Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 129 Ending Era: The End of a Story and the Beginning of an Expedition

Dozens of motorcycles galloped on the desert together, and the flags were torn on the back seat of the motorcycles by the strong wind. The three scimitar logos danced with the wind. Their owners, the motorcycles with the flags The masters brandished wasteland-style tattered assembled guns, machetes and spears and shouted wildly.

The looters of the Fire Wheels were dispatched in groups like a group of beasts, a group of vicious dogs wandering in the desert. They rode motorcycles across the desert, and the sand and dust raised by the wheels gathered together like a blown sandstorm.

They consisted of murderers, rapists and thieves, the worst, most vile and disgraceful bastards in the world, and they ran rampant in the desert.

Apparently today is a good day for them too, riding their motorcycles across the desert to find the next tribe or caravan they've ravaged and inflicted their heinous deeds upon the innocent.

The gang leader sits high on the seatback of the motorcycle headed by Moto, his motorcycle with exaggeratedly high armrests, making the vehicle look like an angry ram.

The boss with the mohawk was sitting in the car seat, and behind him was a large group of marauder war gangs, who were barking and roaring on the motorcycle, and their weapons were reflected in the raised dust. Sunlight.

The boss of the gang wears sunglasses, and a shiny revolver is slung around his waist. This treasure from yesterday's looting is exclusive to the boss, but it's a pity that the beautiful tribal woman died, and his rude men The boys killed her instead of tying her up and taking her back to camp to make her "pay more"

But the boss's regret is quickly replaced by a desire to kill.

A man appeared in front of him on a crimson motorcycle. He stepped off his motorcycle and stood directly in front of the predator convoy. He was dressed in Burakuman clothes, making everyone's first impression That's just an idiot tribesman in the desert, coming to this death-like revenge.

"Boys! Kill him! I'll blow the head off whoever touches that car!" The boss yelled arrogantly. The predators on the ground rushed at the tribal man, brandishing machetes and shotguns, rushing at him.

They charged forward to fight for the first prize, but soon they found that they were wrong, and they were so wrong.

Vito raised his head, his eyes lifted under the hood, arcs of electricity flashed from the inside of the hood, and lightning began to move on his arms and torso.

Suddenly an electric arc hit him, he didn't even lift his finger, the electric arc instantly hit the speeding motorcycle, the screams were fleeting, all the predators and their bosses stared dumbfounded at the almost instantaneous For the two people who disappeared, their flesh and blood collapsed and disintegrated, their bones shattered into slag, and even the motorcycle was instantly reduced to scrap iron.

Although their screams were short, they were extremely frightening. The screams were like the sound of dead souls from the abyss of hell.

Vito raised his palm, and suddenly the whole land began to change drastically, the ground began to sag and collapse, and the entire sandbar began to sink as if its support had been removed.

A vortex, a turbulent vortex in the sand sea appeared among the predators, and the entire gang of predators fell into it almost instantly.

The boss immediately turned the steering wheel and fled to one side. The predators who escaped by chance immediately turned to the two sides, but many people were still swallowed by the vortex.

Their wheels were caught by the quicksand, and the body of the car was swallowed instantly in the tumbling sand sea. The drivers screamed desperately in the sand sea, and they were quickly swallowed by the quicksand like drowning in the sea.

Motorcycles disappeared in an instant, and the arms of the predators stretched to the sky disappeared on the ground. The raging sandstorm and tsunami swept around, engulfing more people.

The boss looked at this scene, and then looked in Vito's direction. He still stood there motionless, just looking at them with cold eyes.

"Kill him!" The boss yelled, drew out his revolver and fired, and the boys behind him also started shooting. The motorcycle team rushing from both sides of the desert vortex rushed towards Vito like a cavalry charge. The bullet hit him.

Vito raised his other hand, but all the bullets stopped in an instant, and those bullets stopped in the air as if the pause button had been pressed.

"Bazooka! Kill him!" The boss shouted, raising his fist, and immediately a predator responded to his call. The man stood up from the co-pilot, picked up the bazooka, pointed at Vito and pulled the trigger.

A plume of a rocket headed towards Vito, but Vito just turned his finger and the rocket was turned, and the missile flew towards the shooter, blasting him and the surrounding Marauders to pieces.

The boss looked at Vito in horror. He looked at the motorcycle team on one side. In an instant, countless gravel spikes pierced through the sand and pierced countless people. They were pierced even with their own motorcycles.

More riders and their cars crashed on the raised sand and stones. They were engulfed by the quicksand beneath them and dragged into the abyss amidst screams.

When Vito raised his hand, dozens of people were ripped off the motorcycle immediately, and they were blown to pieces in the air as Vito clenched his fist.

Their heads shattered and exploded, and the shattered skulls and brain residues splashed on the colleagues rushing below. Vito waved his palms, his fingers kept dancing, as if he was playing with a group of bugs.

With one hand behind his back, Vito waved one hand in front of his face. The destructive psychic blows bombarded the predators. The bodies of the predators were torn apart, their limbs were torn off, and they collapsed like shredded paper.

The boss cursed and turned the rudder to escape, and many predators also started to run away from this "blood type butcher"

The boss rushed towards the distance on his motorcycle, but suddenly the desert in front of him churned up, sending him like a tsunami.

He immediately slammed to a stop and fled to the side, but those who failed to react quickly were unlucky. They were almost immediately submerged in the yellow sand, and the screams disappeared in the death sandstorm in a flash.

Many predators installed it, and then instantly turned into a blood mist, and the psychic lightning moved on the wall to smash and disintegrate all flesh and blood.

Their motorcycle was shattered by lightning, and its driver splashed blood on the sand, and the boss immediately turned to move forward in surprise.

He looked towards the center of the sea of ​​sand, where Vito was standing in the center of the sea of ​​sand that was churning and devouring everything, amidst the stormy waves.

The desert seemed to become a part of his body, moving with Vito's will.

Vito squatted down, put his palm on the sand, and instantly a large cloud of lightning shot out from the surface, and countless electric arcs poured into the sand sea, turning the gravel into deadly blades.

The Predator rode his motorcycle across the sand. He watched in horror as his motorcycle was torn to shreds. Every grain of sand shredded the motorcycle like a razor. He was getting closer and closer to the sand.

The man stood on the back of the car in despair. He looked up at the sky but could not fly. He was swallowed up by the desert in despair and screams, screaming that his body was thrown into a meat grinder and was crushed bit by bit. His flesh and blood shattered into flakes of flesh, screaming heart-piercingly, until everything in his body disappeared into the desert.

Screams and screams came and went, and Vito watched the predators trapped in the sand wall. They were constantly swallowed by the sand sea that turned into a whirlpool, and watched their flesh and blood change like sitting on a motorcycle. into broken slag.

Their counterattack turned into desperate wailing, and all the bullets were deflected by the spiritual shield, and even turned into scarlet molten iron in the lightning and fell to the ground.

Surrounding Vito was a sandstorm of death. This desert of death has now truly become a forbidden zone of life, devouring and tearing up all life without mercy.

The boss cursed, and he fled on the edge of the death vortex on a motorcycle, but he was getting closer and closer to death, and the razor-like waves continued. After all, his gang was almost wiped out.

He cursed loudly, summoned up the courage to turn around and charged towards Vito on his motorcycle. He pulled out a grenade and rushed towards him. Instead of being swallowed up by the desert of death and dying painfully, he chose to die happily, like a man.

Gotta say, the bastard's backbone is admirable, but...he pissed off Vito, pissed him off, very, very deeply, so he wouldn't die a quick death.

The gang leader rode his motorcycle through the churning sea of ​​sand, and the stormy waves churned and surged on both sides of him. He galloped under the waves like a surfer, and rushed towards Vito.

He shouted and rushed, Vito turned his head and watched him pull out his pistol, a bullet pierced through his body with lightning, the motorcycle was pierced, and the entire front wheel part collapsed in an instant .

He was thrown out, and the boss fell heavily on the sand, raising a cloud of dust. He raised his head and looked in front of him. He saw the man standing in front of him after the dust dispersed.

The surrounding death waves disappeared, as did the vortex and sand wall, leaving only Vito and him standing in the middle of the sand sea, and the surrounding sand was full of broken corpses and incomplete parts of motorcycles.

The boss suddenly felt that his neck was being choked, and he was lifted up and suspended in Vito Vito. He wanted to release the safety of the grenade in his hand, but his fingers could not move even an inch.

Vito looked at him and quickly noticed the revolver on his waist, his eyes instantly changed from cold to angry, "Why did you kill them, tell me the reason." He said coldly, the boss looked at his stiff Can't move at all, only the throat can make a hard sound.

"What?" "To kill them, give me an answer."

The boss exhausted all his strength and reluctantly said, "We have collected tolls from the trade alliance, and we should eliminate threats on the road." "The tolls should be collected by us. This is our land, which has belonged to them for hundreds of years."

"People from the Trade Federation found us, paid us, and asked us to fulfill the contract to remove the threat. They told me that you would leave, you would leave the Horde, and they also told me the location of the Horde. They said that after you robbed the train, you will not be so Get away, it will be around there, as long as you find the Horde, then will be the best time."

The boss choked before he finished speaking, his throat was tightly choked, and Vito looked at him full of anger.

Now that he knows the reason for everything, the trade union told the looters when to act, and told them that they would leave, intending to kill the lines that threatened them at once, and might further ask for more toll quotas in the future as the population expands. .

So they planned to kill people with knives, let the killers they hired from the beginning solve the threat, and completely solve the long-standing problems in this land.

They thought Vito was just an ordinary psyker who could be killed by the Marauders and everything would be over, but they were wrong, dead wrong.

"You massacred your own people." "What?"

"Where did they provoke you? What made you have to kill them?" "What are you talking about? I told you, the Trade Federation spends money."

The boss spoke with difficulty, confused and puzzled. Vito looked at the idiot, and the anger in his eyes was filled with pity and sorrow.

"Money, it's ridiculous, a little money makes you kill your own people, compatriots."

He sighed a long time, Vito closed his eyes, many memories flashed before his eyes, the memories he thought he had forgotten and buried in the depths of his memory, they did not disappear, but stayed quietly in his own in mind.

"Centuries ago, you sailed to the stars with their ancestors, helped each other, and fought side by side for great ideals and ideas, but now, you tell me that you killed them and her for "money""

For many years, I have been self-paralyzed, telling myself that I have done enough for mankind, and I just need to live my own life well.

But he was wrong, he is a member of human beings, he cannot be alone, as long as this world, this galaxy has always been like this, he will never be able to be alone.

Even if he fled to the end of the universe, he lost his home, his friends and his lover, and lost everything again.

"I thought I could live in seclusion, don't ask about the world, and don't care about your shit, but now I find that I was wrong."

He looked at the boss in front of him and said, "You made me lose my friends and lover again, my home, and there are thousands of other things in this galaxy. As long as all these things continue, I won't be able to get Calm, humans don't."

"So I figured it out, just like that old idiot said, I... figured it out."

"It's time for me to do what I should have done long ago."

Vito said word by word, and he walked up to the boss, staring into his eyes from a very close distance.

"I'm going to find them and make them realize their mistake, now I have one last question for you."

"Did you touch her?"

"What?" The boss said with difficulty, it was so difficult for him to utter every word, his neck was almost pinched by the force, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

"I don't know what you're going to say." Before the boss's sophistry was finished, Vito saw the revolver, which he handed to Sarah at the end.

In an instant, his raging anger ignited, golden lightning flashed in his eyes, and a deadly light flickered from his eyes.

"It's you." Vito said, his voice was cold and like a blazing fire of purgatory. With a slight wave of Vito's finger, a fragment of a motorcycle flew over, and the sharp fragments floated beside Vito. Moving cold light.

His palm was placed on the shard, and the lightning jumped up on it, and instantly a high temperature burned the shard. The boss looked at Vito with more and more frightened eyes, and his body instinctively wanted to escape, but he couldn't move at all.

Vito clenched his fist violently and pierced the boss's chest with the red-hot fragments. He screamed and his chest was sliced ​​open. The blazing high temperature burned his skin and flesh, and the smoke came out from it, accompanied by There were screams of pain together.

Vito glared at him as he loosened his fist and then clenched it again suddenly. The boss's wrist was instantly torn off, and blood spurted out from it.

Vito stuffed the severed palm into his chest, then pulled his fingers away with spiritual energy, the insurance bounced off in an instant, the boss looked at his chest and screamed in despair before it exploded into pieces.

A huge amount of blood sprayed on Vito's face, and his entire face was stained red with blood. Vito turned expressionlessly and went to the sand to pick up the revolver that was blown out.

He stood up, and the sand around him was full of corpses and wreckage, pieces of broken corpses were buried on this sandbar.

Vito looked at the revolver, looked at the revolver he handed to her last, Vito let go of his hand with a long sigh and let the revolver fall on the sand.

The revolver fell to the ground with a bang, and the body of the gun hit the ground, raising a cloud of dust, and the shiny barrel of the revolver reflected Vito's blurred shadow.

His shadow gradually faded away, Vito stepped on the red motorcycle and left, his figure gradually disappeared on the reflector of the revolver, and disappeared at the end of the desert.



Vito rode on the Gobi, he crossed the endless sand sea and the Gobi Desert, he crossed the sandstorm sweeping the earth, and came to the end of the journey that he should have arrived long ago.

Waldo and Malcador stood with him in front of the gate of the base. The tall "old shaman" looked at the black shadow in the dusty sky. He gradually got closer and his outline became clearer.

He stood in the yellow sand all over the sky and looked at him. Vito came out from the sand mist, his clothes fluttering in the wind. He looked at the old shaman expressionlessly.

The old shaman didn't speak, just looked at him.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time, just standing in the yellow sand and letting the wind and sand blow them, Valdor stood behind him and looked at Vito with his halberd raised, no one urged him, let alone said a word.

After a long time in the wind and sand, Vito closed his eyes, then opened them again, "I will join you, but I have one condition."

"What?" "Give me command of your army and kill the Trade Union first."

He looked at Vito and nodded slightly, then turned sideways, "Come on, your soldiers are here."

Vito followed him, and Valdo and Malcador followed after Vito passed by. They walked into the yellow sand all over the sky and disappeared at the entrance of the base.

They came to the observation deck on the high wall of the dam at the base, where there was still yellow sand, and the yellow sand that covered the sky covered everything in the wind and sand.

Vito came to the viewing platform with him, he raised his hand and waved it in the air, the raging sandstorm stopped, just like the sky obeyed his instructions.

As the yellow sand stopped raging, there was a piece of golden armor on the ground below the dam below the dam, and there were more armor behind that shining golden armor, extending all the way to the golden army at the end of the valley.

Vito looked at these tall golden giants, they stood in the valley with huge weapons, one square after another.

The centurion wearing a red cockscomb helmet stood at the front of the queue, holding a giant sword and a lightning symbol on his chest.

"What's their name?" Vito asked, looking at a legion that never existed.

"Thunder Warrior." He replied, standing shoulder to shoulder with Vito overlooking the army and the golden ocean.

"This is only part of our future army, my friend, and soon another twenty legions will join our ranks." "You will lead, command and command them, and now, I hand them over to you."

Valdor stepped forward and raised his halberd. With the raised halberd of the commander of the Imperial Army, all Thunder warriors let out a neat battle cry. The roar of battle echoed in the valley like thunder, and the sound of their armor colliding Echoes in the valley.

"Marshal Vito, start?" he asked.

Vito looked up at the large army.


This is the beginning of the Great Crusade, this is the beginning of everything.

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