7 Night Tsuruha with a thousand faces is dreaming that every man loves.

2 Hey! That's called a beauty, that's called an authenticity!

5 "Host, your dreams are quite perverted."

9 The dream suddenly disappeared, and the thousand-faced crane feather was successfully awakened.

8 "Who!

1 "It's me, do you want to be a master."

8' Tongko, are you awake? 6

"No, I jumped off the building."

1 Isn't this obviously nonsense literature, can you answer your words if you don't wake up? I know you want to be polite to me, but don't be polite yet.

The thousand-faced crane feather was blocked by the words of the system, is this system becoming more and more humane.

'Ahem, Tongzi, what's going on when you slept for so long?

"Nothing, just went to upgrade."

'Oh, cow, tell me what new features you've added.' The

thousand-faced crane feather asked the system with his eyes shining.

"Hmph, the system said that the host should not be surprised!"

"This system has added the mall function, added the holy crystal lottery function, added the crossing function, and the check-in function remains unchanged."

"In addition, now the host can view its own dashboard."

The thousand-faced crane feather interrupted the system and said immediately.

'I'll talk about it later, Tongzi, you have slept for so long, I really don't know how many times I have signed in and how many good things I have lost, how can you compensate me. I

saw the thousand-faced crane feather's thumb and forefinger rubbing back and forth, revealing an expression of seeing wealth.

「...... System compensation has been paid."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining skill magic and releasing A+"

'Good, and there is.

"What else?"

'What else do you say, is it just one?' "

It's good to have it, pick and choose here."

'Well! '

The thousand-faced crane feather took a deep breath, not angry, the body is angry and there is no one to replace it, let's sleep first.

Without taking care of the system, the thousand-faced crane feather covered the quilt and turned over and continued to sleep.

It's just that this time he dreamed very strangely.

"Whew, you just sleep, when all your memories come back, I will see how to pay the debts left by your previous lives, and the dream memory mode is planned!"

In his dream, he was adopted by an old knight, and later the old knight taught him swordsmanship and gun skills, and he didn't know that after the old knight, he let him go out to wander.

During the journey, Thousand-faced Tsuruha met the king who drew the sword in the stone, and the other party wanted to invite Thousand-faced Tsuruha to join them, but Thousand-faced Tsuruha refused.

Without him, because the thousand-faced crane feather had not yet waved, he told the other party that he still had something to do and retreated.

Merlin looked at the disappearing back of the thousand-faced crane feather and revealed an intriguing smile.

The thousand-faced crane feather came to the north and found that the Saxons burned and looted here, and the thousand-faced crane feather, who had been taught chivalry since childhood, could not bear it, pulled out his sword and rushed to the Saxons.

And the Saxons also quickly reacted and attacked the thousand-faced crane feather, but they were no match for the thousand-faced crane feather, and had no choice but to retreat to the camp.

In this way, Tsuruha became the hero of the village, and the villagers began to ask what the knight who saved them was called.

And the thousand-faced Tsuruha just replied, "I'm only a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me." Without

waiting for the villagers to react, the thousand-faced crane feather continued to go deeper to the north, leaving only the villagers to look at each other, although they did not know what the thousand-faced crane feather was talking about, but still gave this great knight the title "guardian knight" The deeper the thousand-faced crane feather

went into the north, the worse his face became, because the corpses here were all over the field, basically some ordinary villagers, and there were only a few Saxons.

Finally, the thousand-faced crane feather chased after the Saxon camp, but he did not strike immediately, but waited until dark, and a fire was set on fire to the Saxon camp.

At night, the fire light illuminated the sky, and the thousand-faced crane feathers took advantage of the confusion of the Saxons, and the thousand-faced crane feathers beheaded the Saxons with a gun in one hand and a sword in the other.

Soon most of the Saxons were killed, and only a small number fled.

And the thousand-faced crane feather also began to rise in fame after this station, and many knights came to admire it, but they did not find the thousand-faced crane feather.

And the thousand-faced crane feather intends to continue deep into the northern coastline, intending to drive the Saxons out of this land, but the opponent is too numerous, and it is impossible to repel so many people with his strong martial arts.

Helplessly, the thousand-faced crane feather could only return the same way, and on the way back, the thousand-faced crane feather met a person, who called himself Futigeng.

The other party wanted to invite Thousand-faced Tsuruyu to join him, but was ruthlessly rejected by Thousand-faced Tsuruyu.

"Yes, since you are not willing to join me, then die."

Saying that, Fu Ti Geng changed to attack the Thousand Faced Crane Feather, and the Thousand Faced Crane Feather just resisted the opponent's sword and knew that his strength was no match for Volti Geng, but it was obviously impossible to retreat at this time.

The thousand-faced crane feather was defeated by Fu Tigeng, but Fu Tigeng did not really take the name of the thousand-faced crane feather, just left him dying and left.

And the thousand-faced crane feather with his back against the big tree is also more breathy and less intake, his sword and gun have been broken, and his vision is about to become blurred, and a woman appears in front of the thousand-faced crane feather.

Immediately, the thousand-faced crane feather lost his will.


The thousand-faced crane feather suddenly opened his eyes and looked back and forth.

"That, is it a dream? Why is it so true. The

thousand-faced crane feather thought, but today Nero did not break into his room, which made the thousand-faced crane feather a little lost... Glad.

'Tongzi, sign in. "

Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Illusion C"

It's only C, it's a little hard to see.

'Tongzi, can you change it, I don't like this.' ’

「...... Host, would you like to hear what you're saying?"

'Well, if you can't change it, you can't change it, it's really useless.' "

How! You want to drop one by one, I will cit you!"

‘...... And swearing. Breakfast

was finished, but Nero still didn't appear.

Thousand-faced crane feather was a little curious this time.

"Dome, do you know where Nero went?"

And Dome just shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

The thousand-faced crane feather went to ask the twin servants on the other side, apparently Rem and Ram just shook their heads and didn't know where Nero had gone.

Forget about her, Thousand Faces Tsuru Yu thought so.


Coming to the school with Dome, he felt something was wrong as soon as he stepped into the school gate.

'Is this a magic enchantment? Didn't you expect to use the school as a base? It's a masterpiece of the caster group. When

I came to the classroom, I found that Nero was already sitting in his seat chatting with Megumi Kato and the Kitten of Tajo.

This made the face of the thousand-faced crane feather pull down, I was so worried about you in the morning, you were actually already in school, what did you guy do last night!

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