Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 273 Rise of the Primarch: Snow Town

The blizzard hit the streets and alleys of the small town, and the white snow flew down from the sky and poured on the asphalt road and the eaves on both sides. The whole town seemed to be frozen in the snow, and there was no one there. On the streets of the city, there is only white snow flying here, and all the sounds are only the tremor of the wind beating the windows echoing in my ears.

The whole town was dead silent, no, the whole planet was completely dead silent, just like a corpse, a corpse abandoned in the cold snow field and no one cares about it.

But the silence was broken by the figure walking in the distant direction. Two figures appeared at the end of the snowy street, and the wind and snow flew around the narrow flashing lens on their heads.

Feather-like snowflakes fell on the gray armor, and the power armor's powerful lining power system pushed the armor's legs forward, allowing its wearer to easily walk through the ankle-deep snow on the street.

Two people wearing advanced power armor walked into the town. They walked back and forth, one with a gun and the other without. The fully enclosed power armor made their faces completely invisible, but Their respective personalities can also be glimpsed from their behavior habits.

The man holding the gun is very sophisticated and steady. He is not as probing the surroundings like the man behind him, but walking in the front with the kinetic energy penetrating rifle tightly in his hand. His fully enclosed smart helmet is looking around everything , The thermal imaging scanning system scans everything room by room.

The power armor he is wearing provides surging power to allow him to cross the snow. This type of "Thor" power armor that is standard for the Federal Marine Corps is equipped with a complete life support system, and its internal intelligent control system is also equipped with auxiliary equipment. aiming system.

Autonomous power feedback program, composite active shield generator, combined with multi-alloy armor can block most weapons shooting, even the weapons of the Eldar that are similar to magic, can also play an effective protective role, multi-functional weapon platform coordination agreement And so on equipment, it can be called a miniature version of the human mecha, it is the favorite of those marines who often fall from the sky and jump into the enemy pile.

Not only that, but the comfort level is also quite good. At least the soldiers are not used as consumables. The all-terrain adaptation life support system maintains the internal temperature. No matter it is a few hundred degrees below zero, people will instantly freeze their blood when they step out of the frozen world. , or close to a star, a hot planet whose temperature can instantly melt steel, the power armor's life support system can guarantee the absolute safety of its wearer, at least it is absolutely safe before being pierced by more powerful weapons.

His eyes looked around under the battle helmet, the whole town was completely dead silent, there was nothing on the motion capture radar and sound collector, only the rustling sound of the vast expanse of white snow blowing through the gaps in the buildings.

"It's even quieter than a cemetery here, and the sound of the wind makes your back chill." Vito walked on the street with a gun in his hand. The weapon system inside the pulse rifle in his hand was connected to the armor. Inside the helmet, you can see the aiming baseline and the smart auxiliary sight, as well as all the ammo counts.

The muzzle of the pulse rifle swept across the surrounding quiet buildings. Vito walked past those buildings, his steel boots crackling under the crisp snow.

Kenobi followed Vito. He was also wearing the power armor. Although his long hair was quite in the way when he put on the helmet, it was good to put it on before Vito couldn't wait for him to match his hair. Now, and now, his eyes are looking through the long locks on both sides, looking around the surrounding buildings.

Kenobi is not that far from Vito, he doesn't carry a pulse rifle, he doesn't even carry any weapon, but don't think he's really "unarmed" trust me, he can kill a dozen Marines anytime he wants .

Although Thor's power armor has also been specialized as a spiritual weapon of the Eldar race, its active shield can effectively isolate and protect most common spiritual attacks, but obviously, the attacks of this guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years are "not routine ’ kind, so yeah, your best bet is to headshot him before he hits, to strike first, if you can.

"There are miners and their families living here, and judging from the vehicles on the side of the road, I don't think they are going to the mine." Kenobi said as he walked past a snow float vehicle, the family style The floating car landed quietly on the ground, letting the vast white snow almost submerge the car body.

Vito walked to the building in the middle of the road in the town. He stopped and looked at the gate and wall of the building. There were holes cut and pierced by steel on the gate. Blowing through the cracks and cavities, there was a hissing wind noise.

"Turn on the perspective scan." Vito said softly, the intelligent system in the helmet turned into a circle in front of Vito, and with a ticking sound, the entire helmet interface swept across, and the perspective radar screen covered the entire field of vision, and the What's in it unfolds before Vito's eyes.

He frowned slightly and walked towards the gate of the building. Kenobi also stopped when he walked past the door of the tavern. He looked at Vito, and watched him cautiously leaning against the aluminum alloy door of the tavern with his gun in his hand. Lights running down the spine from the back of the armor flickered under the doorway.

Vito turned his head and nodded slightly to Kenobi, who also nodded to him and then turned to the door. Suddenly, a gust of air flow appeared from under his feet, and the airflow spiraling up from Kenobi's feet swept away the air on the ground. The snow rolled up, as if a snow storm had appeared around him.

After seeing this, Vito walked to the gate. He hung the pulse rifle back to the magnetic anchor point on his back, and the gun body was instantly attracted by the magnetic lock. Vito stepped forward and inserted his hands into the aluminum alloy. In the gap of the door, his arm suddenly tore the door open slowly.

The power buffer bolt on the arm of Thor's power armor pops out, and it slowly rotates. With the rotation of the cylinder, the door is instantly torn open, and the two door panels are instantly pushed into the gap between the door frames. With the ion pistol on his waist, he strode into the house.

Vito broke into the room with a standard CQB action, his pistol quickly swept around, and the scanning radar of the power armor also completed the scanning of the enemy and the enemy in the blink of an eye. Yes, there are no enemies in this room, as Vito expected, here There is not even a living person who can move.

Vito lowered the ion pistol in his hand, and Kenobi stepped into the door of the tavern with his iron feet. The wooden floor was obviously not as heavy as the concrete floor outside, and Thor's power armor boots stepped on the wooden floor. Immediately after that, he creaked and groaned.

Kenobi stood beside Vito, looking around at the tragedy in the entire bar. Obviously, the steel tear marks on the door also left a lot of footprints here, and those intruders left a large number of corpses here, no, Let me correct one point, it is a torn corpse that is not human.

"Are there any living people?" Kenobi asked, Vito didn't answer him, but put the pistol into the holster and walked deeper into the tavern. He walked to a dead body and took off his helmet, accompanied by two After buckling the helmet up with his palm, the locking points were opened one by one, and the constant temperature gas was ejected from the opening gap of the helmet.

The gas with a higher temperature than the surrounding environment came into contact with the cold air, and quickly turned into a burst of white mist rising from the side of Vito's face. He shook his head and looked at the corpse on the ground, and then looked at another one, " How is your monitor telling you?"

Vito asked, and Kenobi glanced at the readings in the helmet from the corner of his eye, "There is no living person, to be precise, there is nothing alive." "That's right."

Vito said and squatted down, he squatted beside the man lying on the ground in front of him, his entire back was completely cut open, the exposed spine was bent outside, all the blood and broken tissues and organs were frozen in the cold winter Living.

There was another man beside him. He was leaning against a table to defecate. His whole chest was cut obliquely, and half of his neck was cut off by some sharp thing. on the shoulders.

Vito looked around at the corpses in the entire tavern, the bar, every corner of the house and among the wrecked tables and chairs. There were corpses, including men, women, old people and even children. This was a massacre.

"They have been dead for a while, and their blood is completely coagulated. Although the corpses are in good condition in the severe winter, the skin also has purple and corpse spots." Vito looked at the corpses in front of him, and touched them with his fingers attached to the power armor. Looking at the corpse in front of him, his body was as stiff as a block of iron.

"Who do you think did it?" Kenobi asked at the door. He didn't take off his helmet. It wasn't because of the smell of the corpse. In fact, there was no smell here at all. The corpse didn't rot in the severe winter environment, so there was no Any corpse stink, but he still didn't take off his helmet, perhaps to protect his flowing hair?

"I don't know, but they must be very strong. They can break human bones and endure heavy blows from blunt objects." Vito said, grabbing a shovel on the ground. After all, the people here are miners, maybe they just got off work Came here for a drink with colleagues and had the worst luck with the massacre.

Vito looked at the end of the shovel, and then at the shattered steel fragments on the ground. He picked up a fragment on the ground with his fingers and looked at it, "That thing has a metal shell, and since it didn't die after being pierced by the shovel, That thing is not a person."

"Your words are not accurate. It is indeed a human, but it is a robot." Kenobi walked to the wreckage of tables and chairs on the side, and he picked up a severed hand from it, which was different from other mutilated limbs. It was made of iron, and the parts that fell out of it were not flesh and blood, but electronic cables.

Vito frowned, he got up and walked over to Kenobi to take over the severed hand, Vito looked at the robot's severed hand for a while, and then he looked around your space in the whole room, indeed, here There is no such thing as the wreckage of an intelligent robot, and if this is robbery, it is hard to believe that they would just kill and not attack the robots that would protect their masters.

Besides, Vito looked at the robot's severed hand, turned it over and looked at the dried blood on its fingers, it seemed that the answer to who killed these people had been revealed.

"The robot killed them, killed the whole town, but, why? Poisoned?" Vito said, looking at Kenobi, who was wearing a helmet so he couldn't see his face. Kenobi looked around The corpses in the entire tavern were silent for a moment.

"Anger, hatred, and jealousy." He said softly, and Vito snorted and looked at the mechanical wrist on his hand, "Artificial intelligence doesn't understand these emotions, they only act according to the program."

"But your Helen can understand those emotions." Kenobi leaned sideways to Vito and said, then started to walk out of the tavern door, Vito froze for a moment, then turned to look at Kenobi with a frown.

"Helen is an excellent artificial intelligence. The intelligence here is at most ordinary level. The two are not the same existence at all, just like chimpanzees and humans."

"But humans also evolved from chimpanzees. What if chimpanzees evolved?" Kenobi said at the door. Vito watched him and fell silent. He looked at the severed palm in his hand and was silent for a long time before looking up.

"How did it evolve?" "Someone, or something helped them, and that thing is marked on your and my helmets."

After saying that, Kenobi walked down the steps of the bar. He walked along the street to the drop point shown in the helmet. Vito looked down at the robot in his hand and put on the helmet after losing his hand. He put on the helmet with one hand. The helmet was fastened to the neck of Thor's armor, and the fixed points were locked one by one.

Vito walked out of the bar, he walked down the creaking steps and stepped onto the snow, the mechanical arm slipped from Vito's hand and fell on the snow, the vast white snow sprinkled on its metal surface, the smooth metal mirror Reflexively, Vito stepped over Halfhand and took the rifle from his back.

The severed palm reflected their figures, reflected their gradually receding shadows, and suddenly the fingers of the mechanical arm moved, it, moved.

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