Versatile Mage

Chapter 2033: Syracuse

The weather is getting cold. Wherever the snow-capped mountains are foggy and foggy, the warning lights as sentry towers are hidden in the hustle and bustle. The area near the sea is basically invisible.

This kind of weather is always prone to some unpredictable things. In addition to this cold season, the moths either hibernate or have a life in the summer and autumn. The defense of the snow mountain can only rely on the mages.

Mo Fan set off for Greece very early, and in Greece on a foggy day, only an international flight from Russia, Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan caught up with the plane, and Fan Xueshan, which was shrouded in the fog, sounded an alarm.

"They should be able to handle it?" Mo Fan said with some concern.

Sitting at the window, looking down is a cold frost, what happened to Mo Fan is not clear.

"It doesn't help you to stay. If Snow Mountain is to rely on itself, a mature enterprise, you can't rely on the boss to run off your legs. The employees must also hone. Don't worry, Van Snow Mountain is stronger than most families. Without the spirit moth, those garrison personnel can do the same. If they can't get it, they should also change the batch of garrisons. When it is time to avoid serious events, they can't resist and hurt innocent residents." Zhao Manyan said.

Mo Fan nodded, Zhao Manyan, this person exaggerated to boast, sometimes can say something reasonable, it is worth coming out of the big family.

"Purple!!" Suddenly, Zhao Manyan said with a dignified face.

Mo Fan stunned and hurriedly stood up and wanted to see the ground from the airplane window.

Purple alert? ? ?

Is it purple alert? !

The purple alert means that the city will suffer from the catastrophe. Doesn't it mean that most of the Krakens need to hibernate the sea? They really have to launch an offensive, and it is so sudden and rapid. ?

If it is purple, then you must not go, many people will die!

Damn, these Krakens really don’t give the coastal area a chance to breathe! !

"Hey, I didn't think of a so-called flight attendant. The original wearing is full of desires and purple. It seems that the flight in the air makes her very empty. Russian girl, I haven't tasted it yet." Zhao Manyan took out a Small book with colorful flag icons on it.

A horizontal line was drawn behind the small icon of the Russian flag. Zhao Manyan then stared at the black-and-wire steward who was squatting with her eyes on the prey. She was sorting out the luggage on her head.

"I am going to your uncle!" Mo Fan sprayed on Zhao Manyan's face with a sip of water.

Zhao Manyan looked stunned and didn't understand why Mo Fan suddenly broke his mouth.

"Brother, if you look at it, I can't give it to you, but you pay attention to your behavior. How do we usually have bad breath and disgust in front of the flower girl? You can't get it. "Zhao Manyan said.

"..." Mo Fan was speechless. He glanced at the small notebook in Zhao Manyan's hand. He was confused and pointed to the small icon of his country. "Why are you writing so many positive characters behind, meaning that we are still The sister of my country is right??"

"You don't know the positive word counting method, hitting one home run, representing a painting." Zhao Manyan said.

Lying in the trough, Zhao Manyan is a pig that is not as good as a pig!

Mo Fan is very skeptical that Zhao Manyan's face is so pale, and there are some functional deficiencies in the kidney.

"Look at my book. When I write a positive character on all the small icons, I can die successfully." Zhao Manyan flipped the small book and showed Mofan the performance of his own. When he found out Everyone looked at himself with disdain and couldn't help but scream. "Your ambition is to become the strongest magician in the world. My ambition is all over the world... Oh, the words are too embarrassing, and I love the world. Beautiful women in all countries!"

"That is not your ambition, it is the ambition of all men in the whole world." Mo Fan said.


Arrived in Greece, the whole of Greece was just caged by a thin layer of silver snow, quiet and sacred.

Many of the believers from the Parthenon, wearing ice-blue mopping skirts, gently stepping on the snow blanket with plain white feet, in every shop, residence It is a sacred blessing to leave a row of neat and delicate footprints.

For many devout people, this is a great honor, but for men like Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan who don’t believe in Parthenon, there is no foot control, they are hooked up. Behind, all the way to enjoy is a kind of endless enjoyment.

Indeed, such a grand scene is hard to see in other countries. There are even many tourists from other European countries along the street. It is a thousand miles to watch this visual feast.

"The top, the woman, wow, I can't stand it anymore." Zhao Manyan pointed to the leader of Xue Xin's woman.

This street is divided into twelve groups of Xuexin women. They walked barefoot through the important streets of the Shenshan city and gathered at the Shenshan Square in the center of the city, surrounded by their leader.

From Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan, only the back of the leader can be seen. Her soft posture like a willow stick maintains a posture of holding the moon. The long legs are straight like art. The curly hair is curly. Silk drops down...

She is as quiet as a silver, with a noble but yet amiable, fascinating but unwilling.

"She won't be a summer?" Zhao Manyan suddenly realized what he was, and asked carefully.

"No, the proportion of the body is not right..." Mofan replied with certainty.

"Hey, you know very well. Who is that? This should be a very grand holiday ceremony." Zhao Manyan said.

Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan both wanted to know who the woman was. It looked like the goddess of ancient Greek mythology really came to the snow city.

“Perfect side face.” Zhao Manyan walked to the side of the square and began to praise it.

Going further to the front, the face of the ceremonial woman was finally fully revealed.

Mo Fan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but Zhao Manyan widened his eyes.

"How is she, this fox!" Mo Fan almost blurted out.

"Amount... Although she is one of the few beautiful women I have ever seen in the world, I guarantee that there is absolutely no her in my conquest list." Zhao Manyan shook his head and said.

From a reviewer's point of view, Asharuya is really beautiful. She has a golden ratio that makes all the oriental women envy. The magnificent place is not reserved at all. The rounded and full-bodied part is absolutely tight, that is The character of this woman is really hard to say!

"It turned out to be your dish." Zhao Manyan took a shot of Mo Fan's shoulder.

"Less fart, I can be a brother with her pure." Mo Fandao.

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