Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 165 Storm of Destruction: Going to the Demon World

There is a proverb in the empire, keep people busy, because when people are busy, they have no time and time to think about those problems, those things that are heresy, doubts and betrayals, so that loyalty can be implemented, the truth of the emperor The light will also shine in the heart of man.

This sentence is widely used in the empire. Really, don't you really think that the empire is purely stupid, so stupid that it won't improve its work efficiency? Of course not, the empire has enough power and ability to transform its own production technology and production chain, but they don't, and this is the reason.

If such a huge human population is completely out of production and super-highly automated production like the Eldar, then a large number of people in the empire will become idle, and if they have nothing to do, they will pursue desire, indulgence and more heretical behaviors. Chaos crept into the heart and tempted it to fall.

This is how the Eldar Empire fell, and the civil war in the Golden Age is exactly the same. You have to admit that as humans, we always have a lot of inappropriate and chaotic thoughts in our minds. When we are free, those voices will appear, tempting A person's soul leads it down a road of no return.

And the huge population base of the empire means that once automation and intelligence are realized, let alone the electronic demons, there is a high probability that human civilization will be shattered in indulgence, carnival and arrogance just like the Eldar.

Therefore, the degree of automation in the empire is very low, and the reason is to keep most of the people of the empire busy, so busy that they have no time to think about the problems that are there or not, and use sweat and piety to isolate the evil influence of the enemy of the emperor.

Just as the Empire implements and adheres to this creed, every time the Infinite Frontier travels through subspace, it will undergo a busy overhaul, maintenance and daily training.

Every deck, every cabin, and every unit will be busy, equipment inspection, update and maintenance, as well as the training and actual combat exercises of the marines, all day high-intensity in the modular training ground For training, bridge operators will also conduct hull inspections and system self-inspections from morning till night.

Generally speaking, no one is idle, everyone is very busy, in addition to resisting chaotic evil thoughts, it can also strengthen everyone's skills and abilities.

This is the case now. Cole is walking in the corridor of the Infinite Frontier. He is holding a data tablet and checking the lists on it. The first mate is with him, and he is holding another piece of data that the captain has already reviewed. flat.

Surrounding them were busy sailors, carrying toolboxes and mechanical parts, and the servo skulls flew under the ceiling above their heads, heading for their target locations with bursts of humming and clicking sounds.

"Make sure the battery is fully charged. I don't want it to take an hour or two to re-ignite when the void shield or Geller stand goes out." Cole said as he handed the data panel to the first officer, who was wearing a gray-blue coat. The vice lady took the data panel.

"I've ordered it to be executed, and Omega thinks he can take a while to repair the original damaged Geller stand engine, so that it can be used as a double-track insurance with the Great Crusade era Geller stand we are using now."

"Very well, let him do it, keep an eye on the astropath, I don't want a demon to invade my ship or something." Cole said as he walked forward, the adjutant followed him, and then looked at himself hesitantly The updated route map on the data panel in his hand was a route map updated by the judge not long ago.

According to the part of the confidential Eye of Fear star system diagram shared by Lilith, it is a demon planet, and one is marked in bold red font, in case you can't see that it is a fucking ghost. Demon world.

And now Vito is going to let everyone drive to that place, that ghostly place where a large number of demons may find themselves at any time and anywhere, and then tear a boat of people to pieces, and there is no explanation yet.

"Captain, are we?" "I will ask him clearly, you go and execute it." "Follow the order."

The first officer stopped, and turned to leave after saluting Cole. The captain continued to walk in the corridor. He was very familiar with every corner of his ship.

He crossed the deck, walked down the hanging ladder and passed countless corners before arriving at the conference hall of the ship. To be precise, Cole kicked the door open and walked in angrily.

Cole came from the entrance gate at the end of the conference hall. He walked aggressively to the center of the stepped conference hall, and slammed his fist on the table. The sound was so loud that everyone present jumped.

"You old bastard, idiot and idiot bastard, you got shot in the fucking brain?" Cole yelled, and Vito flinched and laughed, "Oh, my title is growing on the side."

"Yes, there is an extra old bastard." Ragnar said with a smile, and laughed out loud after seeing Vito, and then the two of them pulled out the laser gun at Cole and slammed it on the table Then quiet down.

The captain stared at Ragnar, and after making sure that the latter shut up, he glared at Vito, "You don't explain anything, just send the coordinates, and then let me drive the ship to a demon planet? You and Ragnar yesterday Did Na drink fake wine?!"

"It's too late for us to hide from the devil, since you want us to take the initiative to find the devil? You fucking explain to me right now! Otherwise, I'll put you in a torpedo and beat yourself to that planet!"

Ragnar wanted to speak, but Cole scolded him back abruptly, "Shut up! Wolf cub! Otherwise, I'll put you and him in a torpedo and hit him face to face!"

Lilith smiled charmingly, clasped her hands and brushed her fingers lightly across her face, "Then there might be room for me."

"Yeah! Cum with the beautiful girl." Ragnar shouted without hesitation, and then closed his mouth with a smile after Lancelot hit him with an elbow.

Cole rested his forehead speechlessly, propped his elbows on the panel of the holographic display, sighed, then raised his eyes speechlessly to Vito with an awkward smile on his face, "What are you going to do?"

"No, this time you should ask Lily what she's going to do, let her explain." Vito said and gave up his seat, Lilith walked to the holographic display stand, bent down and started to operate on the panel, although Ragnar's All attention was focused on Lilith's waistline.

Ragnar smiled and whistled, his vigor was probably similar to a canine creature named husky in ancient Terra.

"You planned it this time?" Ragnar asked, Lilith smiled charmingly, her voice was sweet and pleasant, "What? Replace him?" "No, you will do it from now on."

"Fuck." Vito yelled, and Ragnar looked at Vito with a righteous face, and raised his brows proudly, "What the fuck, are you a beauty?"

"Ragnar!" Lancelot poked Husky again with his elbow, and at the same time Lilith also turned on the holographic display, and a barren planet appeared in front of several people.

Cole raised his head and looked at the strange purple-black planet. The surface there completely showed a shape that did not conform to the laws of physics. There were countless floating mountains, distorted terrain, and strange lands that existed in the size of continents. The sky was filled with Lots of random chaotic vortexes.

A large amount of psionic lightning filled the atmosphere, which looked like a sea of ​​venom, with rivers criss-crossing the land, and the entire planet was completely corrupted by the power of chaos. It was hard to imagine what kind of life could survive here.

"This is Krisus. As you can see, it is a demon world, but it is also a special demon world. This is a neutral zone, serving as a neutral place in the great game of the four gods." Lilith put her hands on her hips, The pupils of the purple eyes reflect the strange planet.

"Neutral place?" Bell, the pharmacist of the Ultramarines, asked. He looked at Lilith in confusion. "The Eye of Terror really exists, can it be called a neutral place?"

"Whether you believe it or not, yes, there are indeed. The believers of the Four Gods don't always fight and kill all the time. Whether they are demons or fallen mortals, they all need a neutral zone to trade, calculate each other, and fight each other. Rest outside the Eternal War."

Lilith's finger slid towards the planet, and the holographic display immediately captured her finger movement and quickly applied it to the three-dimensional projection of the planet.

The purple-black planet spun rapidly, and then locked on the only stable plate in the western hemisphere of the planet. Lilith enlarged the area, and presented a giant on the land through the chaotic storm vortex. The city, a chaotic, strange city composed of countless strange buildings and inverted pyramids.

The lava flowed down from the city, and lava waterfalls fell from the buildings one by one, and finally fell into the huge lava sea below. Lit by lava flames.

"Nokti Lakya." "Nokti what?" Ragnar made no secret of his poor skills in pronunciation, grammar and language.

"The name is a mouthful. I know that the names chosen by the Eldar are so strange. This city used to be an important hub city of the Eldar Empire. It was connected to the southern border network of the empire. All the Eldar trade and exploration fleets need to go through Here, heading south to the galaxy itself."

Lilith spread her hands slightly, and shrugged helplessly, "But the Eldar Empire collapsed, and most of the webway entrances here collapsed after the birth of Slaanesh, but in the end, because of its unique location, it became the Chaos Fleet, especially the Black Fleet. One of the important advance bases for the empire to launch the Black Expedition, so the Four Gods also acquiesced to remain neutral here, allowing their own people to pass through."

"Then why did we come here? Why did we come to this tombstone of the Eldar Empire?" Bell continued to ask, he looked at the city with displeasure, everything there made him feel sick and disgusted, full of The devil and the sin it represents, I am afraid that only the whirlwind torpedo can represent his attitude here.

Lilith reached out and pulled out the Enemy Blade from Vito's belt. She was holding the dangerous weapon, and the weapon that knocked down the Primarch waved in front of everyone, "Because of it."

"The destination we are going to is shrouded in a subspace storm. Tzeentch and Khorne fought there for god knows what boring reasons, and finally caused a chaotic subspace vortex to cover that area. Direct sailing is tantamount to suicide."

As she spoke, she pointed at the city in front of her with the blade, and the surrounding giants and captains all looked over, looking at the strange and unusual demonic city.

"Here, we can find a way to cross the storm, safely and smoothly, and in the temple of Il Vak Knox on this planet, we can find an artifact of the Eldar , that thing can help us find the surviving webway entrance, and then pass above the storm through the Eldar webway."

Cole frowned slightly, and looked at Lilith, "How do you know?" "Secret, the secret of the court." She smiled charmingly, but Cole couldn't smile. He looked at Vito, The latter shrugged slightly and said nothing, but that meant to reassure Cole.

Lilith played with the Enemy Blade in her hand, turning the slender hilt between her palms, but her eyes didn't pay attention to the sharp blade at all. They were always on Cole and several space fighters, ignoring Those blades that almost cut off her ears several times, but every time, the blade just missed her just right.

"So we need to lurk down and deal with the local demons and heretics." Lilith said and suddenly grasped the hilt of the sword, her fox-like eyes scanned the few people in front of her, the space warriors looked at each other, even Cole He frowned suddenly.

The idea of ​​trading with the devil alone is enough to be executed immediately, but the most ironic thing is that these words come from the mouths of those judges who will be responsible for executing people.

"It's not like we haven't dealt with traitors before, and we have infiltrated him once or twice." Vito explained, and he spoke calmly. The space fighters still had doubts about this, and Lancelot put the helmet on Looking at Vito apprehensively on the table, "But that's all about dealing with cultists and traitors, not with demons, Vito, let alone dealing with demon planets."

"I know it's weird, we're definitely heretics and traitors in the eyes of the rest of the Empire, but that's what we need to do, and there are always people who do it."

"And if this can save Lord Guilliman, I think even if Captain Calgar is here, he will choose to compromise, even if it damages his honor."

The space warriors looked at each other, and then nodded silently, as if they recognized Vito's words. The latter also smiled, and looked at the four people in front of him with arms folded.

"I need two of you to go down with me. The demon planet is like those illegal places, bloody conflicts may break out at any time, so if this is the case, bringing two "traitor" space fighters can make the local demons and traitors Weigh it carefully before doing it."

"Can demons really be bluffed?" Lancelot asked suspiciously, and Lilith responded with a sweet laugh, "It's ironic, but yes, except for the demon of Khorne who sometimes surges with blood , Most demons are not much different from humans, if they feel that they can't beat you, then they will choose to back down."

"Besides, demons will return to the subspace to be resurrected after death in the physical universe, but if they die inside the subspace, then they are really dead. Unless they are powerful, most ordinary demons will be killed. completely dead, so there is no difference between them and ordinary mortals in this respect."

"Aha! Then I'll go down with you, killing demons is much more interesting than hunting on the bottom deck!" Ragnar laughed and swung the chain saw axe, and Lancelot grabbed his arm that was swinging the axe.

The Caliban knight looked at Vito with a helpless expression on his face, "No, I'll go down with you, Ragnar doesn't know when to kill and when to keep calm, I'm afraid he will fight all kinds of demons when he goes down." stand up."

"Fuck you, Caliban orange cat, we Fenrisians know when to hunt and when to keep cool and collected!"

Ragnar shook off Lancelot's hand, and stared at him fiercely. The two glared at each other as if they were about to fight, if Olaf hadn't stopped them in time and separated them.

"Enough! There is a whole planet of demons waiting for us below, but you are going to kill each other here first!" The old wolf reprimanded the two angrily. bosom.

"I'll go down with you, judge, for the sake of my genetic father, I can tolerate dealing with demons." Bell stepped forward and said, looking calm and objective, Vito nodded slightly, accepting his kindness.

"I know, but I need you and Olaf to stay on the boat. After all, this is the Eye of Terror. I need you two to ensure the safety of this place. I will take these two treasures down."

Hearing Vito's words, Ragnar, who was still sulking just now, burst into laughter. He approached Vito with a smile on his face, "Then what disguise should we use? I've never been a spy before! "

"Go to Omega to modify your armor and change it into a traitor's style, and you can be a world eater who has no brains and no brains, only wants to kill people, and act in your true colors, you don't need to pretend."

"What about him, who is this Caliban orange cat?" Ragnar pointed at Lancelot and commented, and the latter stepped forward and raised his fist, "You better shut me up before I beat you up." Mouth!"

Vito smiled jokingly, watching Lancelot look up and down, "You will be a fallen angel after you go down, so save trouble."

Lancelot looked at Vito in confusion, "Fallen Angel? What is that? I've never heard of such a treacherous battle group, whose heir?"

Vito froze for a moment, then shook his head helplessly and smiled, "That's not important, you just need to remember this disguise, and you don't need to modify your armor."

"What?" Lancelot asked puzzled, why can't he modify his armor? Is the armor of the Dark Angel the same as that of the Fallen Angel?

Lancelot's question was left unanswered, as Ragnar was the first to interrupt it all, smiling at Vito and Lilith, "What about you two? What are you doing, I can't wait to see how funny you are. "

"Fuck off, I'm playing an awesome traitor, do the nobles of the empire understand?"

Vito pushed away Ragnar's face, and looked at Lilith, who took out a small potion from his arms, she took off the cork and drank the fluorescent purple potion.

What happened next made the eyes of the space warriors and Captain Cole widen. Lilith smiled slightly, and suddenly her mouth twitched violently, and the upper and lower rows of teeth turned into sharp teeth. Her fingers also straightened and lengthened instantly after twisting and moving, and their fingertips turned into razor-like red claws.

She shook her head, and the human ears quickly changed into long, pointed ears similar to those of the Eldar. When her head turned back, the eyes under the long silver hair turned into sharp purple eyes like cats. With an evil smile, he dragged his chin with his fingers, and a pair of backward curved horns grew out of his head.

Amidst the sweet and aggressive laughter, a long tail was lifted up from behind her. In an instant, Lilith turned into a succubus.

Lancelot subconsciously pressed the hilt of the sword, and Bell also raised the bolter suddenly, but Olaf strode forward and pressed down the two weapons before causing any accidental casualties.

Everyone looked at Lilith in surprise, and the latter looked at everyone with her evil eyes with a chuckle, "Isn't the transformation medicine of the Assassin Court very useful?"

"That's... the transformation drug of the Assassin Court? I've heard it before, but I didn't expect it to be so superior." Bell put down the gun as he said in amazement, Lilith smiled and dragged her purple face with her fingers, "Indeed, I also did not expect."

Of course I couldn't think of it, because it wasn't a shape-changing drug at all, it was a drink that Lilith found from a restaurant. She just injected a little magic power to make it look amazing. Now she just changed back to her original appearance, a Succubus.

Lilith now exudes that kind of aggressive and aggressive charm all over her body. She is already beautiful, but now the particularity of the succubus makes her look even more attractive. Just one glance is enough Catch a Jean's heart.

She smiled and looked at Cole, whose eyes radiated irresistible emotion.

The captain froze for a moment, and immediately turned his head to avoid seeing those eyes. Lilith laughed, and then she turned her head to look at Vito.

"Like it?"

Vito smiled, looked at Ragnar who opened his mouth wide in surprise, and looked at Lilith, "It's great."

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