Versatile Mage

Chapter 1989: Sick team


The Tianshan branch goes down from the highest point of the sea and is divided into glacial deposits, alpine zero-temperature layers, meadow layers, and desert layers.

The Tianshan Rift Valley is a squat, so getting out of the desert layer means that they have reached the meadow layer, closer to the glacial layer, and one step closer to the location of the celestial mark.


Along the hot route of the Hongshi River, the people of the Meron Mercenary also successfully walked out of the desert layer and began to enter the meadow layer with moss and cold grass.

The layer of meadow means that the land above their heads is covered with thick plateau meadows. Looking at it is a piece of greenery, mostly empty and holy, beautiful and spectacular!

Because the McDonald's mercenary group is in the Great Rift Valley, this spectacular beauty is not visible, but the large rift valleys on the meadow floor are obviously more open, and some places can even show valleys, basins, low-lying pastures. Look, they also inherit the characteristics of the meadow layer...

The large rift valley of the meadow layer was originally covered with vegetation that was obviously growing in the lowlands, but when you continue to go deeper, you will find that the cliffs on both sides of the head and the cliffs are covered with plants. The large-leaved climbing grass is denser than a wall. It is thought that it has entered a dead end without approaching the past.

This place covered with vegetation, there are indeed more living creatures, more toxic species, and finally out of the desert layer, it should be worthy of joy, can enter this more complex territory, the nerves can not help but tighten stand up.

In the desert layer, the demon group encountered by the Meron Mercenary Corps is not only the deserted spider.

Along the way, there were a lot of predatory populations, and they were all repelled. This is the crushing of pure strength. Under normal circumstances, the demon population of the desert layer should not be able to stop the mage group such as the Meron Mercenary. Fortunately, in the desert layer, they did not encounter such extremely horrific and terrible populations like the wild-skinned spiders. It is not known whether other mage groups have encountered other more terrible populations.

However, the ecological shape of the rift valley in the desert layer is relatively simple, mainly rock, sand, cliff, and stone crack. This meadow layer is diversified, and the demon species inhabiting will be more diverse and the number will be absolutely larger. After experiencing the attack of the wild-skinned spider, no one will now fear the Tianshan.

"Old Ai, go to the deputy head, the group chief called over." Nan Yan said.


Everyone camped on a dry moss, and Ai Jiangtu called Kumar and Gavin.

"What's the matter?" The secretary of the group, Gavin, looked a little impatient and asked.

"He seems to be dying." Nanxun pointed to the seriously ill member Parker.

Parker became ill from entering the Tianshan Rift Valley. At first, he was able to follow the team. Until now, he was basically spread, and the other two mixed mercenaries were taking turns.

"Parker, what are you doing, the warm place to be comfortable, and the place where the conditions are bad will become like this. Are you a girl?" The head of the group, Gavin, walked over and shouted his face.

"I... I need a doctor," Parker said weakly.

"So many people are injured because of the battle, where the doctor is busy, sick things like this is your own physique is not good!" Gavin said.

"Let Warner come and see." Deputy Director Kumar said.

"Really, just call us a few small things." Gavin had no patience.

The doctor named Warner did not take long to come, but I can see that the doctor was very embarrassed, and a pair of mouthwashes were too late to drink.

He checked the sickness Parker again and said bluntly: "The symptoms are the same as before. The altitude sickness is only aggravating a lot. Parker, it seems that you are not suitable for such an environment. The normal people's altitude sickness is about one or two. It’s just fine, but you are getting worse.”

"Help... help me think about it... think about it." Parker pleaded.

"I can do anything about this. I can only rely on your body to adjust and take more deep breaths," Warner said.

If you are sick, there is no good way to cure the mage, let alone the problem of altitude sickness.

After everyone left, Parker had no light in his eyes. He looked very painful, but the team could not return because of him.

"He should have rested in the town long ago."

"Who would have thought of this increase?"

"If you go on like this, Parker will die."

Even if it is a small cold, if it does not stop, it will take away the life of a healthy and healthy person. What's more, the altitude sickness makes the Parker's disease continue to have multiple symptoms, no adaptation, no slowing, vomiting, headache, and edema. obvious.

Parker can hardly eat anything now, not to mention whether he will die or not, and the possibility of starvation is possible.

Mo Fan and others have no better way to do this. Mo Fan and Ai Jiangtu try to use space magic to compress the air, so that Parker gets more oxygen, but unfortunately this does not work.

"It seems that Parker was abandoned." Jiang Yan shook his head.

"Many mercenary groups are like this. The road is long and the disease number often occurs. Most of the illnesses need to go back to the city to have doctors, equipment, and drugs to recover, so the disease is often abandoned. Said Ai Jiangtu.

This is the difference between the army and the mercenary. The army is not allowed to do so under any circumstances. Even a dead person, and the boss must be carried back. The mercenary is relatively indifferent, with only money and tasks in his eyes.

"Old Ai, what did the group chief Gewen say to you?" Nan Yan said.

"He asked me to choose a suitable place, to drop Parker and give him a self-destruction." Ai Jiangtu said.

"I rely on, what kind of animal things do we let us do?" Zhao Man extended.

"I didn't agree," said Ai Jiangtu.


The team continued to set off, but there were two old mercenaries carrying one to the ninth team and placed in front of Ai Jiangtu and others.

"What's wrong?" asked Ai Jiangtu.

"He seems to have a high altitude reaction. The group leader asked us to carry him here and let you take care of him, just as you care about the sick number." The old gambler named Li Yu said.

After the old gambler came over, in addition to talking to others, the eyes would always go to Muning's chest, and the greedy like a wolf could not hide.

"What the hell, our ninth team is not a sick number, he is the team, isn't it supposed to be taken care of by any team?" Zhao Manyan immediately called.

"It’s not good to take care of the injured people and give them care. Besides, there are so many women in your team. It is normal to take care of the sickness and the injured." Li Yu said.

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