'What a crazy woman.'

Damien sat in a provided accommodation and sighed to himself as he thought back to the previous conversation.

He'd already finished finalizing the terms of his agreement with Priscilla, and she'd already chosen the perfect place for his deployment. Only, that woman's personality wasn't something Damien could handle.

'I should keep contact with her at a minimum.'

Damien rolled over in bed and flicked his finger through the air, summoning a holographic window.

'The edge of existence, Eien…to think such a place could exist.'

The so-called "edge of existence" was the border of the known universe. Beyond this land was the murky Abyss that no practitioner had ever survived.

What was curious about the edge of existence was that rather than a portion of space or even a collection of planets, it was a massive flat land made of unknown material.

It was essentially a solid ring that encircled the universe.

Even the width of this ring was countless millions of kilometers long, the length didn't even need to be mentioned. This massive battlefield was the true warzone against the Nox. It was the first line of defense that protected the universe from outside invasion.

The existence of Eien only made the Nox's rapid conquest of two sectors even stranger.

'Then, does it really come down to traitors?'

Damien sighed. Considering the Nox's usual methods, there were bound to be traitors everywhere. Even within places like Hidden Death Valley or Heaven's Army.

'It's been a while since I've last dealt with traitors. After coming to the Divine Realm, I haven't encountered any at all.'

In fairness, a good portion of Damien's time in the Divine Realm had been spent on Death Emperor Star, where traitors were almost non-existent, but it was still strange that he didn't meet any on Calypto.

'When we reach a scale this big, there's no way the traitors will be split into individual groups like they were in the Human Domain. There's likely a greater organization formed by traitors that manages them.'

So far, Damien had heard nothing about such an organization, but he didn't doubt its existence at all.

And if there was anywhere he'd find them, it would definitely be Eien.

After all, what were traitors good for if not sneaking their allies through enemy lines?

'That Priscilla is making me wait here while she finds a companion for me. I should use this time to deepen my comprehension of Life and Death Laws.'

After his conversation with Priscilla, Damien realized that it was impossible for him to abuse his spacetime abilities in Eien. His identity had become too well-known after Calypto's incidents, and after people found out about his previous feat of dominating the Dimensional Leaderboard, the fervor surrounding his name only became fiercer.

'I'll use Eien as a stepping stone to train my Samsara Intent to perfection.'

Damien crossed his legs and began meditating. Unknowingly, 3 days passed before a knock on his door woke him.

"Sir Damien, the Master has called for you." A maidservant said from beyond the door.

"Understood," Damien responded as he opened it. "Take me to see her."

The maidservant bowed and led him to Priscilla's courtyard. When Damien entered, he was almost suffocated by the latent aura filling the surroundings.


"Haha, come in. Excuse the suddenness of my invitation, but the others wished to see you as well. I hope you understand."


Damien slowly calmed his blood and glanced at the multitude of figures filling the room.

Right, there were over fifteen characters in the room at the moment, all of them with the strength of extreme peak 4th class.

"So…who is everyone?" Damien asked.

"Puahahaha! He's just as crass as that kid said!" An old man burst out in response.

"Kid, my name is Sterling Asterin, but you may know me better as the Fallen Star Holy Master. I've heard a lot about you from my little disciple."

Damien's eyes widened. "Atticus' master?"

"Haha, right!"

"But…isn't the Fallen Star Holy Land led by a Demigod?"

"Hm, it's a mistake many people make so I don't blame you. Our Demigod Ancestor doesn't interfere with the mundane world much, and all sect duties are relegated to me. On paper, he is the leader of the sect, but the Holy Master position belongs to me alone."

"I see…" Damien nodded in understanding. It made sense if an illustrious Demigod didn't want to deal with menial tasks. They likely had a long road of comprehension to embark on, so they focused on training more often than not.

'According to Reavus' memory, Blood Asura Holy Land is led personally by the Immortal Blood Asura. I guess it's different based on the Demigod's personality.'

Damien concluded his thoughts and listened to the introductions of the rest of the present experts. As expected, each and every one of them held a position with at least the power of a Holy Land High Elder.

These were Heaven's Army's High Commanders. It was a position that couldn't just be achieved through extreme peak 4th class strength, but also required dignity, wisdom, and leadership that was acknowledged by the common soldiers and higher-ups alike.

And for some reason, they all lined up just to meet Damien.

Damien awkwardly returned their greetings and participated in their sophistries for a period of time, inwardly lamenting the fact that he decided to come.

It was only many hours later when the experts left Damien alone with Priscilla once more.

"Haa…" Damien let out a tired sigh and plopped down on a nearby sofa.

"Acting so relaxed around me, boy? Don't you have respect for your seniors?"

"Should I have respect for a senior who forced me to entertain that bullshit?! Haa, I feel like dying and I haven't even left for the battlefield yet."

"Mm, mm, you need the battlefield to feel alive."

"Don't make it sound so edgy."

Damien rolled his eyes before turning to look at Priscilla.

"So have you found a companion yet? If you're saying that much yourself, you should be well aware of the depth of my desire."

Priscilla smiled mysteriously. "Worry not. I have already found a perfect companion for you. We are merely waiting for them to reach this place so I can send you to Eien together."

Damien sighed in relief. "If you're saying they're reliable, I'll trust you for now, but this itchy feeling is really pissing me off. I can already tell that you pulled some bullshit."

Damien didn't know much about Priscilla, but Reavus did. More accurately, Reavus had a vague memory of the Demon Sealing Pantheon that Priscilla belonged to.

It was a mysterious influence of which nobody knew the location or members. Only a single Demon Sealing Pantheon member would come to light in every generation, leading the universe in the war effort with their techniques made specially to restrict and kill the Nox.

Even if Priscilla herself was a fox, her position meant that she'd at least follow through when she needed to.

"Then? Did you only summon me for that pseudo-banquet?"

"Pseudo-banquet is a bit too posh of a description, but indeed. That and to tell you that your companion is en route. Since both matters have already been covered, I have nothing left to say."

"Then I'll be taking my leave," Damien said as he stood up.

"Leaving so early?"

"I don't want to spend a single extra minute around someone as conniving as you."

"How rude."

Priscilla smiled, but didn't stop him from leaving. She had plenty of time to play with Damien before determining his worth. She didn't have to rush at all.

"Fuwah! Those old geezers…it's good that they kept their word, but it won't last for long." Priscilla flopped onto a nearby couch and sighed out loud.

Before Damien arrived, she'd made a bet with the other High Commanders. If she won, they wouldn't try to poach Damien from her for 3 months, but if she lost, they could do as they pleased and she couldn't interfere.

Naturally, she won the bet.

And quite simple at that.


She couldn't help but laugh when she thought about it.

It was a simple prompt, yet not even a single High Commander could accomplish it.

All they had to do was successfully probe Damien. If they could determine his level through this probe, they would win.

But as Priscilla found only a few days earlier…

Such a feat was impossible even for an extreme peak 4th class being, regardless of how many revolutions they'd completed.

Priscilla smiled to herself.

"This kid only becomes more interesting the more I interact with him."

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