Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 269 Rise of the Primarch: Coronation

The Hera central fortress of the Ultramarines was full of people, and it was crowded with many people. The power armor and all kinds of clothing and colors were imprinted into Cole's eyes. He stood at the absolute core in the center of the hall and looked at it. around the attendees.

From the burly Astartes, to the luxuriously dressed nobles of the planet, the officials of the Planetary Defense Force and the Ministry of Government Affairs in neat uniforms, to the state priests in red robes and ridiculous hats on their heads, and those low-key but temperamental Representatives of extraordinary citizens, almost all classes of Macragge gather here.

This is a grand event, an absolutely unprecedented event, Cole looked away from the crowd, he looked up at the tall dome above his head, countless banners hanging down from the top, those symbols that symbolized the battle of Ultramarines The banners of all the companies of the regiment fluttered throughout the long hall of the hall.

The majestic statues were meticulously cleared and polished like new ones, as if they had just been installed for this grand event. Not only those statues, but the entire throne room of the Hera Fortress was renovated from the inside out and cleaned several times , the entire throne room is brand new as if it had been knocked down and rebuilt.

Cole stood beside the throne, which is the most important and precious position that can make everyone present earn their heads and blood. Cole suspects that if this position can be auctioned, he can probably earn enough to buy a whole The money of the planet, after all, being able to witness the whole coronation process up close by the Primarch's side, this is not an opportunity that can be bought simply with money.

During the coronation ceremony, there were only a handful of people who could sit beside the throne. Even Macragge's administrative chief, the Archbishop of the State Church, and the consuls could only stand in the front row closest to the throne, but they did not stand on the throne. The people who can stand here are distinguished and have absolutely convincing reasons.

Cole glanced at the Calgar Chapter Commander beside him, his eyes looked around in the hall, everyone has come and is ready, the state church choir, the reporters and cameramen from the propaganda department, and Chapter Masters and veterans of all Ultramarines chapters and sub-chapters, and, of course, the High Governors of all planets in the Five Hundred Worlds.

But there was only one person missing, a person who occupied a position that thousands of people below coveted, and Cole probably knew who the guy Calgar was looking for was.

Cole sighed speechlessly. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and turned his head to look at Loken. The last Luna Wolf had been standing behind him behind the throne. He was wearing clean ceremonial power armor with a white battle robe .

"Where's the marshal? I know he doesn't like this kind of scene all the time, but he won't even miss the coronation ceremony of the Primarch, right?" Cole asked helplessly, and the commander of Calga also turned his head to look at Loken, The latter looked at each other with Captain Eisenstein, who was also wearing military uniform.

Loken thought for a while, and the fingers on his power glove fiddled with the golden ribbon hanging from his shoulders, "No, he will usually come on such important occasions, but he usually comes at the last moment Just came back, according to his own words, he didn't want to stay in this annoying ghost place for another second."

"Then where did he die now? Isn't this the last moment?" Cole asked in a very speechless manner, although he knew that Vito's thinking logic was beyond anyone's comprehension, and Loken probably didn't know either.

"For example now." The answer to this question was answered by himself, and several people turned their heads to look at Vito who came up from the side of the throne steps. He was in a mess, dust and brick powder covered his shoulders and arms , that head was also sprinkled like icing sugar with a thick mixture of building debris.

"What did you do? You accidentally broke down the house while sleeping with a certain girl?" Celestine leaned against the side of the throne and smiled mockingly. The thick dust flew down like white snow, covering the originally clean marble floor that could be used as a mirror with a layer of ash.

Calgar watched Vito lightly waved his hand, and almost immediately several servo skulls flew down from above. They landed on the ground behind Vito and quickly cleaned up all the dust, and some of them were suspended in Vito. Next to Vito, he flew with him and tried to get rid of the dust on him, but flew away immediately after Vito waved his hand away angrily.

"Cauer, I believe you have prepared spare clothes, right?" Vito walked to the men and scratched his nose and said, the dust made his nose itchy, and the great sage of Mechanics, although I think Whether Kaul qualifies as a "man" is up for debate, and whether he qualifies as a person is open to debate.

You know, he probably doesn't have a lot of flesh left and right, but well, at least he can solve Vito's current troubles. The great sage walked forward from behind Loken and Eisenstein, dragging the huge The body walked up, and the mechanical eyes turned the face against Vito.

"Yes, after my calculations, among the risks and disadvantages of this coronation ceremony, I have calculated that you have a 60% chance of screwing up your "appearance" before the ceremony, including non- Rational sexual behavior, pointless intervention in fights, or swearing in a fight with others, etc.”

Kaur said word by word, as if explaining some scientific topic, Vito looked at him speechlessly and took off his black windbreaker, "Then shut up and take out the backup option."

After Vito finished speaking, one of Kaul's mechanical arms stretched out, and the slender arrayed robotic arm handed over a piece of clothing. Vito looked at the speechless forehead of the extremely fancy purple uniform, "Kauer , I know you will bring the marshal suit, but why the hell did you bring this iron chain together? Do you think my neck is from a Titan?"

"I believe this is a matching uniform, and all elements are of special value. After my calculation, wearing this chain can increase by 100%"

"Okay, okay! Shut up, I'll just put it on." Vito held his forehead speechlessly. He took the marshal uniform and put it on. Kaul's mechanical arm was still around and helped Vito put it on very considerately. A gorgeous dress, several small but flexible pliers sorted the medals, decorations and pendants on his chest, and then fastened the dead chain around Vito's neck.

Vito put on the thing and bent forward. He stood up slowly while complaining silently. Calga looked at Vito and nodded affirmatively.

"This dress is more in line with your identity, Marshal, especially here." "Do I have any other options? Can I not look like a flashy, idiot aristocrat?"

Calgar didn't answer Vito, the chapter leader and Loken next to the throne and Eisenstein smiled at each other, Vito glanced at Calga and sighed, his eyes searched on the throne, only to find that usually at this time Ragnar, who should complain about himself, is gone.

"Where is Ragnar? Shouldn't he be responsible for complaining about me at this time?" Vito asked, weighing the huge gold double-headed star eagle logo in the center of his chest, and his eyes searched the entire hall. , looking among those colorful space fighters.

"And Olaf and Lancelot are gone, what happened?" Vito asked while searching, but the answer to this question was somewhat beyond Vito's expectations, because it was not Eisenstein but Calgar .

The Iron Fist of the Ultramarines Chapter Master dropped to Vito's side, and the Chapter Master's eyes mirrored those of the warriors talking to each other, "The two Wolves, and the Dark Angels, leave with their Chapter Brothers while you go to rest. gone."

"Leaving? Where did you go?" Vito sensed something was wrong. It was normal for the Dark Angel to leave. Anyway, the group of silent, quiet and mysterious knights didn't like to participate in this kind of event, but they also valued it. Honor and prestige, although their reputation is almost played by Asmo, but at least one or two veterans will be left to represent the company to participate in the coronation ceremony.

And the descendants of Russ like this kind of grand ceremony, and they are more enthusiastic about the carnival feast later, just like their wolf king Leman Russ, the wild wolves will not miss any banquet, but they also Suddenly all left?

Vito rested his chin and thought carefully, but before he could draw any conclusions, there was a change in the hall, not because of any sudden noise, on the contrary, because of all the voices All came to an abrupt end.

Vito and Calgar turned to the direction of the gate of the throne room, the huge golden door slowly opened inwards, and as the heavy mechanical transmission sound resounded through the hall, everyone faced that direction.

All the space fighters on the ground of the hall turned around collectively, and the Ultramarines and all sub-group fighters saluted in the direction of the gate. The burly giants were lined up on both sides of the long road in the center of the hall.

The regiment leader and the company commanders of all the regiments stood at the front. They looked at the team entering the hall. The first thing to enter from outside the golden gate was a row of fluttering banners, with flags of different patterns and colors on each side. Banners marched in procession, flying under their broad colored banners veterans drawn from the honor guards of all chapters.

They walked into the hall carrying the battle flags of their respective regiments. Behind them were veterans from the Ultramarines Honor Guard. They walked into the hall wearing gorgeous Glory Power Armor and holding exquisite power halberds shining with energy force fields. , Tall giants stepped into the hall wearing red robes on their shoulders.

In the middle of them, in the position surrounded by the stars and the moon, Guilliman strode into the hall, accompanied by the hymns of the state church choir, the solemnity and sacredness exuded by the burly Primarch instantly The hall was enveloped, and all the mortals in the observation seats on the second floor and the first floor bowed their knees to salute him.

The Primarch walked on the road crowded and surrounded by everyone in the hall. Behind him were two warriors who were lucky enough to guard and follow him. Cato Sicarius and Bell followed the Primarch and walked with him through this glorious world. Hall, to the throne that is destined to belong to him.

Under the singing of the heavenly voices of the children of the imperial choir, they came to the throne, and the queue holding the battle group battle flag walked in front of the throne to both sides. Turning around and stepping, the roar of the end of the flag falling to the ground, they and countless battle flags were lined up in front of the steps of the throne.

Guilliman walked between the flying banners, he walked between the shining power swords held high by the honor guard, the Emperor's thirteenth son came to the throne, and he stood before the glorious throne and looked at the steps. Vito.

Vito watched the corners of Guilliman's mouth twitch slightly, who also noticed Vito's dusty hair, and they both looked at each other and smiled.

"Have you talked to him?" Vito asked in a low voice, and Guilliman nodded slightly, "Yes, I have, and it's not very pleasant. It seems that you have also talked to someone, right?"

Suddenly, the chants and all sounds stopped abruptly. Guilliman and Vito turned their heads to look at the soldiers and citizens behind them at the same time.

"Let's talk later." "I agree, let's continue."

As Guilliman said, he knelt down on one knee and buried his head in front of Vito. Vito was on the steps overlooking the Primarch below the stage, and the shining sun disc behind his head gradually emerged. , the mouth was completely formed with the sunlight shining in from the window.

Two rays of sunlight from the window behind the throne shone into the throne room, and the rays of sunlight shone golden light behind the throne, just like Vito now, the halo behind his head rose slightly with his head, and he stared at Guilliman at the bottom of the steps spoke slowly, his voice as solemn as the words of the Emperor himself.

"Robert Guilliman, son of the Emperor and Conor Guilliman, are you willing to take an oath to defend the laws of the Empire, the territory and the beliefs of the Emperor?" Vito asked.

"I swear," and Guilliman answered that oath and responsibility.

"Are you willing to serve the well-being, safety and future of the people of the empire? Are you willing to pour the light of truth into the darkest corners of the galaxy with a benevolent heart, even if it requires you to sacrifice your life." "I am willing. "

Thousands of pairs of eyes stared at this scene, from extraordinary space warriors to those unknown civilians silently witnessing this moment, witnessing and listening to the sound of history.

"Are you willing to do your best to maintain the imperial code and justice, and abide by the emperor's lofty beliefs and teachings, are you willing to do your best to defend the truth we believe in, maintain and protect the sacred and inviolable emperor and The government he has chosen, kill those blasphemers and traitors with your blade."

"I promise, I abide by all the above requirements, I will abide by and fulfill the promise, may the emperor protect me."

Vito nodded slightly, then turned to look at Calga, who immediately knelt down.

"Marius Augustus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines and Exalted Consul of Macragge, on behalf of all the people of Ultramar and the people of the Empire, would you acknowledge that Guilliman, the great Defender of the Emperor's Faith, Guardian of the Empire as your sovereign? Will you serve him and never betray him?"

"I admit, I am willing." Calgar said in a thick voice.

Vito nodded slightly and turned around to take the laurel crown from the walking Celestine. He took the laurel crown symbolizing royal power from the living saint. Everyone can see it clearly.

"Robert Guilliman, the eternal regent of the people of the empire, the guardian of the civilized country, the lord of Macragge and the eternal ruler of the five hundred worlds, the leader of the orthodox imperial church, I, Vito Constantine, Grand Marshal and Watcher of the Empire, chosen by the Emperor, is here to wear this crown for you."

After finishing speaking, Vito slowly put the crown on the top of Guilliman's head, and Guilliman then raised his head and slowly stood up. He and Vito looked at each other and then stepped onto the throne ladder. On both sides, Loken and Eisenstein waited. With people bowing their heads in respect, Robert Guilliman sat on the golden throne.

Vito turned to face Guilliman and knelt on one knee. As he knelt, everyone knelt down together. The little angel's huge wings fell to the ground, and the space warriors behind him and all the people of the five hundred worlds knelt down.

"May you be able to spread benevolent government, broadcast the gospel, and benefit all peoples. Long live, Robert Guilliman. May your glory shine forever."

"Long live!"

Guilliman sat on the throne, and he looked up at the people who shouted long live before him. This scene will be remembered forever, and will always be preserved in the memory and history books of mankind.

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