Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 190 Storm of Destruction: The Fortieth Palm, Tzeentch's Surprise

The turbofan blades of the nozzles are constantly trembling under the blue and orange flames, rumbling, accompanied by the slow descent of the heavy thrusters, an armored cabin door hits the ground, the armored cabin depicting the Imperial Skyhawk logo A shadow whizzes past on the slippery slope of the door.

The shadow leaped out of the engine room, but its body did not hit the ground. The huge thing suspended in the air slid across the desolate purple-black ground silently, and the land speeder hovered and paddled on the ground. Out of a beautiful arc.

Vito stood up from the disassembled armored carriage, and he waved to the heavy Valkyrie transport plane whose engine was still burning, and shouted, "Take off and go back to the ship, and pick us up here in three hours."

The pilot behind the light gray cockpit glass raised his hand and waved, "Understood, judge, I wish you good luck.".

Speaking of which, the pilot wearing a full-coverage gas mask skillfully pulled up the Valkyrie, and the huge fighter climbed rapidly with rumbling propulsion.

Vito looked at the Valkyrie climbing up, and he turned around and sat back in the huge cabin of the Land Speeder. After confirming that Vito was in place, Bell pushed the propulsion lever violently, and the propulsion engine at the end of the speeder was instantly boosted by the anti-gravity propulsion engine. Light up, and the speed attack boat roared out like lightning.

The Valkyrie climbed into the sky with a long tail flame, and this black speed attack ship roared and galloped across the ground. Everyone in the cockpit was present, Bell, Lancelot, Lager Na and Olaf, of course, and Vito and Lilith.

Bell operated the speeder from the front right driver's seat, while Lancelot sat on the left side in charge of the bolter, and the rest sat in the rear compartment seats.

The Land Speeder relies on the advanced magnetic levitation engine to drive quickly without touching the ground at all. Its forward speed is as fast as a gust of wind. The waves emitted by the magnetic engine are constantly distorting the air, relying on the magnetic field of the planet itself to form a secondary attraction Push the Land Speeder.

Vito sat in the cockpit. He sat in a huge chair designed for space marines. The inertia brought about swings from side to side, like a child sitting in an adult's position.

But Vito didn't care about this at all, at least when he looked at the scanning terminal in front of him, Vito looked at the thinker data in his hand, the interference band flashed on the screen with bursts of signal interference, but Vito Thor could still see what was up there.

"The results of the planet's scan by the Aurora Array are here. Bell, drive west, towards the valley over there." Vito raised the tablet and pointed to the west direction. Bell saw Vito's gesture in the rearview mirror and nodded. After responding, he turned the steering wheel sharply to the right.

The blue speeder turned around on the barren ground of the planet, and the small wing on the left almost slid past the ground. Almost instantly, the speeder propelled out with full power, galloping across the barren land like lightning.

The air flow rolled under the fast attack boat in bursts, and the belly of the boat rumbled under the vibrating shuttle airflow, but Bell still operated the speed attack boat steadily, holding the steering wheel with both hands, and skillfully operating Gear lever.

The black land speeder sailed through the barren land of this demon planet. The purple-black land beneath it was sickly and weird. Countless strange plants grew around it, and broken floating mountains were suspended in the air.

Lancelot held the bolt gun, his eyes scanned the surroundings through the sight of the gun sight, and the terrifying bolt muzzle kept turning left and right in front of the speeder, paying attention to everything around him vigilantly.

But all was well, at least for a while, as they charged across the plain, slid over dry riverbeds, and across crumbling mountain chasms.

Vito sat on the huge steel seat, and he received the signal from the Infinite Frontier on the orbit of the planet through the data tablet in his hand. Cole had already scanned the planet according to Vito's request, and the Aurora array efficiently searched for it. And locked the location of the temple, and constantly passed its location information to Vito.

"Bell, continue to maintain the course and cross this plain." Vito said and put down the tablet. He stood up from the cabin, and the judge stepped on the handrail on one side and stood on it to get out of the speeder for space fighters. cabin.

With the fiery wind blowing on his face, Bell obeyed Vito's order without any objection. He adjusted the propeller power and steadily drove the speeder forward at full speed.

The hull whizzed down from the hill, and the magnetic levitation engine on its belly almost hit the ground, but the hull was lifted up quickly at the last moment, rushing across the plain with billowing air, and waves of sand were flying behind them.

Vito looked at the dilapidated temple in front of him. The Land speeder made a sudden stop and stopped in front of the temple steps. Vito stepped on the top edge of the speeder's cabin and jumped off the speeder. He landed smoothly from the height.

After Vito got off the boat, Lilith also jumped off, and Ragnar pulled out the speed boat and landed heavily on the ground, but the movement of Olaf, who was wearing a wolf priest armor almost as large as that of the Terminator armor, landed even more. Big, it hit the ground like a falling meteorite.

Bell also got out of the speeder with Lancelot after turning off the engine, and several space fighters stood behind Vito, watching the tragic situation here together.

Countless corpses were poured on the long steps, and the corpses of Khorne demons were dumped everywhere. The dried blood and the blood that hadn't dried up stained the steps red, and there was a big battle here.

"Who killed these demons? The demons are fighting among themselves?" Olaf asked, and Vito noticed a broken corpse on the side, and he stepped forward to turn the corpse over.

There is a pair of long and sharp ears on the head of this corpse whose lower body has disappeared.

"The Eldar?" Olaf said, and Vito looked up at the miserable guy, "The Dark Eldar, the twisted inhabitants of Comoro."

Vito stood up and pulled out the chainsword, "Get your weapons ready, we might have to fight someone." "Great! I'm starting to feel bored!" Ragnar smiled and pulled out the chainsaw , Beside him, Lancelot also drew the power sword, and Bell pulled the bolt bolt.

A group of people walked up the steps of the temple. Vito walked between a long line of corpses. At the top of the steps, they entered the overturned door. On the bolt.

Vito walked into the dark temple, where the smell of blood was extremely strong, and there was a stench, Vito looked at the corpses piled up on both sides of the temple, including Khorne demons and Dark Eldar.

He watched as the twisted abomination of the Dark Eldar fell to the ground, its body split open by a battle axe, which tore through the bloodthirsty maniac's ribcage before dying.

Similar tragedies can be seen everywhere, there are traces of a fierce and bloody battle everywhere, and it seems that there are no survivors, the place is silent, like a cemetery.

The space warriors walked behind Vito, and Bell's bolt gun kept sweeping across the wreckage of the surrounding battlefield, sweeping over the fallen corpses one by one.

A group of people walked through the hall of the temple vigilantly, and came to the central stone platform. Obviously, the artifact enshrined here was once stored here, and now Vito thinks that thing has been taken away, taken away in a literal sense up.

"The Dark Eldar took it away, damn it." Vito cursed and looked at the empty stone platform, and Lilith stood behind Vito with her gun on her hips and looked at the empty place, The space fighters, on the other hand, were highly tactically equipped and formed an encirclement circle behind them, watching the surrounding corpses vigilantly, God knows what else would jump up and give people a surprise.

"How did the Dark Eldar know about this place? Coincidence? They found it by mistake when they went out to plunder?" Vito asked angrily, while Lilith squatted down and smiled, "No, they came here specially."

Lilith took out a scroll from the arms of a Dark Eldar lying on the edge of the stone platform, a tracking scroll containing magic power, and she handed it to Vito, who took the scroll and looked at the flickering blue map with beacons.

"Judging from the composition of magic power, this map belongs." "Given by Tzeentch, shit, that old bastard."

Vito cursed and threw the map on the ground, crossed his hips angrily and looked at the tragic situation around him. Obviously, the Khorne demon was also fooled by that octopus squid. He probably wanted to fight a battle of the three armies here, but unfortunately he Come a little late, Khorne and Dark Eldar are all finished.

Vito sighed and knelt down to look at the corpse of the Dark Eldar. Vito pushed a vampire off his body and pushed him to the side. He looked at the clothes of the Dark Eldar.

Just when Vito was thinking, the vampire who fell on the ground suddenly twitched, and the monster's expressionless eyes suddenly became scarlet and shining.

The not-dead, still-breathing Vampire pounced on Vito, who punched it in the face and knocked him to the ground, and almost immediately Bell turned and shot the Vampire, spraying his brains everywhere.

But as the explosive bombs shot out of the gun chamber, the dull gunshots also echoed in the entire temple, echoing in the distant hall like thunder.

Vito stood up and slowly looked towards the direction of the gunshot. After a short silence, a beast-like shout of killing exploded in the temple.

Vito pulled the bolt in which direction, "Get ready, we're in trouble."

The space warriors also raised their weapons one by one to point in which direction, and the bombs were pushed into the barrels of the guns. It seemed that this trip would not be so pleasant.

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