The video continues.

It's not enough to have your household registration become a rice flower town.

The driver's license should also be changed.

It will be convenient to show your ID when you buy something.

In the guidance of the staff.

Blackie went to the warning hall next door.

As a person who wants to sin.

Blackie was worried.

I won't get caught.

To know.

Twilight police officer police day group.

The arrest rate is quite high.


Blackie discovers.

Officer Twilight is so busy that it's about to explode!

It's ridiculously crowded.

Even the little ones are crying.

A lot of people are complaining.

Those cops simply ignore them!

It is simply impossible to deal with the relevant events!

Xiao Hei asked why.

A woman with a child explained.

"Because there are too many people who have sinned. "

"So the police went to the crime scene. "

"All the people went. "

"There are no more people who handle the documents!"

"And there's a sign here!"

"A lot of people have died today!"

"More than a hundred people have died this month!"

The little blacks are numb.

There is zero fatality rate from traffic accidents here.

But the mortality rate in homicide cases is ridiculously high!

Most of the people next to me wanted to come here and ask for a form.

Just to want to run!

People who don't want to stay here!

Finally, Xiao Hei waited until those police came back!

Mori Kogoro has found the body again!

Officer Twilight: They've got to go again!

Countless residents are outraged!

Damn Mori Kogoro!

Why do you call Officer Twilight to handle the case on time every time!

Waiting for those who hope!

It's like being poured cold water again!

They want to settle accounts with Kogoro Maori!!

But if you think about it,

It seems that the criminals of those murder cases are more hateful!!

If you have anger, you can only hold it in your heart!

These people are outraged!

The mood is very grumpy!

At this time, Xiao Hei was a little scared.

What kind of place did you come to!!

Why is it so scary here.

Blackie is a person who wants to kill people.

I felt inexplicably scared!

Luckily, he met a guy who seemed friendly.

This man's name is Dr. Asasa.

Dr. Asa comforts Black.

There's no way to get out of the city anyway.

So it's okay to stay in this place for the rest of your life.

So let's look at it.

Immediately after the doctor opened the window, fresh air came in.

I saw a building exploding in the distance.

The doctor's face was full of helplessness.

But he still said to himself.

"Spring is coming~!"


Gintoki Sakata picked at his nose.

"It's good that spring is here. "

Xinba directly complained angrily!

"You're big!!"

"The building exploded!"

"This girl is still there to sigh the spring !!"

"Hey, hey, hey!!"

"Isn't there a problem with this city!!

"Why don't you investigate it clearly and then handle it!!"

"I came to this ghost city to kill people!!

"You regret it now!!"

"It's too late to !!"


Frieza smiled.

"It's just blowing up a building. "

"What's so scary!"

"King Ben is there. "

"Everybody has to die!"

"So. "

"Or is this king more powerful!!"

He looked at the sky.

"Hey, hey, hey!!"

"Remember to take stock of this king!"


The Conans were stupid. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"It turns out..."

"You're so calm. "

"Psychological quality..."

"It's a bit too much. "

Mori Kogoro was full of frustration.

"Am I that bad in people's minds!!"

Officer Twilight patted him on the shoulder.

"So you know why only high-ranking officials and powerful people are looking for you!"

"Because you are in the eyes of ordinary people. "

"It's not a so-called sleeping detective at all. "

"It's a name just to hear. "

"I'm going to feel extra unlucky!!"

"Super Great Decay God!!"

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt that his life was gloomy.

"Despair. "

He grabbed Conan by the collar.

"Stinky little ghost. "

"You must have done it. "

Conan was full of helplessness.

"Does this have anything to do with me!!!

"It's clear that there's a problem here in Rice Flower Town!!"

Unexpectedly, the doctor came here.


"It has a lot to do with Conan!"

According to research analysis. "

"Ever since Shinichi Kudo, you've become Conan. "

"The mortality rate here is greatly increased!"

"The number of cases has also become very large!"

Conan opened his mouth wide.

"~How is this possible?"

Mao Lilan asked worriedly.

"The legend that has been circulated. "

"There are urban rumors about the Grim Reaper elementary school students. "

"No, it won't. "

"It's Shinichi, right?"

Be a man and look at Conan!

Conan said hurriedly!

"Not necessarily!!"

"Maybe someone else!!"

"It won't be me!!"


The video continues to play.

The doctor was very calm.

Xiao Hei was about to cry.

What the hell is this place!!


If you come to live here.

You have to find a place to live.

He found a real estate agent.

It was surprising to find the rent cheap!!

Only 30,000 yen!!

You can rent a luxurious premium apartment!!

This is really outrageous!!

Xiao Hei thought that this person was opening a black shop!!

There was a glimmer of longing in his heart!

Kill this boss!

Who made his heart so black!

However, the boss said.

It's because people have died in these houses.

That's why the price is so cheap.

Luxurious rooms are rented for so cheap.

Because it's all a murderous house!

This is Rice Flower Town!

Basically a lot of high-end apartments.

There have been murders!

Houses that haven't experienced murder are old!

So there are very few houses here that are not murderous!

So the price of such a house is super high!

Rice Flower Town is full of accident houses!

People who don't have money can only live in that kind of murderous house!

So the housing prices here are super low!!

The little black man is numb!

If you don't have any money, you should live in a murderous house!!

A strange feeling arose inside the little black heart!


This is how it has become!

Who is it because of!。

Người mua: Tuladao

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