Seeing the mysterious person leading Chu Yue away, while Mingxin Daoist collapsed to the ground and fell asleep, Li Wushu and Qian Yanzong Head Teacher were silent. After a long time, he said:

"Brother, we..."

But before he finished speaking, Head Teacher raised his hand to stop him, then shook his head and said:

"Today's matter is determined not to be spread out. The top priority is to stabilize people's hearts. As for other matters, let's discuss it later."

While talking, Head Teacher headed towards the Great Hall, his eyes swept across the dry Sect Leader Peak, which was still flooded by the fire, and his heart was sad. However, after seeing the surviving disciples in the Great Hall, the expression in his eyes eased somewhat. He looked sideways at Li Wushu behind him, and said in his heart:

"In today's battle, I was badly injured in Yanzong's vitality, but fortunately, my younger brother has broken into the realm of profound pill. After the Cultivation Base is restored, I may not be able to make a comeback. It is just that the identity of the woman is really mysterious. Going out will be harmful to me to fight the Yan Sect."

Thinking of this, Qianyanzong Head Teacher stepped into the Great Hall, and several Elders who were not unconscious, looked at him at this moment. But at this moment, Qi suddenly waved the sleeves of his robe, and then the seven talisman was quickly sacrificed by him, turned into spiritual light, and moved towards everyone.

Elder looked at each other, but thought that Head Teacher's move was mostly to heal himself and others, so he did not resist. But I didn't expect that the moment the aura entered the body, I only felt a burst of irresistible sleepiness sweeping out, and then the scenes in my eyes fell into a deep sleep.


Li Wushu saw Head Teacher's action suddenly, and he was taken aback at this moment, but after a helpless smile, Head Teacher spoke lightly. And this sentence is categorical and unquestionable:

"The memories of these people cannot be kept."

Having said that, they walked towards everyone one by one, waving their hands, erasing what they knew tonight...

Li Wushu heard that, although he did not approve of this action, it was related to the overall situation of the Qianyan Sect. He also knew what happened tonight and should not be spread. And the best way to keep it secret, except for the dead, is to forget this experience, so the brother can only acquiesce in what he did.

Feeling sad, Li Wushu raised his head and looked far away, looking at the location of Xuanshuang Kingdom, sinking into contemplation.....


At the same time, ten miles southeast of Qianyanzong, under a waterfall, the sound of flowing water continued. The river is cold and gloomy, and the night is not over, the surrounding cold is very different from the outside world.

Not long after, a white light flashed around the waterfall. As a black mist lingered, two mysterious Daoist shadows appeared here. It was Human and Chu Yue.

The mysterious person put Chu Yue beside Hantan, and he walked a distance, and after half a breath, he turned around and asked:

"What? You have a great relationship with that person?"

"Nothing, I just remembered one thing suddenly."

What surprised the mysterious person was that Chu Yue responded directly to his question without hesitation. It was quite different from the appearance of just being absent in the Qianyan Sect.

"what's up?"

Although the mysterious person had guessed that the other party's sentence was probably just an excuse, but he still asked it out of curiosity. But she didn't expect that Chu Yue actually answered her mouth, which made him a little surprised.

"I'm just curious, why those who attacked the Qianyanzong chose to attack the mountain at this time. Since the inner ghost has long been inserted in the Elder, why shouldn't it be reasonable at the beginning to break through the Restrictions and kill the people? After we came, we only remembered this."

"Hehe, what do you think?"

The mysterious person stroked his beard lightly, and he was somewhat interested at this time. Although the matter of Yanzong has nothing to do with the two of him, it would not be impossible if he could solve the woman's concerns.

"Perhaps their original purpose was not to destroy the sect, but to contain, to wait for someone to come, or to contain someone."

"So they are waiting for you?"

Chu Yue paused when she heard the words, then shook her head lightly, and then said:

"The person they are waiting for should be Daoist, but he may not be the only one. As for me, it should be an unexpected variable."


After receiving the call, the mysterious person rushed over, and when he found Chu Yue, it was when Chu Yue went up the mountain to Qianyan Sect. Therefore, the information obtained by the mysterious person is really limited. At this moment, he can only be a listener and cannot analyze it, otherwise the analysis will become arrogant.

Only after her life's suspicion had passed, she saw that Chu Yue was lost in thought and stopped speaking. Suddenly, I felt a little helpless. After looking up at the sky, I found a huge rock and sat in Lotus Position, planning to consolidate the previously refined Cultivation Base.

Chu Yue actually had a guess in her heart, but she knew the so-called guess, if she wanted to turn it into a conclusion, she had to have enough evidence to support it. It's okay to make bold inferences, and to act for this is also a matter of one person, but if you rush out your guess, you are most likely to confuse other people's thinking.

Chu Yue didn't like this method, so she just inferred in her heart and didn't say anything rashly...

"If the other party is aiming to contain the Qianyan Sect, then this place is not the main battlefield. It must have reached a consensus with others, or made a noise. If we infer from this, if a number of Yan Sects are constrained, then which party will be directly affected, or even Is it the decisive difference?"

At this point, Chu Yue closed and opened her eyes, and then came up with a new conjecture. If this is the case, everything will be a matter of course.

First of all, Ganyanzong is only an influential Sect in the Nanxuan cultivator world. There are very few forces closely related to it, and it can even be said that it is the only one. Among these forces, the only thing he could think of was the Xuanshuang Kingdom, an affiliate of the Qianyan Sect.

However, there was a demon chaos in the Xuanshuang Kingdom, and the successive supervisory disciples disappeared one after another. Even if the supervisory disciples were all exiled by mistakes, Sect would not ignore this and let the demon chaos in the Profound Shuang Kingdom go for a long time.

Therefore, only if there is some reason for the Qianyan Sect that makes them have to adopt an indifferent attitude towards the Xuanshuang Nation, can they make sense. In a hundred years, the successive supervisory disciples have disappeared and reported Sect's fruitless Xuanshuang chaos.

And this reason is very likely to be relevant to today’s mountain attackers...

But... why didn’t they attack Qianyanzong for a hundred years, so they chose to attack at this time, either because the Holy Lord of Xuanshuang was about to break out, or there was a change in the plan and it broke. This time balance.

"it's me..."

At this moment, Chu Yue's inspiration flashed suddenly because she thought that if she hadn't gone down the mountain to experience, she would naturally not cause Li Wushu to follow, then she would not appear in the realm of Profound Shuang, let alone intervene in the kingdom of Profound Shuang. Demon and chaos.

As an Elder of the Qianyan Sect, Li Wushu had a different status than an ordinary supervisory disciple. In the Battle of Izumoyama, he directly fought against the incarnation of the Holy Lord, and eventually lost both. If this matter is the fuse that breaks the balance between Qianyanzong and its power, then it makes sense why those who attacked the mountain would take action at this time.

Presumably, he was worried about Qian Yanzong's intervention in the Xuanshuang Nation and interfered with its real plan purpose. That's why he attacked Qian Yanzong and made it overwhelmed, and put pressure on Li Wushu. It's just that they didn't expect that after Li Wushu returned to the sect, he would not return to the Profound Shuang Nation, instead he would be replaced by a stronger Daoist, the peak master Mingxin Daoist.

Therefore, pressure has become an attack on the mountain, in order to eliminate the variables in the matter of Profound Shuang...

So if this inference is true, things will be much simpler, but also a lot more complicated...

"Behind Xuanshuang Holy Lord, other forces are also involved..."

At this point, Chu Yue was no longer willing to continue to guess, because even if this inference was established, there were many doubts in it. For example, if the forces behind the attackers are really related to the Holy Lord Xuanshuang, then why these attackers have no knowledge of the remnants of the Holy Lord.

For another example, when oneself and others came to fight the Yanzong, the Holy Lord was gone. What is the information connection between the two...

There are many doubts, which cannot be confirmed by guesswork alone. The most urgent task is to report the matter to the Southern Xuanxian League, so that the matter of Xuanshuang can be completely resolved. After all, even though the Holy Lord is destroyed, the unknown abyss where it was born is still there.

At this point, Chu Yue calmed down and shouted softly:


The mysterious person who had just meditated into concentration, frowned slightly when he heard the sound, and the black air behind him flashed away, and his expression returned to natural, and he asked with a smile:

"How? Have you figured it out?"

"Well, it's been too long since my trip down the mountain, I really should go back."

Hearing Chu Yue's words like this, the mysterious person was quite relieved. At this moment, he came to Chu Yue's side and nodded and said:

"The matter of the Yanzong is after all the grievances of the sect, which has nothing to do with us. The previous shots have been done as a friend. As for other things, we should not intervene. Instead of caring about these trivial matters, it is better to go back to the mountain. The stable Cultivation Base is."

After that, the mysterious person once again grasped Chu Yue, and then ran the escape technique, soared into the air, and headed towards the Ruins of the Sun Palace.....

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