Various Heavens and Realms Picking Attribute System

Chapter 51: Unbelievable, amazing news

Li Yao glanced away and collected all the attribute light **** that Zhao Mu had dropped.

Although not much, he will never “lose” Zhao Mu ’s “good intentions”.

At this time, an ink writer who had followed Li Yao to attend the royal banquet was talking with other ink writers vividly to describe what happened to the royal banquet tonight.

家伙 This guy's eloquence is good, and he can speak kindly. At once, he attracted many Mo Zhe to listen, even Yuanzong couldn't help listening.

When Lu Yuanzong and others did not know, when they heard ‘Zhao Mu ’s sister-in-law did not kneel and worship King Xiaocheng, and Zhao Mu was about to kill his sister-in-law with a sword’, they scolded Zhao Mu arrogantly.

他们 When they heard ‘Xunzi taught Zhao Mu Yitong fiercely with pears’, they applauded again and again.

他们 When they heard ‘Guo Kai and Lian Jin sing and sing together, rousing the sister-in-law and Lian Jin to compete’, they scolded Guo Kai and Lian Jin despicably and shamelessly.

他们 When they heard 'Xunzi killed Lien Jin with one sword,' they were all amazed and praised Xunzi's superb sword skills.

他们 When they heard ‘King Xiaocheng not only conferred the title of Fuzi to Fuzi, but also named Fuzi as the sword god’, they were shocked and delighted one by one.

Uh ...

Wu Yuanzong couldn't help but ask Li Yao: "Master, the king Xiaocheng really conferred you the title of Taifu, and still made you a sword god?"

Li Yao smiled slightly and nodded.

After Yuan Yuan was confirmed, Yuanzong was also pleasantly surprised.

However, he quickly asked with a dignified face again: "Master, Zhao Mu Mingle ambush you tonight, but because the master taught him a meal at the Royal Banquet?"

尧 Li Yao said slightly: "I am afraid that there is more than one reason. I didn't accept Zhao Mu's pull before. I must have hated him for a long time."

Wu Yuanzong was very worried about the truth: "Although Zhao Mu is damn, Zhao Mu is the king's most beloved person. When the protagonist kills Zhao Mu, the king must be angry with the protagonist ..."

Li Yao said calmly, "Don't worry, I already have a solution."

Yuan Yuanzong looked around and proposed: "Master, this place shouldn't stay long, let's leave quickly."

尧 Li Yao smiled and said, "Don't be in a hurry. Those who should come, haven't come yet."

As soon as the words of the crickets fell, there was a mess of footsteps outside Juluhou House.

Immediately, someone shouted outside: "Come, surround the Julu Hou House, and don't let it go alone."

Li Yao smiled slightly, "Here it is."

Soon afterwards, a large group of soldiers, armed with spears, poured into Julu Hou's house and confronted the Mo in the house.

At this moment, a general named Liu came over. When he saw Li Yao, he made a slight mistake, and then smiled and asked, "How late is Li Taifu in Juluhou?"

Li Yao said: "I'm here to catch the spy Zhao Mu."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone, including all Mo people, was taken aback.

Julu Hou Zhao Mu is spy?

how is this possible!

将 General Liu said, "You can't say this arbitrarily. Do you have evidence?"

Li Yaoyang waved his hand and said, "The evidence is in Hou's house, and the general will send someone to search it, and there will be gains."

General Liu was suspicious when he saw Li Yao's appearance.

However, when he thought that it was Juluhoufu, he hesitated, "But Juluhou ..."

尧 Li Yao said lightly: "Zhao Mu has been killed by me."

"What? Julu, he ... has been killed by you?"

General Liu grew his mouth, eyes widened, and couldn't believe his ears.

This Li Yao is too brave!

Zhao Mu is the king's favorite person. Li Yao even killed Zhao Mu.

This is incredible.

He only heard Li Yao continue to say, "Zhao Mu saw his identity revealed and wanted to run away. I was killed."

General Liu was even more shocked.

Because of this, kill Zhao Mu?

This reason is too far-fetched!

At this time, the leader in charge of the search ran back and looked anxiously: "General Gen, we found some correspondence. These correspondences are correspondence between Juluhou and Chu Guochun Shenjun. From the contents , Julu Hou is indeed a spy of the Chu Kingdom, and ... and ... "

General Liu paused, but did not expect that Julu Hou was really a spy.

He saw the obituary suddenly spit, and he couldn't help but hurriedly said, "And what?"

尧 Li Yao smiled slightly: "Moreover, Zhao Mu is the illegitimate son of Chun Shenjun."


General Liu was totally shocked and completely stunned.

Not only was General Liu, but also the others present, all of them were shocked.

消息 The news is too dramatic and shocking.

General Liu immediately grabbed the silk cloth letter and swept quickly, his hands trembling violently, exclaiming: "Julu ... Zhao Muguo is really Chun Shenjun's illegitimate child ?!"

Immediately, someone came to report: "Report to General, we found a secret passage with a lot of treasure and weapons in it."

General Liu is not particularly surprised by this news.

Since Zhao Mu is a spy of the Kingdom of Chu, it is not surprising to hide weapons. It is not surprising that Zhao Mu, as the most favored person of King Xiaocheng, searched for a lot of wealth ~ ~ The general said to Li Yao: "Li Taifu, although Zhao Mu is a spy of the Chu state, but after all, you killed Zhao Mu. You will need to take you to see the king in the end, otherwise, the end will not be good."

尧 Li Yao nodded and said, "I'll go with you to see the King."

General Liu is overjoyed, he is really worried that Li Yao is unwilling.

Wu Yuanzong quickly worried and said, "Xunzi, I'll go with you."

尧 Li Yao waved his hand and said, "No need, I will be fine."

Later, Li Yao and General Liu left Juluhou House together with all the evidence.

Zhao Wang Palace.

"What? Zhao Mu is ... the illegitimate son of Chun Shenjun?"

Wang Xiaocheng slumped on the ground with a buttock, and shivered.

He had no idea that the man he loved was not only the spy of Chu State, but also the illegitimate son of Chun Shenjun.

打击 This blow is too big for him.

He couldn't accept it at all.

Suddenly, King Xiaocheng stood up, and there was a murder in his eyes.

He said to Li Yao in a deep voice: "Did Zhao Mu kill you?"

"Yes, I killed it."

尧 Li Yao nodded and smiled: "The king will not want to kill me, take revenge for Zhao Mu."

Wang Xiaocheng's heart was startled, but he didn't expect his mind to be seen through at a glance.

尧 Li Yao continued: "I urge you to dispel this idea, and take the position of your head as I am now, just like searching for things."

Xun Xiaocheng Wang was so excited that he sat down on the ground with a fright.

With a stun, General Liu immediately pulled out his sword.

However, the next moment, he only felt that his hand sank, and the sword in his hand did not know when it had reached Li Yao's hand.

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