Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 151 Storm of Destruction: Belisariu Kaul's Mission

Creed walked on the avenue of colonnades leading to the hangar deck, followed by his aide-de-camp, and the two of them walked between the long colonnades, where majestic statues stood, accompanied by the flashing The light from the cannon fire cast long shadows, and the light from the fire also illuminated Creed's face, making him look like a statue too.

The master of the castle walked on the marble floor, and the white floor was covered with ashes and gunpowder dust after the anti-aircraft guns were fired. If the internal service officer saw this situation in normal times, he would probably tie up the team on duty today and give him a severe blow. , but no one cares about that anymore.

Compared with the possible end of Cadia as a whole, some uncleanness on the ground is really not a concern.

Creed's military boots stepped on the ground, and the military coat draped over his shoulders jingled. The medals and rank badges worn on them collided with the protective deck continuously, making a burst of clanging sounds.

The adjutant followed behind him wearing a pistol. The major and adjutant glanced out. A cannon barrel that could only be described as huge was slowly lifted up. The muzzle thicker than a Leman Russ went straight to In the sky, the artillery fire that shook the earth resounded through the sky.

A gust of violent airflow rushed towards his face, the major immediately turned his head to avoid the airflow, his hair was blown around by the explosive airflow, and Creed also turned his head in awe, the coat on his body was flying under the action of the violent airflow, Like clothes drying on a clothesline.

The Great Castle Master didn't stop, he continued to walk forward, they walked from the take-off and landing deck to the apron at the end, here is a long and slender platform that extends out, and there is a huge disc at the end for fighter jets ups and downs.

This is of course not a military deck, but a guest deck. Most of Cadia’s decks are connected to the hangar, and will be covered by tens of meters thick tungsten alloy armor layer and granite, completely existing as a fortress, and more Most of them are located directly on the mountain and underground, completely concealed.

The fighter planes are all stored in the bunker, and the hidden runway exit is only opened when an attack is required, and then the fighter planes leap out of the underground runway and rush into the sky.

According to the Cadians, this deck is "like no clothes" and is used to receive those foreign dignitaries, although the locals generally call them "sissies".

Really, if you were born in a world where you fight demons with your eyes open and you fight demons with your eyes closed, the first thing before breakfast is to shoot a mutant, you need to fight demons for a few hours before lunch, and you have to exchange with Chaos Space Marines in the afternoon Opinion, on a planet where evening events are for slapping traitor psykers, you'd think everyone else was a pussy too.

When Creed came to the deck, he looked at a crimson transport plane docked on it. Outside the exit of the deck stood several heavily armed, surprisingly well-equipped Skitarii soldiers.

They were almost completely mechanized, wearing red robes and carrying Seiko laser rifles, each of them looked around with faces turning intelligent prosthetic eyes, and they all looked over as Creed arrived.

Creed looked at the uncomfortable cathars, and the burly or better-fitting Mechanicus Grand Magus in front of them turned his head away.

Most of his body is completely covered by machinery, and there is a metal cover on his abdomen, which may look like a bulletproof armor layer or the like, to protect the completely unimaginable fine mechanical equipment underneath. Those mechanical parts extend from behind him, allowing him to Looks like a mutant.

His mechanical torso, which looked like some kind of centipede, was supported by countless mechanical arms and moving cables. He turned around slowly, and he looked at Creed with the half face that might be the only physical part of his whole body.

"I am Belisarius Kaur, the great sage of the Mechanic Cult. I came to this planet for an important matter." Kaul said, his mechanical voice was weirder than the average Mechanic Cult believer. Its voice seems to be several people speaking at the same time, with different tones, voice lines and rhythms.

Among them were men and women, and there seemed to be even children, making him look and sound very strange, and even made Creed think he was a traitor to the Dark Mechanicum.

"I salute you, great sage, I think you also see our current situation, which is not very suitable for your technological exploration." Creed said, very coincidentally, a ground-based heavy turbo gun began to roar, with a striking red light Lit up the whole overtime, completely lit up Kaur's strange face.

After a burst of intensive shooting, the laser cannon gradually dimmed. After cooling down, it recharged and fired again. This time, the design successfully destroyed a Chaos Destroyer. The ship exploded and disintegrated, and was falling into the planet from outside the atmosphere.

The huge blue mechanical eye of Kaul's left eye turned twice, "Indeed, but my mission cannot be terminated, I must complete my mission and mission."

While talking, an orbital bombardment bomb fell and hit heavily on the void shield of the bastion. A huge explosion flame rose from above their heads, and the noon sun-like flash completely illuminated both sides.

Creed looked at Kaul and sighed, and he looked at the well-equipped cathars, "We are not very good at supporting your research now, great sage, you see, about half of the entire planet has been taken by chaos , I don’t think it is suitable for tourism.”

"Correct, 67.4% of this planet has fallen, but the most important Kalesa Plain is still under control, and that place is on the edge of this bastion."

"I know that place, great sage, the question is, what is there that is worth taking a huge risk to go through the storm and plunge into this ghost place like us? You know, we are probably doomed." Creed said with a wry smile , Kaorze Weiwei turned his head and looked at him, as if analyzing him.

His mechanical eyes turned counterclockwise and clockwise a few times, and Kaur held a long scepter in his hand, and his fingers tapped twice on the gold and copper scepter.

"I must complete the research, and I will try my best to ensure that Cadia will not fall before then." Kaul said, he raised his head to look at the sky, and Creed also looked up.

Squinting his eyes to see through the flames overhead, he saw a red fleet at the far end of the planet's orbit, cutting into the battlefield from above the astrolabe, and from the top to the attacking fleet of Chaos.

Creed was startled. It was indeed reinforcements, reinforcements from the Mechanicus, and a whole exploration fleet had arrived.

"My Exploration Fleet and the Mechanical Ark of the Voice of Ohm Messiah will buy as much time as possible. They will assist the Imperial Navy as much as possible, and my Skitarii will also complete the deployment as soon as possible."

Belisarius lowered his head as he spoke, and the countless mechanical legs under his huge body began to move, and he slowly walked forward a few steps, "According to the calculations of the war engine, the military power I bring cannot change the situation of the battle. We can only buy a certain amount of time, as time goes by Chaos will still defeat us, but now, our destruction time has increased by 4 hours compared to before."

"I hope these 4 hours can change something, great sage, the program of the Mechanicus will not let you die." Creed said, seeing that Kaur had come to the front, the tall great sage bent slightly He lifted his body and raised his palm, which had been completely mechanized.

A holographic image shot from his palm, and Creed and the lieutenant's faces were illuminated by the green light of the holographic image. They looked at the obelisk spinning in Caul's hand, a strange, but familiar to them. Obelisk structure.

"I'm here for this, I think you know them." Kaul said word by word, Creed raised his head in confusion, and looked at the mechanical sage in front of him, "Of course I know, everywhere on the Kalesa Plain Yes, we even call it the Plain of Monuments because of that, what's the value of this thing for you to risk getting here."

Kaul's mechanical eyes turned a few more times, and he looked at Creed's face, "I can't tell you now, because I'm not clear yet, the data results are not enough to produce any results, I need to investigate and explore."

Creed frowned and looked at the engine oil guy in front of him, "You almost risked suicide to enter the battlefield, at least you have an idea? What's the use of this thing?"

"I can't tell you." "I am the commander-in-chief of Cadia, the great sage, and unless you tell me, I will prohibit you from conducting research."

Facing the threatening words, the Skitarii soldiers behind Kaul slowly raised their guns, and Creed's adjutant also held down the pistol, but Creed raised his hand to signal him to let go.

The adjutant obeyed the order while hesitating, and removed his hand from the butt of the gun. Creed turned his head to look at Kaul and waited for the result.

Belisarius Kaul was silent for a moment, he watched Creed seem to be thinking, or a calculation, but he didn't make the castle master wait too long, and soon the strange "mechanical cooperation" The sound" sounded again.

"This research result may change the direction of the war." "Cadia?" "No, the whole war, the ten thousand year war between the Empire and Chaos."

Creed looked at the mechanical sage in front of him. He looked serious and said nothing. Kaul silently waited for Creed to think. Looking at the rising anti-aircraft artillery fire and the battlefield outside.

He took out a cigar from his arms and lit it to his mouth. Creed bit the cigar and remained silent for a while, and a faint smoke came out from in front of him, but he turned around after a while and stared directly at Cole.

"How much is the impact?" Creed asked, and Kaul's mechanical eyes turned, and responded, "The sky is turned upside down."

Creed took a puff of smoke and exhaled the smoke. He heard the ticking of the communicator and looked at the adjutant at random. The latter immediately pulled off the communicator from his belt and hung it by his ear.

He listened to the content, then looked at Creed and frowned, "The Eighth Regiment and the Bastion Guard asked for reinforcements, they couldn't take it anymore."

Creed nodded and stomped out the cigar while still on the ground, "Go and study, Great Sage, I will buy you time."

Creed walked towards the deck exit, and his adjutant followed.

Kaur looked at the departing Great Castellan, he turned his head and boarded his own transport plane, and several cathars followed. As the hatch closed, the transport plane quickly ignited and took off towards the obelisk Monument Plain.

Overhead on the dropship, the war is raging, and Cadia's time is running out.

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