Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 109 The Last Era: Blackstone Fortress (4)

A long, long time ago, probably before the Great Rebellion, there was no difference between the Mechanicus and the Technological Heretics in this world. At that time, there was only the Mechanicum on Mars. A bunch of guys with unique quirks.

Vito still remembers the first time he met Watt's geek tribe, probably before the War of Unification. At that time, the old bastard didn't know where to mess with his Primarch plan, and Vito was just an ordinary When wandering mercenaries.

He still remembers the days of freedom and passion at that time. Although everything on Terra was completely over at that time, and the whole planet was plunged into complete anarchy, chaos and eternal disputes, Vito liked driving an off-road vehicle with a The time of stacking things across the desert, or riding a motorcycle across the Gobi.

He likes the feeling of dew on his face when he wakes up every day, the feeling of the wind blowing on his face, and the days when he is free and adventurous. In this regard, Vito and Khan have a high degree of consistency, especially their relationship Moto loves it at this point.

Many people don’t know that Chagatai Khan’s first motorcycle was built for him by Vito. To be precise, it was assembled. It was Vito who helped Chagatai fight it out.

Khan loves that motorcycle, it runs very fast, and I have to say that the Mechanicum is very good at making this kind of fierce machinery, especially after some of them defected to Chaos.

Vito swooped to avoid the scythe that was slashing, and the huge blade swiped across Vito's head. The blade instantly killed dozens of mortal warriors around him. Their limbs were broken and disintegrated, even their hands The arms were also cut off.

The demon engine roared and rotated its limbs, its coaxial three limbs rotated at high speed, and the blade on it rotated at high speed like a large windmill on a plane.

The face of the huge brass-colored demonic machine spewed flames, and the blazing flames of purgatory spewed out from its eyes and mouth. The upper body of this demonic engine was like a joke. It had the face and body structure of an imperial angel. The limbs are also equipped with holy crescent blades, but its core is indeed a demon, a real demon engine.

The gigantic wheel on the site of the Destroyer Angel turned quickly. It swept across the battlefield with its war blades. The crazy demon engine slaughtered everywhere regardless of whether it was enemy or friend. The loyal Space Wolves and traitor fighters were smashed together, and it splattered blood crazily. , running over corpses and spraying blood on his territory.

Vito watched the mechanical giant hit the wall. Its huge two-wheeled wheels rotated at a high speed, allowing it to run over the crowd at an extremely fast speed. The four rotating blades swept across the battlefield at high speed, countless Severed limbs fly around as it works.

Vito's eyes looked at the monster, and the four giants gathered behind Vito. Vito glanced at them and nodded affirmatively. The judge drew his bolter and fired the first shot at the demon engine, almost immediately behind him. All four of the giants fired their bolters at the daemon engine.

Bombs bombarded the body of the demon engine, and its silver steel body bounced off every bomb. It turned its head and looked at the people who were firing in the middle of the hall and howled angrily. The demon soul in its core let out a deafening sound. Roaring, the raging purgatory fire spewed out from all parts of its torso.

The Devil Engine rushed over at a high speed, Vito and the four Death Watch immediately dodged to the sides, the Devil Engine rushed between them, and countless explosive bombs continued to bombard it, the Devil Engine turned around with fire-breathing eyes Looking at the Astartes running around, they ran and fought around the demon engine with their bolt guns.

The bombardment of the bombs continued to hit the left and right sides of the demon engine. The fire-breathing angel turned its head and looked at the giants on both sides. The blade flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed and smashed towards Ragnar.

The young wolf came to a screeching halt, the blade cutting deep into the ground in front of him, and then a second knife flew over, and Ragnar dodged the second attack with a lunge, and he looked up A destroying angel spinning its third arm at high speed.

But before it threw out the three knives, a blast of plasma plasma hit the side of his head, and the blue plasma exploded and scattered in all directions. The angel of destruction turned his head to look at Vito, whose right arm Becomes a plasma cannon again.

The Inquisitor fired again, and the plasma cannon hit the Demon Engine's face, but as before the plasma did not penetrate its armor, instead the Demon Engine was enraged.

The chest of the demon engine exploded suddenly, and the armor on its chest was blasted from the inside by the flames. Below it was a demon, a roaring demon face, with raging fire burning around its face, the fire of purgatory Spit out from every gap, just like walking towards the gate of hell.

The warblades around Ragnar were pushed by the chain, and the demon engine spun and threw the warblades towards Vito. The high-speed blades hit Vito like a meteor, and the speed was so fast that ordinary people couldn't even see it clearly. Very difficult.

But Vito saw it clearly and dodged it. The blade whizzed past Vito and hit the surrounding space fighters who were fighting fiercely. The chains on his body quickly straightened and the blade was quickly withdrawn, and during the process of returning to the mother's body, another war blade shot at Vito.

The judge didn't dodge this time. He raised his palm and waved the war blade, and it was deflected. The blade was knocked out of thin air and smashed to the other side. He turned around and opened another blade in the same way.

The Devil Engine stared at him for a moment, the devil was quiet for a while, and then roared again. The entire chest of the Devil Engine was split open, and the roaring Devil Soul shot out chains of burning fire from it. Each end is connected to a spearhead made of flames.

Surprised, Vito swung the chainsaw sword to quickly block, but the burning spear directly pierced the cutting edge of the chainsaw sword, and the whole chainsaw sword began to heat up rapidly and burned red in a short time. Vito threw away the chainsaw sword. The saw sword ran at high speed.

The demon engine followed Vito to shift the angle, and the fire spears continued to shoot out from it. The fire chains began to block Vito's activity space. The judge moved between the fire chains, but the blockade became more and more dead. up.

The back of the demon engine was hit by a burst of explosive bombs, and the flame-breathing angel's head turned around. It looked at the four Astartes who were firing fiercely at it.

The angel turned to clean up the four guys, but it stopped quickly, and a burst of violent bombardment hit them. If Olaf hadn't summoned the shield in time, they might be dead.

The shining psychic shield blocked one side, and the spinning bombs were pulled by lightning to stop in the air. The four of them watched the chaos reinforcements appear from the other side of the hall. After leaving the hall, the World Eater in scarlet battle armor rushed forward with a roar and a battle ax and a battle blade in hand.

The traitors entered the melee battlefield from both sides, and the traitors who received reinforcements immediately suppressed the loyalists. The space wolf fighters were surrounded and killed one by one, and rushed to the golden throne under the fierce attack.

The mortal warriors tried to stop the charging giants with their guns, but it was of no avail. The weapons in their hands could not penetrate their armor. The traitor giants rushed into the crowd and began to crush skulls and flesh.

Lancelot clenched the knight's sword to meet the traitor, but he fell to the ground. The Caliban knight raised his head and looked to the other side of the hall, and stepped into the hall with gray iron feet.

Sven Bloodhowl howled and raised his battle axe, his war blade was full of blood, a whole team of Space Wolves rushed out from behind him, they aimed and shot and cut off the traitors' offensive from the side, The traitor in the charge was hit by a bomb and fell to the ground.

The wolves spread out to form a line, and the bolters were well-aimed and fired, sending bolts across the open hall and into the traitor's body, the ceramite armor crumbling and shattering, and the flesh blooming with it.

The traitors immediately retaliated, and the bombs fired at the wolves, but it couldn't stop them, at least not their leader wolf.

Howling, the leader of the wolf pack charged forward while spinning the power axe. Sven Gorehowl swung the power ax and beheaded every traitor who stood in his way. He rushed straight to the fire angel.

Seeing the oncoming Blood Howl, the Demon Engine swung a war blade, and the sharp blade flew towards Sven's eyebrows, but the wolf lord swung the battle ax at lightning speed and hit the side of the blade hard, as if a As if a craftsman were hitting an anvil, there was a thunderous crash.

The silver warblade was blown out and hit the ground. The demon engine was about to intercept Sven, but unexpectedly, Sven did not continue to rush towards the demon engine, but rushed straight to the warblade that fell to the ground .

Sven grabbed the thick iron chain, and the demon engine tried to drag his weapon back, but Sven grabbed it tightly.

"Ragnar!" Swain yelled and threw the battle ax to the charging wolf cub. Ragnar grabbed the battle ax and hit the side of the speeding war blade with his backhand, and the blade whirled and fell On the ground, Ragnar immediately stepped forward and grabbed the chain.

"Lion! Help!" Ragnar shouted, Lancelot put away the knight's sword and immediately stepped forward to grab the chain together with Ragnar. The demon engine was surprised to find that his second sword was also "captured "Are.

The demon roared and was about to swing the third knife. The blade smashed over like a cannonball but suddenly deflected in the air. A bolt of lightning hit the knife to make it deflect, and the blade crashed to the ground. The shooter immediately stepped forward and locked the weapon with his companions.

Olaf and Bell held onto the chain tightly, and the Demon Engine looked at this outrageous scene in amazement. The Astartes did not launch an attack, but pulled their weapons like a tug of war.

More Space Wolves ran up from around and grabbed the chain together. They howled and pulled the thick lock with all their strength. The chain stretched straight, but the demon engine could not retract it at all.

"Brothers! Hold on!" Sven yelled, and the warriors pulled back on their chains. The wheels on the demon engine chassis began to spin. It turned as if it was completely locked.

The demon on the chest looked down at him in surprise, the tire was held tightly by an invisible force, and that force came from the "mortal" in front of him

There was a golden light in Als's eyes. He watched the car clenched its fists tightly against the tires. Immediately behind Vito, several space wolf space fighters appeared. , laser and plasma cannons continuously bombarded the demon soul entity.

The demon screamed. He opened his bloody mouth and shot a whole fire spear. The spear head shot towards Vito. The soldiers behind Vito were hit by the fire spear and died. He was pierced and nailed to the ground, but he was fine, because a small shield suddenly appeared in front of him.

All the fire spears dissipated instantly when they touched the shield. Vito looked at Lilith who was on the side. She pulled out a knife from the neck of a fallen traitor space soldier, and the blood splashed along the sword on the surrounding area. on the ground.

Lilith's eyes flashed purple, she smiled at Vito and then looked the other way, and Vito looked over too, the time he was procrastinating for was over.

The demon lowered his head and looked at the space wolf warriors rushing from both sides of him. Sven Gorehowl rushed towards the connecting shaft of the wheel with a power battle ax in his hand. The leader of the wolf pack howled and looked up, " For the Allfather and Leman Russ!"

His roar turned into powerful power and poured into the battle axe. The blade of the power battle ax hit the connecting shaft, and its mechanical structure collapsed instantly, and the shattered gears and parts shattered and cracked everywhere.

I think if the Mechanicus, especially the Dark Mechanic, would scream here, you know, they won't react when they see a living being hacked to death, but for Mechanics, the Emperor, they are a bunch Freak right?

The demon engine lost its balance and overturned to one side. Sven spun the power battle ax and threw it to Ragnar. The latter grabbed the handle of the ax and slammed it on the connecting shaft on the other side, and the two wheels collapsed instantly. It collapsed, and the demon engine fell to the ground in an instant.

"Ragnar!" Bell shouted and rushed up, he took out a melta bomb from his backpack and threw it at Ragnar, wait, Bell has a melta bomb in his backpack? ! What is his doctor doing with this thing!

"Okay!" Ragnar laughed and grabbed the melta bomb. He roughly tore off the safety catch, and the overload warning red light on the surface of the melta bomb instantly lit up.

Ragnar rushed to the front of the demon engine, jumped out and threw it up, the melta bomb spun and flew into the chest of the demon engine, and the bomb flew into the burning demon soul.

The explosion sounded, and the demon screamed and was torn apart by the fusion explosion. The entire demon engine was torn in half from the central axis. Vito buried himself, and the upper body of the demon engine passed over his head and smashed into the battlefield on one side. , several fighting Astartes were smashed to pieces.

"For the All-Father! For Leman Russ! Forward!" Sven howled after taking the power ax handed back by Ragnar. He strode past Vito, and the judge watched as Sven charged into the battlefield , Ragnar also rushed into the battlefield from Vito's other side wielding a chainaxe, and a large group of Space Wolves warriors brandishing tomahawks and warblades rushed into the melee beside Vito.

Vito was standing next to several corpses, Lilith Miaoman walked up and handed a new chainsword to Vito, the latter took the chainsword and looked at the monitor in his hand, he lowered his head A cursing voice pulled the engine of the chainsword, "We're running out of time, Cole won't last long."

"Sven! Let's deal with the matter here! We are running out of time!" Vito shouted, and Sven, who had killed a traitor with an axe, raised his battle axe, and the blood on it then spilled on the surrounding people. On the ground, it was splashed on the bodies of wolf soldiers and traitors.

"Forward! For the Omniscient Father! For the Wolf King of Fenris!"

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