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Chapter 582: yes, that's what i thought

"You see things from a different angle than we do, very different."

Ding Yi looked at Yue Si with a smile on his face and said, "I noticed you when we were audited and selected to study that behemoth in the underground base. You are a very easy-to-understand person. One point will be gradually confirmed in future contacts."

"I didn't expect you to understand psychology and basic deduction methods." Yue Si said to Ding Yi with the same smile.

"I'm just a person who is good at divergent thinking." Ding Yi said: "The most noticeable thing about you is that you have no sense of existence. If you are placed in the crowd, if you are not deliberately looking for you, you will hardly be able to. When I found out about your existence, at work, you are not someone who likes to show your face and attract attention. During the Chinese New Year, even I would go on stage to cry and howl, but you didn’t move at all.”

The underground base also has its own specific holidays, which are used to relax the mind from the complicated work. Of course, there will be no professionals to perform. Usually, scientists and engineers rehearse their performances on their own.

Ding Yi made some meaningless gestures and said, "Although you don't want to attract attention, you have an urgent pursuit of power, and the fact that you can become a senior manager of the base and the general project leader makes me very shocked."

"This is contrary to your previous evaluation of me." Yue Si smiled brighter: "You said that I have no selfishness, so how do you explain the pursuit of greater power?"

Ding Yi scratched his head - he is a slovenly person, but there are certain requirements for entering the space station, so Ding Yi carried out a certain degree of personal cleaning and disinfection, so as not to look sloppy.

"This is my final conclusion, and it needs to be said at the end."

"The Trisolarans have technically blocked us and are invading us. We learned through it, and then you deliberately guided us to let our research be carried out in certain research directions, and do not continue to work in certain directions."

"We are very similar in this point. On the premise of being based on science and technology, we are not limited by the existing science and technology. On the premise of having it as the biggest cheater, we will give full play to our own abilities as much as possible. Imagination and creativity."

"The soul bound by gravity cannot perceive the entire universe." Yue Si responded with a sentence from Ding Yi earlier.

Ding Yi continued: "Based on the current results, your approach is correct. Your deliberate guidance has saved them a lot of detours."

"And the formulation of the Wallfacer plan, and your selection as a Wallfacer, these are more smooth sailings for you, making you one of the most powerful few in the world, and the ETO's multiple assassination operations against you are even stronger. your weight."

"If not, it is too rare to rely on one person's power to influence the opinions of countries around the world. It is too unreasonable to let ETO cooperate with your actions and escape from death again and again. I doubt it, is it? You single-handedly made it all happen."

"What I'm saying is, if I can interfere with the opinions of countries around the world and the ETO, then I'm really terrible." Yue Si said, although it is indeed true, although there is a certain chance, it is a coincidence It's only now that I've come this far, but it's not without his deliberate guidance. Although it's just an idle chess move, it has achieved good results.

The specific principle is very simple, just like the "how to become the son-in-law of the richest man in the world" - you go to the World Bank to find a job and say that you are the son-in-law of the richest man in the world, then you successfully become the vice president of the World Bank, and then Because of your status as the vice president of the World Bank, you took the daughter of the richest man in the world and became the son-in-law of the richest man in the world.

Yue Si's method is similar. First, he showed the unknown power of the Trisolarans, making the Trisolarans feel threatened by him, and then he became famous on the ETO list, because he was famous on the ETO list, and he was also on the must kill. , so he was selected into the Wallfacer program and became a Wallfacer.

And because Yue Si, who became the Wallfacer, became more threatening, ETO stepped up the assassination of Yue Si, because ETO recklessly assassinated Yue Si, and it showed that Yue Si's plan was correct and possible. Threats to Trisolaris.

It's really a ring.

Ding Yi continued:

"Although there was no news media coverage of the meeting where you became a Wallfacer at the United Nations, and there was no audio and video recording, the ETO still released a recording, which was recorded during the simultaneous interpretation process. Through this, I learned Your shocking speech, and then, I finally determined what kind of person you are - your worldview, your perception of the world."

"Your perception of the universe, the world we live in, is quite mature, the rest are like toddlers, and you've been in society for years and you know its twists and turns. "

"You feel sad about the future of the universe and human beings, as if human beings and this universe have no future, but what you are doing is doing your best to give human beings hope. Look at what you have done. Everything, upwards to raise the level of human science and technology, downwards, to raise the overall lower limit of human civilization, one by one, one by one, they are constantly enhancing the human beings themselves.”

"The invasion of the Trisolaran is also a part of your plan, using the coming war to force mankind to make continuous progress, just like the Cold War, the war will come tomorrow, but only tomorrow, in order to deal with the war, people will Continuously pouring resources into scientific and technological research and development, people have four hundred years of development time, which is really precious.”

"Generally speaking, you are a contradictory being. You know the ending, but you keep trying, bringing a glimmer of hope in the dark."

Yue Si applauded Ding Yi's analysis: "The analysis is really good, I almost believed that I was such a great person... Yes, that's what I thought and did, but because of the Wall Facing Project, I don't need to Tell you what I think, and are you really not a psychologist?"

Yue Si did not think as much as Ding Yi thought. He simply borrowed the wisdom of the human beings in this world to complete his own technology tree completion plan.

"Don't forget, I have two doctorates in quantum physics and philosophy." Ding Yi said: "The analysis of you is only the category of philosophy, from which you can understand your understanding of the entire universe."

"Put the weapons away, Professor Ding Yi is not an ETO person." Yue Si suddenly raised his voice and said for unknown reasons.

Hearing this, Ding Yi looked around and found that several astronauts were holding guns and aiming at him.

The weapon in their hands, Ding Yi recognized, is an energy weapon, which can adjust the power and carry out two kinds of attacks, lethal or non-lethal. The fatal is the kind that kills people without blood and does not even have wounds; non-lethal also has the ability to eliminate the target. Power to direct stunning options.

However, even in a non-lethal state, if multiple guns hit at the same time, it will kill people.

This kind of weapon is specially designed and manufactured in places like the space station. It can not only avoid damage to equipment caused by bullets and kill the target, but also avoid the outflow of blood and damage to equipment.

However, in the actual use process of the astronauts, it was found that this weapon is too tasteless. From a strategic and tactical point of view, it is not useful at all. In cosmic war, whoever will play gang battle with you is a decisive victory. Thousands of miles away—but not absolute, like now.

Ding Yi was inconvenient to move in the state of weightlessness. The auxiliary aiming system of the power armored space suit could allow the astronauts to shoot without missing a shot, without worrying about accidentally hurting Yue Si, but Ding Yi still raised his hands to indicate that he was not a threat.

With Yue Si's order, the astronauts put away their weapons, but they still stepped forward, preparing to control Ding Yi.

"No, he's just chatting with me in a very ordinary way." Yue Si waved his hand to stop the astronauts' behavior, and continued to say to Ding Yi, "Since you have browsed the ETO website, you should know what they should do. The Wallfacer Project, a weapon for the Wallfacer, the Wallbreaker."

"I know." Ding Yi said, "However, ETO's way of breaking the wall for you is to kill you and dedicate all resources to completely erase your existence. In this way, no matter what you want to do, you will not successful."

"Then, do you know that your behavior just now fits the Wallfacer's style very well, secretly observing everything about the Wallfacer, and then sorting out the Wallfacer's thinking, and then appearing in front of the Wallfacer, turning him Analyze your plan and tell your own solution." Yue Si said, "I really want to know if you are a member of ETO."

"Don't worry, even if you are a member of ETO, you should know that the invasion of the Earth by the Trisolarans is doomed to failure."

The biggest trump card of the earth today does not come from the continuous technology of the underground base, the development time of about 400 years, and the abundant resources to be mined in the entire solar system, but the underground base itself.

The underground base that was born because of Cosmic Tenjin Group Thiam.

Although no one except Yue Si can determine whether Thiam is dead or alive, or in a state beyond human understanding, as long as Thiam can be awakened, or just borrow part of Thiam's power, The trisolaran problem is not a problem at all.

Today, Thiam has shown many incredible abilities, but it is only a miracle produced by its existence. Just like human beings are alive, they will continuously radiate heat. However, the real power of human beings is not just radiation. Calories are as simple as that.

"I know, but I'm not."

Ding Yi said helplessly: "No wonder you have that strange smile on your face, you have already noticed it."

Judging from the attitude of wearing the space suit of the power banker's space suit, they have already noticed themselves and secretly formed a siege. When their words become more and more dangerous, they are ready to attack themselves, if not for Yue Si in time. The drinking stopped, and now he is probably lying in the air.

"When?" Ding Yi asked seriously. The performance of these power armored spacesuits is so good that there is no sound when the machine is running. Although there is a reason for him to chat with Yue Si attentively, relying on the power armor, the astronauts can quietly Complete surrounds silently.

In their words, there are many things that cannot be known to the outside world, such as the existence of the underground base, if Yue Si was not the senior management of the underground base before he became a Wallfacer, and this position has not been revoked, even if Yuesi is a Wallfacer Also, Ding Yi's conversation with him would not mention a single bit about the underground base.

"When you made this gesture." Yue Si gestured casually, and Ding Yi was relieved to see it.

After completing a work cycle, the space shuttle carried some people back to Earth, and some stayed in space. They needed to complete all kinds of research, such as formulating tactics to deal with space warships, and many things did not experience in person It is impossible to understand it if you look at it. What is imagined in the atmosphere and in the environment bound by gravity will inevitably deviate from the reality in the weightless environment of space.

Just like on a stable land, it is impossible to imagine the turbulence of ships sailing on the sea; people who build villages on the flat land in the mountains cannot imagine the vastness of the Great Plains—for example, a certain Pujie, the first eighteen years of his life , all lived in the mountains, never left the small county town, and only saw the endless plains when he was in college.

Among these people, there are Lin Yun who has become a married and her husband, the first aircraft carrier "Everest" ship Changjiang Xingchen, Lin Yun's strategic vision, and Jiang Xingchen's actions The experience of a captain is all that the space force needs.

The communication between the space station and the ground is very convenient and fast. Although the space force only sent five people into the space station, the communication is not hindered.

And Ding Yi also stayed in the space station based on his "gravity and human thought" argument. He tried to use this opportunity to quit smoking and use the method of physical isolation from Yue Si to clear his ass. Suspicion of ETO members.

The space station with the new technology has a lot of space inside. After all, it is a platform for building space elevators—power armored space suits are also work clothes for extravehicular operations. The overload, coupled with the supplies that were transported by the space shuttle and hoarded after two trips, was enough for thirty people to live for a long time.

The equipment that uses carbon dioxide to synthesize starch is also installed inside the space station, and it is also used for experiments on space battleships. In the vast sea of ​​stars, it is quite difficult to replenish materials, because the proportion of materials in the universe is Very low, not to mention the ones that can be used directly. Each spaceship is an island with scarce materials. Only by recycling the small amount of materials it carries can it maintain a longer voyage.

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