Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 154 Storm of Destruction: Land of Blood Sea

Everything here felt familiar to Celestine, as if she had been in this kind of war among space fighters many years ago, during the Great Rebellion.

She knew these were other people's memories, memories that other people lived in her head.

Ever since the emperor asked himself to be a herald and messenger, he was also responsible for finding the heroic souls of those brave and loyal warriors, bringing them to the golden sun to be recast by the emperor, and joining a member of the cursed legion. It started to get confusing.

Of course, it wasn't because that guy made him work 24/7, saving lives here and showing spirits there every day, but because of the uniqueness of this mission.

The emperor allowed himself to guide the souls of those warriors. In order to select the best warriors, not only those who are physically strong, but also those who are pure and reliable in spirit and thought, warriors who can resist the temptation of chaos, the emperor bestowed upon him A unique skill, one that neither Sanguinor nor the other living saints possessed.

Reading their memories and the past, which allows Celestine to judge their abilities from their memories, experiences and emotions, whether they are worthy of trust and entrusted with the mission, and many times the emperor will let her choose the living saint in this way Candidates, in short, that guy likes to let himself work overtime.

Many memories, those of space warriors and mortals are mixed together. People rely on memory to determine who they are, their name, origin and affiliation. If you lose your memory, you will lose yourself.

This is also true for Celestine, too many memories, so Celestine can't figure out which memories are her own and which are not. Many times Celestine can't even figure out what she is. who is it.

Whenever she and Vito were together at this time, the memory was as bright as a lighthouse. The impression of the never serious old bastard was deeply rooted in his mind like an anchor that would never disappear. Celestine was able to recall the past, to make him remember who he was.

The little angel laughed, and the old man's face appeared in her mind again, "Old scumbag."

As she spoke, she swung a firm and decisive sword, and chopped a bloodletting ghost with a sword and an axe. She stood on the steel wreckage on the battlefield and looked around.

The flames swirled along with the sharp blades, and Celestine held the flaming sword and played the dance of death on the barren land of Cadia. The angel's holy wings made her body like a golden phantom, and her speed was dazzling.

Like the blades wielded by the Emperor himself, the cherubs slashed through the heretics of Chaos. Demons, traitor warriors, and their dark allies fell one by one under the blades, and the holy fire rose like a whirlwind of fire. and burn all filthy things.

The fiery warriors of the Legion of the Cursed fought with the traitors, these avatars of the Emperor's wrath fought with the Black Legion, Chaos Space Marine traitors, the sound of bolters echoing, and the blades burning with vengeance Flickering across the battlefield, they unleash the wrath of the Emperor himself on these millennial traitors.

Around the Black Templar and the Fist of the Empire fighters fought side by side with the Legion of the Cursed, as it has been for thousands of years, and now Cadia has completely become a battle between superhumans, a demigod between interstellar warriors and interstellar warriors The Great War leaves no room for mortals to intervene.

Therefore, Lord Creed did not choose to intervene, but led the battle nuns and Cadia warriors to assist them with all their strength. The mortal warriors fought against the mortal traitors and Chaos Demons in a series of bloody battles. Tanks galloped across the land, and artillery fire roared beneath the sky.

The mortal warriors and the demons fought together. The bloody battle made the plain in front of the fortress flow into rivers of blood. Scarlet rivers flowed between the ravines and bomb craters, among which were floating corpses and mutilated corpses.

If it was Khorne who wanted blood and death, there was something here for him to exult now.

Flags fluttered in front of the big bastion, like an eternal iron wall blocking the attacking edge of chaos. In the chaotic battlefield, Celestine flew up from the wreckage of the tank, and when he landed, he turned around and slashed with his sword. After killing a World Eater traitor, the neck of the red-armored traitor was chopped off by a sharp blade, and blood gushed out from the gap.

All around him were swarms of traitor brethren, stepping between the corpses of mortals and space marines on the ground, swarms of traitors from the Black Legion, World Eaters, and Iron Warriors, all brandishing their respective blasphemous weapons at Celestine.

The little angel wielded a sharp blade and turned around, and its wings spun along with the swing of its body, and a raging fire spewed out from under each feather, and the holy fire rolled out from under the wings and rushed towards the face.

The traitors were blocked by the flames, and they all stopped. The traitor of the Black Legion wearing a black helmet looked at the other side of the flames. Celestine roared out from the fire cloud, and the sharp blade cut off his head instantly. The traitor The head soared into the sky like a rising meteor amidst the flames.

Celestine rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, his long steel boots slid across the ground, dust sprayed from his heels, and the cherub stepped on the ground and kicked lightning into the enemy line with his legs on the ground.

Flaming swords swirled and danced among the traitors, their armor cracked and their foul blood gushing out.

Celestine chopped off the Iron Warrior's arm, and the traitor roared and raised his arm covered with profane runes, which had already been equipped with a large number of terrifying weapons by the Dark Mechanicus. The distance shot to Celestine.

Celestine flipped backwards and dodged the rays with her exquisite ballerina-like body. The green disintegrating lightning almost flew close to her chin. , the holy sword pierced directly from the Iron Warrior's face, and the holy fire spewed out from every gap in his armor.

Amidst the screams, Celestine did not relax her vigilance. She bent down to avoid the battle ax cut by the World Eater from one side, and she kicked on the side of his leg. The kick from the cannonball knocked the World Eater to his knees.

With a wave of Celestine's palm, the flame sword was pulled out from the corpse and returned directly to its owner's hand. Celestine cut off the World Eater's head with a backhand sword.

The scarlet helmet and its head rolled down from the ground covered with corpses, and the helmet fell in front of a group of World Eaters. These bloodthirsty butchers, covered in blood and almost completely in a state of rage, raised their hands. Chainswords and Chainaxes.

Celestine looked at them, and the World Eaters wanted to attack, but a devourer with a completely unarmored right arm and a pair of blue feather earrings on his helmet came out. , he walked out of the traitors with a chainsaw in his hand.

The rampaging World Eaters made way for him, and Khorne's most valiant and most favored traitor stood on the battlefield.

"Kan." Celestine said, ready to fight, and Kahn watched her prepare to step forward without saying a word, but suddenly there was a roar from behind.

"She's mine!" said the voice and appeared in the crowd, and the World Eaters looked back. They saw the tall giant in the Terminator armor appear in front of them. Braided to the sky, walking with steps that shook the earth.

Warmaster Abaddon appeared in front of Kahn and Celestine, staring at the Khorne champion in front of him, "She is mine, leave." "She is a gift for the blood god, Abaddon, you can right to stop me."

Kahn said viciously, he raised his chain ax and pointed at Celestine, but his eyes were fixed on Abaddon, who pointed his long power claws at Kahn's chest, like a villain about to attack. Wolf.

"I am the warmaster chosen by the four gods. Khorne ordered you to follow me, and you must obey my orders, Karn." Abaddon growled, staring at the eyes under Karn's helmet in front of him, "Obey, the orders of the Warmaster."

Karn looked at Abaddon, and then slammed his chainaxe on his breastplate. For a moment, Celestine thought they were going to fight, but no, Karn just pushed a piece of him away with a growl. The Black Legion soldiers led their World Eaters away.

Celestine looked at Abaddon, and he slowly turned his head to look at Celestine, "I will use you to humiliate the false emperor, I will take down Cadia, and I will set the galaxy on fire!"

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