The application of techniques is also very flexible, such as:

The city-breaking skills of "metal on top, city wall on the bottom\

,"This protective skill of "Human body on top, radiation on the bottom\

,"The enemy-trapping skill of "clothes on top, land on bottom\

,""The air is on top, the human body is on the bottom", a large-scale killing move, or a confinement skill;

Even the "human body on top" is a simple and unsolvable all-round enhancement that can be attacked and defended, although the energy consumption of this definition gives Nangong Yue a headache.

And a very important point is that Nangong Yue can already choose to protect a certain number of individuals from the influence of the spell within his own casting range, instead of adjusting the shape of the "effective action space" to avoid the target.

You must know that this spell is originally a range spell that does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Once the spell is cast incorrectly, the opportunity may be seized to counterattack.

For example, when fighting, the definition is: the wood is on top and the human body is on the bottom. As a result, the opponent grabs a handful of sawdust and throws it on you. As a result, the caster will be shot into a sieve.

Now, I am finally able to cast spells relatively accurately, and a major event has been accomplished, that is, the practice of "Light Punishment" has finally come to an end.

After sorting out his thoughts, Nangong Yue did not intend to take a break and directly began to study the cooperation between "priority definition" and other main tactics.

In fact, if you think about it, even without the priority technique, Nangong Yue's combat power is enough in this world.

But thinking about the higher-level worlds in the future, it still seems a bit difficult. After all, in Nangong Yue's opinion, if you can solve the problem in a crushing way, try not to make it evenly matched.

Currently, with the "Priority Definition" technique, the increase in Nangong Yue's attack power is quite considerable.

Although one more spell can be driven at the same time, the consumption per unit time is also much higher, but I thought that if it can be done in one blow, there will be no need for subsequent output.

Therefore, Nangong Yue divided several space clones and defined them by priority: the ground was on top, and then let them fight in a melee with confidence until the last remaining clone released itself, in order to slowly increase combat experience. .

Chapter 17

Four days later, at 12 noon, there were still two hours before a certain umbrella was poisoned, and it was estimated that there were still three hours before the school would be affected, maybe even shorter.

The location is the rooftop where Nangong Yue often stays. Currently, Nangong Yue is lying leisurely on a soft shaped lounge chair. On the left and right are two shaped sofas, where Busujima Yaozi and Takagi Saya are sitting respectively.

In addition to the three-person teacher-student team, there are several sofas around, with several people sitting on them.

At present, these people all have dull faces, as if they have suffered a huge blow and have not yet reacted.

The reason is that Gaocheng Saya used her own ability to secretly obtain evidence. Gaocheng Saya's actions these days have also been seen by Nangong Yue.

The moment she saw Gaocheng Saya's success, Nangong Yue concluded that Gaocheng Saya was basically ready to leave the army, and she could rely on herself for the rest of the journey, because Nangong Yue had transmitted a lot of information to the two of them after the training yesterday. as a reference.

I just don't know what their independent development capabilities are. In this regard, Takagi Saya is more reassuring to Nangong Yue. After all, the swordsman Busujima Yako doesn't seem to be able to study magic.

Thinking of this, it seems that after he leaves, he will probably rely entirely on Saya Takagi for his technique research.

That's right, apart from Nangong Yue himself, the only ones left on the rooftop are the entire protagonist team of the original work, including classmate Jing Yonghao.

Although Nangong Yue is not sure whether the world will of this world has given birth to spiritual wisdom, and he is not sure whether letting the development of events deviate from the original world line will affect him, Nangong Yue thinks that as long as he ensures that this group of people survive, he will be right.

After Busushima and Gao Cheng cooperated with the Busu Dao family, Gao Cheng family and the Neon military to establish a sufficiently safe defense base, Nangong Yue could leave. The charging of the random world teleportation technique had been completed in the past few days. finished.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at the few people who seemed unable to react in a short time (excluding a certain school doctor who was naturally dormant), looked at the time, and couldn't help but remind him:

"Those guys, time is tight. I'm going to pick them up one by one and send them to Gaocheng's house together. I think the workload is quite big~~"

Several confused people were also awakened by the word "pick up" and looked at Nangong Yue in unison.

"Is there such a ridiculous thing in the world? It's all fake! Tell me, it's all fake!"

Miyamoto Rei looked in disbelief and denied weakly. The little girl was still very naive.

“Then please, I think Nangong-san has discovered me recently.

With your ability to open space cracks, I feel relieved and grateful! ! ! "

Koichi Takashi, who was partially informed, bowed after speaking.

"Although I still have doubts, the information provided by Gao Cheng does not seem to be fake. Since Xiao trusts you, then please do it."

Jing Yonghao also followed Koichi Taka and bowed.

"I'm going to get the medical kit~" Marikawa Jixiang.

"I believe in Gao Cheng, so as her teacher, I am willing to trust you, so please!"

Hirano Aya followed and bowed.

After confirming the reactions of several people, Nangong Yue saw that no one was sitting on the chairs on the floor, so he removed them casually, then used "Heaven Shift" to open the space door and signaled to everyone:

"Then, just follow along. You don't have to think about the afternoon class.

As for your other classmates and colleagues, let’s wait until our work is completed. There are still nearly three hours left, and I think there is still enough time. "

After seeing everyone enter the different space, especially Miyamoto, who was helped in by Jing Yonghao in a daze, and Nangong Yue also followed.

After entering Nangong Yue's different space, except for the familiar pink-haired Lolita and Sister Zi Changzhi, everyone else seemed to have never seen the world, and suddenly came to an international metropolis. Among them, a certain innocent little girl I finally calmed down, thinking that I was on the protagonist team and it was impossible for me to be incompetent.

Just as everyone was looking around, Nangong Yue opened a narrow crack, facing the health room where no one was currently sitting.

Later, Nangong Yue used his teleportation to get all the medicines in the health room and signaled to the natural school doctor.


stop looking! Are there any teachers besides you here? "

Nangong Yue felt tired when meeting a natural type of person for the first time.

"Hey, why do these medicines look so familiar?"


Please, teacher, I'll leave the sorting of the medicines to you, I still have business to do.

Also, for those of you over there, think about where to put your relatives. If you don’t have a location, you can’t pick them up. "

After saying that, he first mobilized a lot of mental energy to locate the location of Busushima Masauga, and then turned on his clairvoyance to inspect it. He saw that Busushima Masauga was currently resting in the dojo, and at the same time he was looking around vaguely, as if waiting for something.

Apparently, Busujima Yaozi had informed him in advance, so Nangong Yue didn't waste any time. He directly opened a space door in front of Busujima and walked out.

"Ah ho~ Uncle, you've been waiting for a long time, your body is still strong after not seeing you for many days~

Yaozi dictated to you the energy cultivation method, as well as the energy release and energy gathering to form a blade, it seems to be effective at first~"

"My little friend is here, but the old man is practicing without permission, so he won't violate any taboos, right?

But I'm sorry, the way to increase combat power is as tempting to swordsmen as a breakthrough in the realm of swordsmanship. "

Dudao Zhengwo’s half-smiling response, no matter how obvious it was, was almost comical. It made Nangong Yue’s lips twitch. I didn’t expect you to be such a Dudao Zhengwo.

It seemed that away from his daughter's sight, the old naughty boy's true nature was finally exposed.

"Hehehehe... I have tacitly agreed to that from the beginning. If I read it correctly, uncle, you don't know how to assist in magic arts.

Apparently Busujima-senpai still has something up her sleeve. There are so many techniques to assist you in learning, but none of them are given to you? "

"Huh?! Is that kid still hiding something? Let's see if I don't slap her later!

However, can you briefly talk about it? "

Looking at Du Dao Zhengwo who believed that his daughter was not here and let himself go, Nangong Yue rolled his eyes and did not explain in detail, after all, there was not much time.

At the same time, there was also a hint of schadenfreude, because after Nangong Yue came out, the door was not completely closed, and it was now attached to the chest of Nangong Yue's black coat.

At this time, Nangong Yue clearly saw that Busujima Yaozi was smiling and trembling slightly. The rest of the people, except Gao Cheng Saya, all retreated far away.

"Listen and see, accelerated thinking, split thinking, memory imprinting, mechanized mind, closed brain."

"...This child can't be cured?!"

Seeing the old naughty boy playing tricks, Nangong Yue secretly said that the old man really couldn't cure the berserker in the battle.

"Anyway, uncle, come with me. We have to pick up and drop off a lot of people. You also know that we don't have much time."

After listening, I immediately calmed down. Thinking of what I might have to face later, my body trembled unconsciously, and Nangong Yue pretended not to see it.

Opening the space door, the two of them entered a different space together.

"My beloved father, it's almost time for my daughter and I to take the swordsmanship exam. So it's better to choose the day than to hit it. Please give me some advice."

Everyone couldn't help but twitching at the corners of their mouths when Yako Busujima directly invited him to fight.

"Then everyone, please report the address. No matter how large my perception range is, I can't locate it instantly."


After recording the information of several people, a door opened, ladies first, and took Miyamoto Rei out first.


Two hours later, the door to the space behind him closed. Nangong Yue looked at the endless crowd of people cheering in front of him. They all chatted one after another. Nangong Yue, who seemed to be endless, clapped his hands. , using amplification to signal the crowd.

"Well everyone, let's go to the temporary fortress of Gao Cheng's family now. The Concern for the Nation has been operating at full capacity these days.

Therefore, the fortress built now is absolutely safe. According to preliminary judgment, it can withstand at least five waves of ordinary zombies. "

With that said, he opened a wide space door and walked out first.

Stepping out of the space gate and arriving at the square of the fortress, the soldiers lined up were full of surprise, showing Nangong Yue's familiar expressions of ignorance. However, Takagi Souichiro immediately came up to them. Looking at his face, he was obviously relieved.


Chapter 18

The reason why Takagi Souichiro was like this was because of the information he had obtained through Takagi Saya before. This hand opened the apocalypse, causing Takagi Souichiro's whole person to collapse.

Although he was involved in this plan because of his concern for the country, in fact they only provided resources and a certain number of soldiers. They had no authority over confidential information and could not find it using any means.

Even though he is a radical in Neon Country, he is not crazy enough to drag all mankind down.

Moreover, none of the soldiers sent there have come back. Now that I think about it, either the experiment failed and died, or they turned into zombies after half the success.

At the same time, judging from the approach of those crazy guys who plan to use all human beings to select evolved individuals, with this probability, it is not expected that the soldiers sent there will have successful individuals for the experiment.

But it’s no wonder, after all, all the information is not connected to the Internet, and most of it is paper data, which is closely watched by senior officials of various countries. The real core data is not recorded at all, and it is all used by a few people who are suspected of having complete memory capabilities. Keep it in mind.

Data that are not connected to the Internet can be read when they arrive at the institute and are connected to the intranet;

Paper materials can also be stolen by hiring high-level agents;

But most people can't figure out the core secrets that are memorized in their minds. This is what Nangong Yue can read using his mind-reading ability.

“Thank you for your hard work, Nangong, leave the rest to us.

When you came to me, I knew you would leave sooner or later. Now that I think about it, Nangong boy, this is the day you have been waiting for.

I don't see any idea of ​​salvation in you.

I have investigated you and found that during this period, except for the little girl and the kid from Busu Island, the way you looked at other people was obviously not looking at others of the same kind. I don't know if all extraordinary people are like this, and I am not qualified to comment.

Not only that, I'm afraid you have long wanted to gain something in this apocalypse. "

Nangong Yue was not surprised by Takagi Souichiro's evaluation. The people he sent could not be discovered by ordinary people, even people with a certain level, but it was not effective for him.

Furthermore, I never had any hidden intentions, so I accepted these comments calmly.

In fact, there is a slight difference. When he looks at other people, he not only doesn’t treat them as the same kind, he doesn’t even treat them as the same species!

Regarding this, even Nangong Yue himself was not aware of it, and just thought that "those people are on a different path from me, so there is no need to care."

This is also the change that was invisibly brought about after Nangong Yue's soul in the previous life advanced to the fifth level and was able to leave the body. This is also the inevitable impact of the evolution of life levels.

After listening, Nangong Yue didn't care, ignored the various emotions of others, and turned to the two outstanding students.

"Yazi, Saya, I have been watching your practice over the past month, and now you have both reached the level of Pojun.

Maybe it’s because we, the extraordinary ones, have been fighting each other lately. Even the few times we took you out to see blood, it ended in an instant because the difference in strength was too big.

Therefore, you have not yet realized to what extent your current strength has expanded.

Now I can tell you clearly that as long as no major mistakes are made, each of you can single-handedly annihilate a four-digit modern elite force, or even more, although it may take a long time.

Yazi, let’s not talk about it for now. You are a melee swordsman and you don’t look like someone who knows how to study spells.

The most you can do is release and gather the energy I gave you into a blade, and develop it to the point where there is no waste of energy.

You will spend more time studying swordsmanship.

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