also "35T", or light tanks and malfunctioning tanks captured from the Soviet army.

In terms of combat effectiveness, these tanks are still worth using, because some of them are KV1 or even T34 captured by the German army from the Soviet army... KV1 tanks cannot cooperate with German tanks because of their slow speed and maintenance and reliability issues, T34 It is because some of the captured tanks have been severely damaged, but they were thrown to the Romanian army because they were barely able to move.

The problem was that the Germans were running out of fuel, especially during the attack on Stalingrad.

As a result, almost all the fuel was supplied to the German armored units and even the logistics units (used to transport supplies by car) that were attacking Stagrad, but no gasoline was given to Romania.

This is somewhat ironic, because the gasoline was even brought from Romania and produced by the Romanians, but the Romanian armored forces were not able to distribute the fuel.

But this is normal, because the Romanian armored forces are stationed on the west bank of the Don River, and they have almost no chance of participating in the battle, and of course they don't need to use tanks.

Dumilarescu accepted, and he was even thankful for it.

Because when you need fuel, you have to go to the battlefield. For example, the German army is fighting the Russians on the front line.

In this respect, the Romanians still have the advantage, so there is nothing to complain about.

Because there was no fuel for a long time, the tanks could not be started. On the other hand, the tank soldiers were worried about being bombed by the Soviet army... If they were bombed by the enemy without fuel, the tanks would not even be able to run.

So the tank soldiers of the Luo 1st Armored Division built bunkers for the tanks and camouflaged them with straw.

What they didn't expect was that there were many uncleaned rice on the straw, and at the same time, the straw was an excellent breeding ground for voles... To be exact, the inside of the tank was the best breeding ground for voles, where it was dry and comfortable. If the straw and Bringing rice in to make a small nest is not flattering. When I have time, I will bite the cable and grind my teeth.

As a result, within a few months of the hundreds of tanks of various types in the First Armored Division, there were only 24 left that could be activated.

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