Please be careful, I'm afraid that child will be eager for quick success while practicing.

Hearsay says that excessive cultivation can be dangerous, so you should be careful. "

After hearing Nangong Yue's assurance, Gao Cheng's father warned him politely.

"Uncle Lao, I'll inform my aunt. Due to time constraints, I have to go back to school."

"Do I need a car to take you?"

"Ah~ no trouble.

Then uncle, I will leave first. "

After saying that, he just apparated away from Gao Cheng's house without putting on a shield.

Takagi Soichiro, who is also a master of swordsmanship, saw the way Nangong Yue left and understood why there was no subordinate to report the situation.

"There is no movement track...movement instantly...

This little guy is really amazing, it would be a good thing for Shaye to follow him..."


After leaving Gaocheng's house, Nangong Yue took out his mobile phone and checked the time. There were still ten minutes left for class, and he immediately decided on his next trip.

"There's still time, but it doesn't matter if you're late.

Let me see, the nearest military base..."

"Ah~ I'm from the Gaocheng family. I just seduced...ahem...accepted someone's daughter, so it wouldn't be a good idea to trick them back.

So who is the next lucky viewer? "

. . .

"The Self-Defense's up to you!"

After determining the target, he apparated and hurried over.

Not far from the destination, he drove into the arsenal via stealth teleportation and felt the electromagnetic waves twisting around him. Nangong Yue couldn't help but sigh at the power of the spatial shape, so he felt free to search the inventory in the arsenal.

A minute later, looking at the huge inventory and his small carry-on space, Nangong Yue looked unhappy and regretted why he just got one and was done with it in the first place?

Otherwise, there is no current problem. We can just pack them all up and take them away. As a result, we still have to expand the storage space in the current "broken" state.

You must know that the spirit body Nangong Yue is currently using is not much higher than the current level of this body. The energy recovery speed is not faster than before, and the speed of space expansion is at least a hundred times slower than before.

Looking at this inventory, it would take at least 10,000 cubic meters to pack and take away. This is only counting small items such as guns, ammunition, body armor, and cold weapons.

Nangong Yue decided not to take the cars and planes. Fortunately, these guns and ammunition were placed in sealed boxes, which was a great help to him.

If I just empty out the contents of the center area of ​​each box and get some sculptures to occupy the space, I guess those fools outside won't notice that the arsenal has been stolen for half a month.

After deciding, Nangong Yue immediately started to expand the storage space.

Under the premise of understanding what level he was originally, and sensing the current speed of expansion, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he smiled helplessly.

Half an hour later, the storage space was finally expanded to more than 10,000 cubic meters.

After a simple separation and tidying up, we finally got down to business.

Nangong Yue used teleportation to transfer large quantities of materials from the sealed boxes to the weapons depot in the storage space, even not sparing the bullets in the magazines of the soldiers who passed by him.

There was only one bullet left in the magazine of each soldier's gun, and Nangong Yue was also happy.

Forty minutes passed, and the inventory in the arsenal was almost gone. Looking at the time, there was basically no need for afternoon classes.

Then, he sculpted a large number of sculptural objects with almost zero compression and transferred them to a sealed box to take up space.

After everything was processed, it took nearly an hour. Then I looked at the time and saw that school would be over in half an hour.

Thinking of the afternoon schedule, Nangong Yue couldn't rest well and hurried to school.


Before the bell rang for the last class, Nangong Yue suddenly appeared on the rooftop where he usually stayed.

He now said that he was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, so he quickly built a recliner, which was specially designed to have the feel of a sofa.

Looking back at the open door, Nangong Yue was too lazy to move. He lay down directly, formed a hand, controlled it to lock the door, then closed his eyes and waited for Sister Yu and Loli to arrive. .

Chapter 9

Lying on the soft recliner, Nangong Yue closed his eyes and rested his mind, and began to think about how to teach the two great geniuses later.

Although he seems to be pretty good now, the problem is that he has never taught anyone.

Nangong Yue did it because he had a huge amount of information as support. As for imagination, he was really not sure whether it was good or bad.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to simply send two copies of the energy-refining information directly into their minds.

He wasn't sure if their brains could read it if it were sent directly to their souls.

After everything is done, let them refine it themselves and wait until they have any questions.


In less than two minutes, the bell rang.

Nangong Yue turned on his clairvoyance to observe the current positions of the two students. After calculating the time for the first one to arrive, he first concentrated on restoring energy and relieving fatigue...

Five minutes later, a knock on the door woke Nangong Yue up. The clone with closed eyes turned on his clairvoyance and saw that it was indeed the belligerent swordswoman. He then opened the door with the hand he had thrown casually beside the door.

( # ^_^)

Busujima Yako didn't seem surprised when the door opened by itself, and then looked at the figure in front of her.

Looking at the old man-like Nangong Yue in front of him, his original excitement was like being poured a bucket of ice water on him.

Miss Busujima felt furious when she thought that she had taken time off from club activities and came to see him.

But after taking a closer look, I found that Nangong Yue seemed to be very tired, so he didn't get angry and walked up to talk to him.

"What were you doing in the afternoon? You won't be so tired after lying on the desk all afternoon, right?"

It was the first time that Busujima Yaozi saw Nangong Yue looking so tired, said jokingly.

“In the afternoon, I went to the arsenal of the city’s Self-Defense Force and took 80% of the individual equipment except motorcycles and aircraft.

The point is, you also have to make some shapes to take up space, which is really not the work of humans. Hey~"

Listening to Nangong Yue's plain description of something extraordinary, Busujima Yaozi's mouth and brows twitched.

"Hey... it's fake..."

"Want to take a look?"

As he spoke, the space on the side of Busujima Yazi was like a stone falling into the water, and the circular space ripples continued to fluctuate.

Then, from the center of the ripples, a machine gun slowly stretched out from the muzzle, and did not stop until it was less than halfway out. Busushima Yako was speechless and helpless for a while.


You are going further and further down the path of becoming a remote mage~"

"I can't help it...I'm a Caster now, part-time Archer, so naturally I'm very awesome.

Well...even though I'm not qualified as an Archer, I'm terrible at melee combat after all..."


Busujima Saeko was a little confused. If he remembered correctly, wasn't Archer an 'archer'?

When did archers start melee combat?

"Well... don't worry about it.

Wait, there's another one coming. "

Realizing that there seemed to be no Fate series works in this world, Nangong Yue waved his hand perfunctorily.

After saying that, he felt less than 10% of the energy in his body, smiled bitterly, and continued to slowly restore energy.

At the same time, put the machine gun in mid-air back into the weapons depot.


Someone else, who? "

Busujima Yaozi was a little surprised when he heard that Nangong Yue wanted to teach more than one person.


It's Gao Cheng's pink-haired cat.

Let me take a break. I barely have 10% of the energy in my body now. The consumption in the afternoon is too tiring. "

"...Deserved it!!!"

Nangong Yue ignored Busujima Yazi and waved his hand to get a double sofa for Busujima senior, motioning for her to sit down and wait for the arrival of the pink-haired lolita with him.

Five minutes later, Saya Gaocheng, carrying her schoolbag, opened the door to the rooftop.

He raised his head and looked at the two people in front of him with their backs to him. Nangong Yue was lying on a transparent lounge chair, seemingly sleeping; and Busujima Yako was leaning against the sofa, seemingly looking into the distance.

Just like the replica of Yako Busujima before, Saya Takagi became furious.

However, she was careful and finally saw Nangong Yue's fatigue.

He stepped forward lightly, walked to Busushima Yaozi, said hello quietly and respectfully, sat down next to Busujima Yaozi, and the two waited for Nangong Yue to wake up.

Sensing that Gaocheng Saya was in place, Nangong Yue was not prepared to keep the two of them waiting for too long. He ran high load on his mental power and the energy circuits in his body, and recovered at the fastest speed.

After ten minutes, the energy returned to full, and after another minute, the energy circuit was cooled down. Nangong Yue got up and prepared to take the two of them to his small courtyard to officially start practicing.

"Okay, let's go. If you stand closer to me, you will consume less."

Busujima Yaozi was confused, but Gao Cheng Saya was a sensible person. He knew a little about this guy's displacement method, so he didn't say anything and pulled Busujima Yaozi, who was a little confused, to stand behind Nangong Yue.

Seeing the two people taking their positions, they transformed and disappeared on the rooftop in an instant.

However, what the three of them, including Nangong Yue, didn't know was that from the time the two women stood behind him to the three of them disappearing together, a young man who was in a bad mood and went to the rooftop to get some fresh air happened to be seen by the door... .

The young man was stunned for a while, but he hated trouble. He sighed, walked to the rooftop, and looked into the distance.


In the courtyard of Nangong's house, three people suddenly appeared, and the two women who experienced space movement for the first time were stunned again.

Looking at the state of the two men behind him, Nangong Yue decided to give them some time.

Looking at the translucent figure covered with colorful lines in mid-air, he used the space perception method of sky movement and shapeshifting to observe the progress of the establishment of the different space. He secretly calculated the progress and frowned slightly.

"The progress is less than won't be finished in five or six days if this continues...

Oh my are you going to live in the next five or six days? ! ! ! "

Nangong Yue was secretly going crazy. This weak state was really uncomfortable.

At this time, the two stunned women also noticed the scene in mid-air and said in surprise.

"Oh oh oh! What is that? Nangong, do you actually have ghosts in your house?!" (Takagi Saya)

"Hmm~~~Why does the outline of this body look familiar?..." (Bujima Saeko)

Afraid that if problems that are difficult to solve arise in the future, the two women may make things difficult for them and make fun of them. Nangong Yue still explained responsibly:

"The one in the sky is the real me, of course, in the state of my soul."

"Body?!!! (Soul?!!!)" Yako Busujima (Saya Takagi)

The two women were extremely surprised, but the surprises seemed to be different.

"That's right~ In order to practice a technique, I need to prepare something very important.

In fact, the body I am using now is holding back the spirit body.

In order to save time, I had to put aside the physical body and do it myself in the spiritual state.

What I am controlling now is just a spiritual clone, or an external incarnation, just to prevent possible problems after the current body loses its soul.

Plus I need to mentor you both.

Mainly, the current casting cannot be interrupted.

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