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Chapter 365: Emotions are not in place

With a message to calm Qiao Feng, Yue Si said to everyone in the Beggar Gang: "Now, I have given you an ultimatum, those who obey, the imperial court will arrange work for you based on your contribution to the fight against the Western Xia invasion; Those who don't obey will be killed on the spot, don't say I don't give you face."

"But you, Law Enforcement Elder Bai Shijing, if you offended me, you have to die whether you agree or not!"

"Arrogant boy, I'll kill you!" Bai Shijing jumped to Yue Si and grabbed him with a palm. Although the members of the gang were suspicious of themselves because of Yue Si's words, as long as they killed people and died without proof, they would You can put this thing out of the way.

When Yue Si shot before, Bai Shijing hadn't been here yet, so he didn't know how strong Yue Si was.

Before Yue Si could make a move, Qiao Feng grabbed Bai Shijing with a move of his dragon claw, hit him a few times with a few large points on his body, and then threw it aside.

"Qiao Feng, you Liao dog, you are no longer qualified to be the leader of my beggar gang, why do you interfere with my beggar gang's affairs!" Bai Shijing was blocked by Qiao Feng, but he still stuck his neck and attacked Yue Si. The incident was advertised as acting for the Beggar Gang: "I don't know where this kid came from, but he opened his mouth to kill my Beggar Gang elders and disband my Beggar Gang members.

"Humph!" Qiao Feng said: "Although I, Qiao Feng, are a Khitan, I can no longer be the head of the beggar gang, and I can no longer intervene in the internal affairs of the beggar gang, but I grew up in the Song Dynasty and was taught by my master. Da, who knows shame and benevolence, and said, is the death of Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of Ma, related to you!"

"He killed Ma Dayuan! I have many lovers, Quan Guanqing is just one of them, and so does Bai Shijing." said Mrs. Ma Kang Min over there.

"Bitch!" Like Quan Guanqing, Bai Shijing began to scold Kang Min angrily when he saw that the matter was irreversible, as if all the faults were caused by this woman.

But everyone in the Beggar Gang ignored his scolding, and an elder stood up and said, "Elder Bai, you are the law enforcement elder of this gang, and you know what the crime is for murdering the gang members!"

Knowing that his death is approaching today, Bai Shijing simply broke the can and said to the beggar gang:

"Everyone, don't you understand yet, there are spies sent by the imperial court within the beggar gang, and our every move is under the surveillance of the imperial court, otherwise how could he know so clearly."

"He is able to know so much information, and he is obviously in a high position. Only by holding him hostage will our beggar gang have a chance!"

"My Bai Shijing's death is not a pity, I deserve it, but the Beggar Gang is a big gang that has been passed down for many generations, and it is the backbone of the martial arts. It must not be lost!"

Knowing that his death was imminent, Bai Shijing didn't care so much, biting like a mad dog, trying to drag Yue Si into the water, all because of this!

And Yue Si was sent by the imperial court. If something happened to him, the imperial court would definitely not let the beggar gang go easily.

The power of the whole country is not to talk about.

Hearing this, Qiao Feng immediately stood in front of Yue Si and said, "Brothers of the Beggar Gang, don't do stupid things!"

"They have no chance!" Yue Si said.

When the voice fell, the ground suddenly shook, and then there was a loud noise from two or three miles away, and everyone in the beggar gang could clearly hear the movement.

Some cavalrymen charged towards Xingzilin, and some of the beggar gang disciples became uneasy. Although they hadn't seen anyone yet, the movement had already made them feel terrified.

"Relax your heart, relax your heart, there are trees blocking the cavalry, and the cavalry cannot charge at all. Once the speed of the cavalry slows down, it will not be so scary!" Someone like the helmsman shouted loudly, comforting the disciples.

From this point, we can see that the Beggar Gang really went to the battlefield and fought against Xixia. The Song Dynasty lost the northern horse farms and lacked cavalry as a means of warfare. go to heap.

The best weapon to deal with cavalry is cavalry. In the absence of equivalent force, we can only try to slow down the speed of cavalry, and then pile up with infantry.

They were in the almond forest. These trees were natural barriers to the horses, and the cavalry could not launch an offensive at all, otherwise they would be courting death.

But the means of people coming from outside were more than what the Beggar Gang and others imagined. After an unknown tearing sound, the apricot trees in the direction of the group of people were broken and fell to the ground, and the trunks were directly smashed.

Then a group of people rode in from the cleared road, but when they got there, their speed slowed down significantly.

Everyone in the beggar gang saw that it was a group of strangely dressed cavalrymen, all wrapped in a strange armor, holding spears with strange spears in their hands, and war knives hanging on their waists.

And the horses they were riding were even more incredible, with shoulder heights of at least two meters, sturdy limbs, and full armor on their bodies.

And these horses give the impression that they are not horses, but man-eating tigers.

Some of the beggar gang disciples could not bear the momentum of the horses and the oppression of the heavily armored cavalry, so they wet their pants.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although it looks like a horse, it also functions as a horse, but this kind of horse is actually a biochemical beast cultivated by the Mechanic God, and it eats meat.

After clearing a road with logging guns, the savage cavalry of the Star Boundary Army circled around the beggar gang, putting endless pressure on the beggar gang.

"As of now, I'm not pretending anymore." After that, Yue Si took off his clothes and activated the "painted skin" card, turning himself into Zhao Xu's appearance: "I am the official family of the Song Dynasty, you guys The emperor, Zhao Xu!"

Perhaps to prove Yue Si's words, outside the woods, several officials in red robes hurried over, trotted all the way to Yue Si, and kowtowed again and again: "I will meet the officials!"

They are the group of officials who were left to carry out various handover work with the Terra administrative staff. After receiving the notice that Yue Si came to Suzhou, they hurriedly put down their work and came to meet Yue Si. s.

This was the case in the feudal era. No job was as important as making the boss who could decide his own destiny happy.

The boss is happy, then the result after they complete the handover work, it is conceivable that it will be much better than the group of officials who have been liquidated.

This time, everyone in the beggar gang has no doubts about Yue Si's identity, and they want to understand a lot of things.

Why did Yue Si act so arrogant to them before, because he was the most honorable person in this country, that kind of attitude was taken for granted.

Why can he know so many secrets, because the mysterious spy is for him, responsible for monitoring the martial arts sect of the Song Dynasty, in case it has the intention of not being a minister.

The Song Dynasty had a tradition of rebellion, and the revolt of a group of martial arts masters had a much more serious impact than those of the disaster victims.

It's just that this emotion is not in place at all!

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