Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 217 Extra Story: The Investigation of Judge Phillips—Bell Chapter

"Investigative Records of the Imperial Heresy Tribunal"

Affiliation: Inquisition Inquisition Inquisition

Reporter: Judge Owen Phelps

Praise be to the Emperor, and salute to all my lords.


As adults know, I followed the footsteps of Inquisitor Vito Constantine to Macragge, with the purpose of investigating the entourage of this "extremely suspicious" Inquisitor. The target of this report is Bail Brown. Lutus.

Sergeant Bell's full name, Bell Julius Guilliman Brutus, belongs to the Ultramarines Chapter, and his job is a pharmacist. His name is generally abbreviated as Bell Brutus. Very low-key behavior, my lords, you must have noticed that Guilliman is in his name.

This is not like most of the nobles in the empire, taking a sacred name to seek blessings. In fact, the Macragge nobles follow a naming method that originated from ancient Terra Rome. The name components are personal names, clan names , family name and additional name, presumably all the knowledgeable adults have discovered the problem.

Yes, after my investigation, it has been confirmed that Bell’s family is derived from the collateral blood of the family that Roboute Guilliman himself belongs to. According to my investigation, after an application, he was “permitted” to look into Maku After reviewing the archives of the Primarch in the Great Library of Lago, I can assure you that the ancestor of Bell is the adoptive father of the Primarch himself, the brother of Conor Guilliman, Geigu Guilliman, and Geigou His family is Bell's family.

And Geigou himself was also the most powerful consul under Guilliman back then, and he was "kindly" called Uncle Geigou by the Primarch. Foolish, implausible, and extremely dubious claims by the natives, the Act was approved by the Emperor himself.

By the Emperor! Such a heretical and untrustworthy bill could never be passed by the Emperor, and must be a lie fabricated by the locals. Therefore, I make a solemn application to all my lords to re-investigate and review this right of the Macragge Sector, especially The family of Bell himself! It has serious potential for heresy!

Let's get back to the point and see how the "suspect Ultramarines" themselves are, I went to Macragge and got a warm reception from the Ultramarines Chapter, obviously they are more friendly to the Inquisition than the Space Wolves, but their enthusiasm It is completely suspicious, so I am always vigilant and have not been deceived by it.

I inquired, investigated and consulted a large number of materials and witnesses inside and outside the warband, and they described Bell to me. According to the administrator of the Hall of Glory of the Guilliman family, Bell has shown extraordinary knowledge since he was a child , intelligent and eager to learn, could read and write Gothic before the age of five, and read all the books in the family library before the age of ten.

After that, Bell showed a strong desire for knowledge and exploration, which is very acceptable and very suspicious. We all know that only Tzeentch believers will show such enthusiasm! He is very suspicious.

Bell's father is also a local nobleman. Due to family reasons, his father's hereditary seat in the Macragge Council is directly responsible and reports to Chapter Chief Calgar. It is said that the two have a very good personal relationship. Bell had known and noticed him since he was a child.

Ju said that those who are familiar with Bell affectionately call him "little Guilliman" because he is very similar to the Primarch, and his personality is almost exactly the same as the Primarch in his childhood. He is studious, enthusiastic and extremely cheerful. His tutor With local scholars praising him constantly, calling him a prodigy, I began to wonder who these "polymaths" were, loyal to the Emperor, or loyal to dangerous knowledge.

Bell later joined the Ultramarines battle group. It is said that after visiting Guilliman's sleeping temple, he had "curiosity and desire" for the endless galaxy, so he spontaneously decided to join the battle group and explore the "endless knowledge" in the galaxy. , this move is very suspicious.

Praise be to the Emperor, the archives of the Ultramarines Chapter are well documented, so we can clearly date Bell's accession to M41K.780.

After receiving initial training like all recruits of the warband, he was sent to the death planet on the edge of the Macragge galaxy for trials. People who can be eligible to join the battle group.

This is a dangerous trial. The planet is full of monsters and dangerous terrain. Most of the trialists will die in the process, but Bell did not. Not only did he not, but according to the active duty of the Ultramarines The members told me that Bell used some "bad metal" to build a gun that could fire, a sword and armor protection, which helped them survive the trial.

I seriously doubt how he did it, and while the "official statement" of the Chapter is that Bell is a man of great knowledge and knowledge of how to use tools and materials, I'm skeptical.

Bell persuaded some recruits with his eloquence, and they united and survived the trial using the tools Bell made, but the interesting thing is that Bell has never led them. In fact, Bell was the current commander of the second company of the Ultramarines. Led by the megalomaniac Cato Sicarius, who was also a recruit at the time.

Bell voluntarily lived under others, only assisting the leader as an advisor and technician, which was respected and recognized by everyone, even "the great Sicarius" admitted this, the Ultramarines said that Bell was at the time They also demonstrated strong medical knowledge, helping them survive wound infections, diseases and physical discomfort many times.

Bell later served in the 2nd Company of the Ultramarines, which was a great honor. The "passionate and suspicious" fighters in the chapter told me that Calgar and the captains of the chapter once wanted to train Bell to become the commander of the 2nd company. The candidate, Severus Agman, the commander of the Second Company at the time, also expressed his support and approval.

The top leaders of the war group all believed that Sicarius, as a candidate for the second company, was arrogant, arrogant and extremely conceited and valued his own honor. It is acting without authorization. Although the results of its actions can always bring unexpected gains, the behavior itself cannot be tolerated.

And Bell, who also came from the aristocratic class of Macragge, Bell, who is more noble than the Sicarius family in terms of the noble class, is more humble. According to the memories of the veterans of the warband, Bell is very studious, humble and has no aristocratic airs at all. Be like an apprentice studying with enthusiasm and enthusiasm to learn everything.

The soldiers of the Second Company told me that Bell doesn't care about honor, status and pride, but only cares about his duty to the empire, the regiment and his brothers. He doesn't like to fight for power, and he doesn't have any desire for power. Guilliman's biggest difference No matter how Sicarius flaunted or even humiliated him in order to compete for the qualification of company commander, Baer always maintained restraint and worked hard to maintain friendship with Sicarius.

However, since a nobleman, a son of a nobleman of noble birth, a son of a nobleman who is well-educated and trained by the war group, since he has no desire for power, either he hides it too well, or he is a heretic!

The higher-ups of the battle group consciously cultivated Bell, and Bell quickly showed his all-round talent as an extreme warrior. He not only understood the scriptures very quickly, but also showed amazing talent in using firearms. According to his service The data during the period and the records after following Vito Constantine show that his marksmanship can almost serve as a sniper.

But Bell's greatest talent lies in his talent for machinery and technological creations. He showed his affinity for machinery very early on, and then the Chapter Master and the Chief Technical Sergeant of the Chapter decided to carry forward his talent. According to the evaluation of the local sages, Bell is indeed very talented in this area, and his learning speed has improved by leaps and bounds.

However, Bell did not become a follower of the Mechanicus in the end. Instead, he paid more attention to how to use the knowledge of the Mechanicus to heal the body instead of mechanical transformation. Therefore, he focused on biology during his studies. According to one theory, Bell experienced a lot of battles Finally, he felt grief and indignation at the casualties of his combat brothers and civilians, so he was more willing to embark on the path of a healer.

The Magi Magi felt very sorry for this, telling me that Bell could have been a good follower of the Ohm Messiah, but he still respected the "noble" choice of this young, intelligent warrior, which is all very well. suspicious.

Bell later returned to the warband, serving as a technical sergeant and part-time as an informal pharmacist. Although he is not as dazzling as Sicarius, Bell always does the best equipment maintenance for the brothers of the warband. Repairing and manufacturing work, and at the same time rushing into the battlefield of bullets and bullets to rescue the wounded, the behavior of completely disregarding their own safety has won all the respect.

But this also caused Bell to always be overshadowed by the brilliance of Sicarius. He would not compete for honor, but let Sicarius' fame surpass him, but it seemed that he didn't mind. He always made it clear that he I don't want to compete with my brother for power.

In the decisive battle of the Ultimate Warriors, during the battle of the Tyranid swarms invading Macragge, Bell also stayed in the Arctic fortress to rescue the wounded and protect the Macragge people, and even built a heavy air defense system in the Arctic. After being paralyzed, without the help of the mechanical priest at all, he repaired and restarted the air defense system by himself, which prevented Cy and Macragge from falling.

But it also caused him to miss the most critical opportunity to fight. After the commander of the second company, Severus Agman, disappeared in the battle, Bell missed the opportunity to serve as the temporary company commander, but Sicarius took it away. This honor, which he gained in the battle with Tai Lun, provided enough capital for him to compete for the position of company commander.

But it is certain that Vito Constantine also met Bell here. He served as the commander-in-chief of the Arctic Fortress of the Ultramarines. Since a mortal can make the Ultramarines voluntarily obey his orders? We must seriously investigate the truth of this matter.

After the Battle of Macragge, although Bell healed his serious injuries, Captain Severus Agman decided to choose a successor to become the new company commander. At this time, Sicarius and Bell The conflict on this issue came to a head, but this conflict did not ignite the company's civil war, because Bell voluntarily chose to give up.

It is said that Bell voluntarily gave up his position as company commander. He did not want to have any grievances with his brother. In order to allow Sicarius to better perform his duties, he was dissatisfied and suspicious. The regiment went to serve in the Deathwatch Chapter.

It is said that Vito was also there at the time. After the three had a suspicious discussion, Calgar agreed to the request, and Bell was directly regarded as serving under Vito's command, so that he could continue to explore knowledge and the future. I expressed my blessing to Sicarius, and I heard that Sicarius was moved, ashamed and embarrassed.

At this point, Bell officially joined Vito's command. Generally speaking, he is very suspicious! His thirst for knowledge is very suspicious, especially when he is next to Vito Constantine, who is full of doubts, and I swear in the name of the emperor, he is extremely suspicious. We must remain vigilant!

In the name of the emperor, I will continue to investigate the truth about Vito Constantine and the people around him. If he is a heretic, I will truthfully report the results of the investigation. Please be aware, my lords.

In the service of the Emperor and the Empire, this report ends.

Judge Owen Phelps

Imperial Calendar 41.997K

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