Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 669 Rush Buying

The collection of funds went quickly, and Gu Fei and the others also paid 200 gold to show their willingness to participate. Within a short time, 34,624 gold had been collected. Lan Yi was sweating profusely while holding the bill. He was doing calculations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. He finally breathed a sigh of relief after checking that the number of people and money were correct.

"Is it okay?" Master Han saw his relieved expression and asked.

Lan Yi nodded. Young Master Han looked at the time and stood up: "It's almost time."

"Are you going to complete the deal?" Lan Yi was confused. Young Master Han was a professional match, but didn't he say that faces familiar to Jian Nanyou couldn't appear?

"No, there is another candidate." Young Master Han looked at Mang Mang, who nodded slightly in agreement.

Everyone else was confused. It seemed like Young Master Han and Mang Mang Mang were plotting something.

"Then let's set off too!" Gu Fei geared up.

"How to arrange manpower at the resurrection point? Will there be a team of people for each of the six professional resurrection points?" Lan Yi maintained Yueye City's ruthless style. Is killing once called killing? If he hadn't been stuck at the resurrection point for ten days and a half, the other party wouldn't know how powerful he was.

"Whatever!" Young Master Han said, with a nonchalant attitude as if this kind of thing was useless, which made Lan Yi feel confused again.

"That's it." Finally, the confused Mang Mang patiently explained to everyone: "The auction must be completed now, but the pickup can be delayed for a week, so I plan to store the staff there."

Lan Yi was startled, and then said: "Jian Nanyou and the others must know the whereabouts of the staff, so they have to squat there 24 hours a day this week?"

The confused Mangmang nodded.

"That's too cruel..." Lan Yi sighed. No wonder that as the vice-president back then, his status in the guild was not as good as that of Mang Mangmang. We can't just consider the nepotism of her being the president's daughter-in-law, but also look at the current plan, letting people work there for a week, which is much more insidious and cruel than the vulgar idea of ​​blocking the resurrection point.

"So there's no need to fight today?" Everyone was gearing up yesterday. All night long, they didn't expect that this would be the case today.

"No need." Mang Mang Mang said.

"Aren't you going to lure Jiannan You out?" Baishi Jinglun didn't know the cause and effect, so he didn't quite understand what the plan was, but at least he could tell that there was no fight today.

"I didn't say that.

"The Young Master of the Han family replied.

Baishi Jinglun looked at Gu Fei, who had a serious look on his face: "The plan has changed."

"Then..." Young Master Han was saying something else when suddenly someone broke in and shouted: "It's not good!!!"

Lan Yi turned around and saw that it was his brother, and immediately became angry: "Why did you come here? If I collect the money, I won't pay you back, so there is no need to hide!"

"No, something happened!" the man shouted.

"What's going on?" everyone asked.

"There are so many people at the auction house!!" the man said.

Everyone waited quietly, waiting for him to say the next thing, but as a result, this person disappeared after finishing this sentence. Just as Lan Yi was about to scold him, Young Master Han's expression suddenly changed: "Oops!"

"What?" Others looked at him instead.

"If there are too many people, I might not be able to grab the auction table if I go now!!" Mr. Han said.

"Oops!!!" Everyone reacted and actually ignored such a cruel and realistic problem.

"Let's go!" Lan Yi roared, and a lot of people rushed out of the tavern. Mang Mang was even more anxious. Obviously, no matter how much money he got from the auction table, it would not help. The staff was really going to change hands now. .

Everyone rushed to the auction house in a hurry, and after just one glance, they felt that the situation was over.

Every auction table in the auction house was like a bus during rush hour, packed to the brim with people. Although there seems to be a gap between people, it is just an air wall set up by the system in the safe zone to limit players' contact with each other.

Moreover, although auction houses and exchanges do not have offline archiving functions, they are safer areas than offline areas. In these two areas, players cannot even use their skills, and even wanted missions that are unrestricted in the offline area are sealed here. It was such a crowded place, and there was really no way to get in at this time.

This kind of life-like problem suddenly appeared in online games, and even Young Master Han ignored it for a while. After all, it is absolutely impossible for traditional games to have this kind of problem. No matter how many people there are, if the shortcut keys are blocked, all problems will be solved. How can there be a situation where people can’t get into the room because of the crowds? At this moment, looking at this scene, everyone's big eyes stared at their small eyes, unable to do anything.

There was a commotion in the auction house. Because they couldn't take action, everyone used their words and curses constantly. Gu Fei and the others walked around twice and found that there were many people like them who could not access the auction table due to this situation. At this time, they had no choice but to frown and curse. In this super safe zone, people as strong as Gu Fei and A zero-level rookie is just as indifferent.

"What should I do?" Everyone is asking this question. The confused Mangmang looked at the time and saw that there were only twenty minutes left before the end of the auction.

"Looking at this situation, I may not be able to get the staff back, but it will definitely sell for a very high price." Sakurazuka Yuezai had already begun to comfort him.

"Well... I sold the money to treat everyone to a drink." Although Mang Mang Mang was smiling, everyone could see that the smile was forced. This girl is undoubtedly an emotional person, and treats people and things equally. The staff that has been with her for so long is now about to change hands, and no amount of money can erase the reluctance in her heart. As for the value of the equipment itself, it is just an improvement to this reluctance.

Lan Yi couldn't stand it any longer. He carried a large bag of gold coins and went over to discuss with someone about buying a way out. It turned out that the people crowded in the outer circle were also troubled because they couldn't go in to buy a magic staff! Regarding Lan Yi's bribery, he said one word: "Get lost!"

Who dares to come here to buy this staff? Who is short of money? Lan Yi's method has actually been used by someone before. That guy spent a lot of money to clear a bloody path. As a result, the player at the bottom who was touching the auction console refused to let him go. It was equivalent to spending a lot of money and finally buying a bid. I had a good seat in the front row, and I couldn't be more depressed.

Lan Yi fumbled around for a few times and heard about this legend. He didn't dare to use this method again. He came back in disgrace and shook his head towards the vast Mangmang.

Mang Mang Mang didn't say anything. He just sighed and turned to Gu Fei and the other experts: "Go to the place where you pick up the goods and see if there are any Jian Nan You and his friends!"

It was obvious that the situation was out of control, and now they had no choice but to fake it, and really come to trap and kill Jian Nanyou and his gang.

"Wow, are you mistaken? I'll pay you three thousand gold for such a top-notch magical sword!!!" Suddenly there was a roar. Everyone turned around and saw that it was Fireball making noises, and on a high platform in front of him, Gu Fei He opened a stall and calmly stuck his Night Light Sword on it.

The call of the fireball also attracted the attention of several people around. After curling their lips in disdain, they couldn't help but glance at the night-light sword inserted on the stall. The attributes of the items placed on the stall will be automatically disclosed. Those who look at it will never be able to take their eyes away from it once they see it. In addition, Fireball continued to shout "Sell me, sell me, sell me", attracting the attention of several more people.

Most of the people who come to the auction house to snap up ideal staffs are priests, but there are also other professions. The magic damage of the Dark Night Light Sword is astonishing, and the physical damage is also far higher than the current level of 40-level equipment. It has a strong temptation for many professions, including a few dark night priests in the priest profession. It didn't matter. Immediately, several mages and warrior players gathered around him, shouting "how much". Perhaps they were asked by their friends to help buy the ideal staff, but seeing that they were given the opportunity to bid without bidding, suddenly there appeared an equipment that suited their profession and was far stronger than the ideal staff. Why not rush to it?

Gu Fei immediately got excited and shouted at the top of his lungs: "You can't squeeze into the auction stage, so I'm going to auction it right here. Whoever wants it, shout louder."

"Three thousand, three thousand!" The nearest fireball, just below the stage, continued to roar.

"Three thousand for your size." Some people despised Fireball, and the offer of three thousand for such a top-quality weapon was simply an insult. "I'll pay three thousand one!" the man yelled.

"Tch!" No matter how great everyone thought he was, it was only a hundred gold.

"Three thousand three, three thousand four, three thousand five, four thousand..."

The prices were rising in waves, and Gu Fei was just shouting to join in the fun, regardless of whether there were people like Fireball among them. When he heard the higher prices, he immediately repeated them loudly.

Within a few moments, the bidding price exceeded the ideal staff that attracted the attention of priests around the world. Those players who were originally focused on dealing with the auction here thought that the noise around them was just a farce, but when they heard that the bidding price had surpassed their best, they couldn't help but look back.

After all, the Dark Night Light Sword is a combat weapon. Priest players can deal with it calmly, but other players can't sit still after just one look at it. Especially the innermost circle of non-priest players who are fiercely rushing to buy the ideal staff. Most of them are entrusted by friends, or they come together to increase their chances of buying it. At this time, his wallet was bulging, and a piece of equipment that was suitable for him and even better than the ideal staff appeared behind him. It was like a hundred claws scratching his heart, which was extremely itchy.

The price continued to rise higher and higher, which seemed to be much more intense than the system auction on the console, and the price increase speed was even faster. Just now it sounded like someone was bidding in RMB, inviting the seller to trade on the exchange.

It’s time not to lose! ! ! Many people had this thought in mind, and finally gritted their teeth, abandoned the rush to buy the ideal staff, turned around and rushed towards the swarming crowd, waving vigorously in the hope that the seller would see it, and yelling about the high price. What's more, some people feel that the other party cannot hear if it is too noisy and too far away, so they take out a piece of paper and write numbers on it, pick it up on a weapon and hold it high.

"Okay! The brother over there has already bid 9,700. Do you have any friends with higher prices?" Gu Fei shouted while condescendingly noticing that the priest responsible for snapping up the ideal staff had already seized this opportunity and cooperated with everyone. I grabbed a spot on the auction table. He was giving him a thumbs up.


Today’s update is early~ I’ll update again in the evening, but it will be later!

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