Various Heavens and Realms Picking Attribute System

Chapter 55: Both hard and soft, control Wu's ranch

In nominal terms, Li Yao is the **** of Zhao Guo.

In fact, he rarely went to the palace to teach martial arts to younger Zhao Zhao.

Because he has more important things to do.

Originally, in the Zhao court, there were many Mo people holding various official positions.

He was only concerned that King Xiaocheng had feared that the Mohist guild would grow up, and he restricted Mohists from holding important official positions.

Now that King Xiaocheng is seriously ill, Li Yao took the opportunity to pass Guo Kai's hand, planted a lot of Mozis, and entered the important government office as the leader.

Soon, the power of the entire Zhao State was controlled by Li Yao.

After he took control of the overall situation, his eyes began to focus on the animal husbandry king Wu's puppet.

In this era, the cavalry has not really risen yet.

的 The fighting among nations is still dominated by infantry.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Guo's cavalry is relatively powerful among the seven countries.

The most important reason was that when King Zhao Wuling was in office, he implemented the 'Hu Fu Riding and Shooting' policy, which enabled Zhao Guo's cavalry to develop rapidly.

Today, Wu's Ranch controls Zhao's war horse supply.

Once Wu's refuge in the enemy country, the consequences are unimaginable.

尧 Li Yao plans to use Zhao as the base camp, and gradually eliminate the other six countries to achieve unity in the world.

Of course, his main purpose is to gain more attributes in the process of unifying the world.

Also, this can be regarded as a kind of experience.

尧 Li Yao took a carriage and came to Wujia Mansion.

Wu Shizhen and Wu Yingyuan, who had already received the news, had already welcomed Li Yao's arrival at the door.

Who is Li Yao today?

Jaina is the first person to control the whole power of Zhao Guo.

Wu 倮 and Wu Yingyuan dare not neglect.

After a brief greeting, Li Yao entered the Wu family mansion.

He is indeed the king of animal husbandry of Zhao State, and the luxurious house of Wujia Mansion is no less than the luxury villa of later generations.

Today, tables and chairs are popular throughout Zhao, and the Wu family is no exception.

After the host Li Bin was seated, Li Yao said casually while drinking water: "Wu Lao, you Wu family, have the blood of Qin Kingdom."

Wu Wuxi and Wu Yingyuan trembled and looked at each other.

It stands to reason that it is not a secret thing that they have Qin descent.

However, as soon as Li Yao came to the door today, he mentioned the matter, which must be profound.

Wu Yingyuan's eyes flickered even more.

Wu Wuxi said with a grin: "Without concealing Taifu, our Wu family does have the blood of Qin Kingdom, but since we came to Zhao Guo, we are loyal to Zhao Guo and dare not have any dissent."

尧 Li Yao sneered, "Really? But I heard that your Wu family has been in frequent contact with a certain official of Qin Kingdom recently, somehow?"

Wu Wuxi quickly denied: "It will never be possible, our Wu family will be loyal to Da Zhao, and we will never do such a bad thing."

Wu Yingyuan's eyes flashed with panic.

Li Yao looked at Wu Yingyuan with a smile, and said, "Brother Wu, do you think so too?"

Wu Wuyingyuan stole the panic, pretending to be calm and authentic: "Li Taifu, our Wu family has always been loyal to Da Zhao, and heaven and earth can be learned."

Li Yao took a few palms and smiled: "What a world to learn from!"

He immediately turned around and said: "Then I ask you, why have you been in frequent contact with Lu Buwei of Qin Kingdom recently?"

Wu Wuxi stood up in shock, staring gloomily at Wu Yingyuan, and asked, "Ying Yuan, are you really connected with Lu Buwei?"

Suddenly Wu Yingyuan felt a bit in his heart, wondering how Li Yao learned this secret.

Because of the importance of this matter, even his father has hidden this secret.

Alas, his face remained calm, Yaguo denied: "Mr. Li, there must be artificial rumors, and they want to frame our Wu family."

尧 Li Yao saw Wu Yingyuan's mouth hard, and was not anxious, and continued to expose the details of Wu Yingyuan, "Oh, then I ask you, do you know Tu Xian and Xiao Yuetan?"

Wu Wuyingyuan was shocked and couldn't calm down anymore.

Lu Tuwei was the director of Lu Buwei first and was in charge of secret contact with him, while Xiao Yuetan was the actual contact person sent by Tu Xian.

When he contacted Xiao Yuetan, he was extremely secretive, and it is logically impossible for anyone to know.

I didn't expect Li Yao to come up with the names of Tu Xian and Xiao Yuetan, which made him calm.

Seeing that Wu Yingyuan's expression changed greatly, Wu's family had already guessed that this was true.

For a moment, the expression on his face was cloudy, and his mood changed sharply, thinking about how to deal with the situation at hand.

Seeing Wu Yingyuan's silence, Li Yao continued to expose the bottom of Wu Yingyuan, "Tu Xian and Xiao Yuetan contact you, just to rescue Qin Guozheng Zheng and Zhu Ji through you, don't you?"

Wu Wuyingyuan's face brushed, and he became darker than black coal.

He trembled in horror: "You you you ... how did you learn this?"

尧 Li Yao smiled slightly: "Is this still important?"

Immediately, he slammed the table and yelled, "Wu Yingyuan, you have such a courage to dare to communicate with the enemy and rebel against Zhao, aren't you afraid of the Zhulian Nine?"

Wu Yingyuan and Wu's trembled in shock, their knees softened, fell to their knees, and begged quickly: "Taifu, my Wu Yingyuan was fascinated by the ghost for a moment, made such a big mistake, I hope too much Fu can see that our Wu family has always provided Da Zhao with the horse.

They have long heard of Li Yao's fierce name. Li Yao killed hundreds of killers with his own power ~ ~. The swordsmen they recruited from Wu family were not Li Yao's opponents at all.

Moreover, Li Yao didn't lead soldiers to catch them directly this time, indicating that Li Yao didn't want to put Wu family to death.

What is the matter? At the moment, only asking for forgiveness from Li Yao can the Wu family have a vitality.

Seeing that the plan was completed, Li Yao pulled Wu Shizhen and Wu Yingyuan and smiled, "I know, your Wu family has always been loyal to Da Zhao, and Wu brother has been blinded by Lu Buwei for a while. As long as your Wu family remains loyal to Da Zhao in the future, I will not pursue this matter. "

Wu Wuzheng and Wu Yingyuan glanced at each other, thinking in their hearts: Li Yao will never give up this matter so easily, he must have a move.

Sure enough, Li Yao turned his words and continued: "However, in order to show the loyalty of your Wu family, you must show enough sincerity."

Wu Wuxi quickly said: "Tai Fu can not speak, as long as our Wu family can do it."

尧 Li Yao said lightly: "Give up your Wu's ranch!"


Wu Wuxi and Wu Yingyuan were shocked, but did not expect Li Yao to make this request.

Wu's ranch is the foundation of their Wu's pedestal. If they surrender Wu's ranch, it is equivalent to surrender their net worth.

Li Yao said, "However, rest assured that the ranch is still run by you. The imperial court will send a horse inspector to the Wu's ranch to prevent you from selling war horses to enemy countries."

Wu Wuxi and Wu Yingyuan were relieved when they heard this.

As long as Li Yao has not taken away the management right of the ranch, they have a foothold.

The reason why Li Yao did not take away the management right of the ranch is because the Wu family has rich experience in raising war horses. It is better for the Wu family to keep war horses than it is for laymen to raise horses.

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