Various Heavens and Realms Picking Attribute System

Chapter 74: First Emperor Li Yao, unified the world

Li Yao is practicing the knife technique in the courtyard, while thinking about the scene of the battle with Cao Qiudao yesterday.

He fought a battle with Cao Qiudao, which made him gain a lot.

He not only harvested a lot of attributes from Cao Qiudao, but also learned a lot of sword meaning from Cao Qiudao.

He absorbed the advantages of Cao Qiudao's swordsmanship and incorporated them into his sword technique, which gave him a deeper understanding of the sword technique.

When He was concentrating on his sword, a Mo Su suddenly ran over and shouted, "Bitch, something bad ..."

尧 Li Yao was still practicing his sword, and before the Mo Zhe approached, he asked, "What happened?"

墨 The Mozi panted, and said, "Big ... Big ... Big King ... was ... killed to death!"

King Xi, naturally is the son of King Zhaocheng.

Zhao 偃 was actually killed?

Li Yao was shocked. Who has such courage? Dare to kill Zhao Yan?

Although Zhao Ye is a puppet, he is also the king of Zhao Guo after all.

He quickly put away the knife, and asked solemnly, "What's going on?"

墨 The Mo man quickly recounted the beginning and end of the matter.

It's like this ...

Zhao Pan laughed at Zhao Pan for being useless. He was a grand king. Zhao Yan was so angry that he scuffled with Zhao Pan.

Zhao Zhaopan is the fake Zhengzheng made by Xiang Shaolong in the original work.

Originally, Li Yao planned to train Zhao Pan and let Zhao Pan take over Zhao Fei as king Zhao.

After all, he will leave the world, and he does not want to turn the rivers and mountains he laid down into a waste.

However, this is better, Zhao Pan didn't play light or heavy, actually killed Zhao 偃.

I'm afraid that those of King Zhao's family will not give up, especially the queen mother Han Jing.

Li Yao immediately rushed to Zhao Wanggong.

Han Jing and other King Zhao's family, when they saw Li Yao's arrival, they demanded that Zhao Pan be executed.

Li Yao is also not good at speaking for Zhao Pan. After all, ‘rule the country according to law’ and ‘everyone is equal before the law’ were proposed by themselves and implemented in Zhao Guo.

He had to put Zhao Pan in jail, and ordered relevant officials to take over the interrogation of Zhao Pan.

I finally appeased King Zhao's room.

But then, I encountered another big problem.

谁 Who will take over?

King Zhao's room is already decaying and there are few who can take over the king.

Yuan Zong always hoped that Li Yao would become the king of the world.

However, Yuanzong launched all forces that could be mobilized to support Li Yao as King Zhao Guo.

国 Since Li Yao took charge of the administration, Zhao Guo's national strength has skyrocketed.

Li Yao has won the support of most people and officials.

I was so, among the court, most people supported Li Yao as King Zhao Guo.

As long as a few royal families object.

Unfortunately, the voice of opposition is too low to form a climate.

As a result, Li Yao became King Zhao Guo.

After Li Yao became the king, Ji Yanran became a relative.

才 Because Ji Yanran only learned outstanding, is a good helper.

Next, Li Yao set out to destroy the other six countries and dominate the world.

A month later, Li Yao ordered Ji Yanran to go to politics, and then he went to the army to conquer six countries.

Equipped with horse stables, Takahashi saddles, horseshoes, and cavalry cavalry swords, their combat power soared.

Coupled with the assistance of Lianpo and Li Mu, Zhao Guo's iron rider swept across six countries in just two years, and no one can match.

Li Yao won South Korea first, then destroyed Wei Kingdom, making Sanjin one.

Subsequently, Li Yao destroyed the weakest Yan country.

Then, he attacked Qi State, which bordered Yan State.

Qi Dan's Tian Dan was seized by Li Yao in secret after Li Yao defeated Sword Master, and handed it to Zhao Ruan Zhao Zhi for disposal.

Qi Guo, who had lost Tian Dan, fell into the mud of power struggle.

Ye Yi, Li Yao easily won Qi Guo.

Then, Li Yao destroyed Chu.

Finally, he began to conquer Qin Kingdom.

Li Qin's strong national strength and occupying an excellent geographical location made Li Yao take a lot of trouble.

However, under the powerful iron riding, Qin Guo soon fell apart and completely disintegrated.

Afterwards, they attacked the Huns in the north and conquered Baiyue in the south.

So far, the world is unified, only Da Zhao.

Li Yao began to be called emperor and became the first emperor in history.

After Xun became emperor, he unified language, unified weights and measures, unified currency ...

At the same time, he will also introduce systems such as the three provinces, six departments, and scientific research systems in advance.

After completing this series of reforms, his cultivation realm has reached the ninth peak of the refining world, and he is about to break through to the refining world.

It is time for me to leave the Qinji World.

Then he told the world that he was going to hold a soaring ceremony, soaring into immortal in front of all the people in the world.

Wu Zhao came out and the whole country was uproar!

Xun Feisheng has become a fairy. It has always been a legend. No one has seen it with his own eyes.

I didn't expect their emperor to go up to the immortal in public.

Although the people all know that their emperor is wise and mighty, it is too mysterious to ascend to immortality. They do not believe that emperor Li Yao can ascend to immortality.

Alas, the people were very curious and wanted to see how the emperor soared into immortality.

As a result, on the day of the ascension ceremony, many people came from all over the country, as many as 100,000.

They all want to see for themselves how the emperor soared into immortality.

In fact, Li Yao held this soaring ceremony with other intentions.

He is going to create another history first ~ ~ He will give the Emperor the position to Ji Yanran, and make Ji Yanran the first emperor of all ages.

Since he began to dominate the world, he has handed over most of the affairs in the court to Ji Yanran.

Yan Jiyan did not disappoint him, and she managed the government in an orderly manner.

Moreover, Ji Yanran is also willing to deal with these complicated political affairs.

If you put Ji Yanran in later generations, you will be a strong woman properly.

Therefore, Li Yao decided to pass the emperor's position to Ji Yanran.

However, Ji Yanran was a woman after all, and when she was a prime minister, she had dissatisfied many ministers who could not eat the ancient times. Fortunately, Ji Yanran blocked the mouths of these people with practical ability.

However, how can a woman be an emperor in a country?

Therefore, Li Yao decided to ascend to the immortal in public in order to tell the world that he is a god, and that he made Ji Yanran an emperor, which is equivalent to being ordered to heaven.

He will also make a legendary jade seal with the clan, and carved the eight characters ‘assigned to the sky, both forever and ever,’ which also allowed Ji Yanran to become the empress.

On the day of the Ascension Ceremony, more than 100,000 people gathered at the Ascension Platform in the southern suburbs.

Li Yao passed the position of emperor to Ji Yanran in front of all the people and ministers.

Then he shouted, "He is going to fly!"

Then he thought about it and issued a command to the system: "System, take me away!"

Immediately, a dazzling white light descended from the sky.

Li Yao turned into white light and disappeared.

Everyone, including Ji Yanran, was stunned. I didn't expect Li Yao to really become a fairy.

Suddenly, everyone knelt down and bowed to the flying platform.

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