Versatile Mage

Chapter 2392: Your two husbands?


The sunny season is the most beautiful time of the University of Ojos. Many flowers that need sunshine can be used to embellish the entire school into a maritime garden in the ancient city of Babylon.

The fragrance fills every corner of the campus, and the window is opened early in the morning. The fragrance will make people feel that a woman who has been fascinated for a long time will put her body into her arms. It is wonderful to wake up in such a morning.

"Birds, animals!"

"Birds, animals!!"

"Change is in ancient times, you are going to soak the pig cage." Mu Bai said very knowledgeable.

Mo Fan glanced at Mu Bai and couldn't think of any more suitable words, so he continued: "Birds, animals!!"

"We are studying music." Zhao Manyan said righteously.

“A study of music all night?” Mofan questioned.

"That didn't, I studied red wine, coffee beans, and some cooking things. In short, it is the style that you rough people don't understand." Zhao Manyan continued.

“How many times?” Mofan asked.

"It's two...we are really pure."

"Did you wear it?"

"Safety period... Hey, yes, we really are not what you think. In fact, at the beginning, I just intended to approach, with a revenge mentality to get to know the future nephew, I can touch it and I found that she and I have a lot. Soul resonance point, is the soul mate often said in foreign countries, many topics, as long as I take a lead, she immediately understood. And she obviously does not like Zhao Yougan that dog thing, but fortunately I got to know her in time, so as not to let Such a good girl fell to Zhao Yougan's kind of poisonous and tasteless people. In short, we are really in love." Zhao Manyan said.

"Well, Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang also said this." Mo Fan nodded and said that he understood.

Zhao Manyan’s calm look couldn’t be maintained. He said with anger and anger: “You have a power to think about the two wives who have the power to talk to me, and you have a person who doesn’t even have a girlfriend. What qualifications are there? Judge real love!"

"Well, everyone is a beast." Mo Fan spread his hand and said that Zhao Manyan would have nothing to say in this way.

"What about me?" Mu Bai protested that he had never done anything.

"You are not as good as a beast!" Zhao Manyan and Mo Fan have a tacit understanding of the channel.


This society is so realistic. Since Mofan has smashed Neilsun, the number of people coming to his class has increased day by day, and it is almost reaching the level of squatting.

After all, the theory needs to be combined with actual combat. Most people will only agree with what their eyes see. As for how high-end your thinking is, they will not pay attention to it.

After attending a full-scale class, Mo Fan pushed his own thick glasses and became more proud of his identity.

Genius is a genius after all, no matter which field you can easily control!

After class, Mo Fan went to the day bath cafe, where he enjoyed the afternoon leisure.

He likes to come here for the simple reason that he can drink coffee on the spacious terrace covered with white sand and see the vast blue sea. The most important thing is that there are many female students in the college wearing bikinis. On a soft, thin little beach mat, then bathe in the sun, in order to make your body more evenly lit, they will also untie the small chest rope behind them, and even put aside some of them directly, let Others can know the size of her master's proud!

What is the difference between BRA's daylight beach and park picnic? ?

Foreign girls are good at this, informal, never good things are hidden.

Mo Fan swept away, and soon noticed a cute, ripe cherry color with about E, so lazy on the right hand side of its hostess.

The hostess looked over and seemed to want to take things, just hit the eyes of Mo Fan.

Mo Fan is awkward...

Being a teacher, being a teacher, being innocent, being caught shameful!

"Hey, isn't this a Mo Yifan tutor?" said the E-class woman, and she didn't mind Mo Fan's gaze.

"Ah, classmates, your medal is very important to me to prepare for class." Mo Fan said.

"When I was 10 years old, I had D. Now I am 20 years old, and I don’t have much. You must not know me. I am Pooh, a student of the Brançois mentor camp." Vini said broadly, saying She also extended a hand, a pair of hands to look at with Mo Fan.

Mo Fan was flattered and hurriedly said: "You will be inconvenient, even if you shake hands... it is better to hug."

"..." Pooh felt that she had an opponent.

At this moment, a man wearing a suit and a young man dressed in the British style came, they went directly to Pooh, a fluttering dance said the interesting things he encountered today, another one picked up the sunscreen in obscurity. Frost, helped Vinnie's back coat up.

Mo Fan had a sigh of relief and had to read a book.

However, the remaining corners found that Pooh had a British man who applied sunscreen to the sun, and then kissed the man.

Mo Fan's eyes widened.

Lying in the trough, blatantly playing three!

Under the wind and the wind, the female student’s work is worthy of criticism from the teacher.

"Mo Yifan tutor, this is my two husbands. Introduced, you do not expect to remember the name. We don't talk about it?" Pooh asked with a **** smile.

"Ah?" Mo Fan stunned.

What is my two husbands?

"I didn't get it wrong?" Mo Fandao.

"I do not understand."

"Your two husbands??" Mofan stressed.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Pooh said naturally, but soon she realized what, and then explained with a smile, "You didn't know it. There is no definition of couples in the law of Ojos. It’s exclusive. I’m not the girl you think, they are all my legal husbands.”

They are all my legal husbands...

This sounds like it’s not too exciting.

Today, Zhao Manyan also squandered his dream of life. Who knows that it will soon be ushered in such an explosion.

"Is this country not monogamous?" Mofan asked with a low voice and a bit of hunger.

"Poly polygamy, polyandry, and freedom, are all free. Originally, how many loves in this world are not ok, Ojos Shengyuan has never restricted human nature in this kind of thing, saying Up, I am still looking for my third husband. They are very good, but I always feel that I am leading. As a girl, I still hope that there is a strong person in many aspects, at least in strength. That's it," said Pooh.

Her twinkling eyes were staring at Mo Fan.

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