Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 358 Expedition Road: I have an idea!

The sun shines on the golden statue of an angel. The huge golden statue of an angel holding a sword holds a holy sword and looks up at the bright sky above. In the webway, in a corner that is forgotten by people.

This place has been almost forgotten by everyone. The human empire does not know the existence of this place, and Chaos knows nothing about it. Even the Eldar themselves, perhaps after the Great Fall, have forgotten this beautiful place deep in the webway. world.

They have forgotten the blue sky and white clouds here, the singing of birds, the fragrance of flowers and the mountains and rivers here. This place is like a monument, which records the nameless monument after the fall of the Spirit Race Empire. Today's Spirit Race can only hide in the dark. In the deepest part of the galaxy and the webway lies light and hope.

Like a group of mice, hiding in dark tunnels and caves, fearing the light and the sun, as if that is something that can kill them in an instant, they are a group of survivors, forgetting all the memories of the ancient country.

But what they don't know is that on the corpse of the ancient empire of the Eldar, a thriving new civilization has taken their place, whether in the physical universe or in the webway that the Eldar were once proud of.

There is a saying in ancient Terra that says, if you have already cultivated a piece of land, sowed the seeds and obtained a good harvest, then from that moment on, you can claim that you have colonized the land, in the webway , as well.

The small settlements are shining in the sun, the countless tin roofs, the solar panels and the small river flowing between the settlements are all shining with dazzling light spots. It is a pity that such a beautiful colony has never been known. You know, the empire has never known it for ten thousand years. It turns out that human beings have already been in the webway, and the hometown of the Eldar has completed the first colonization.

The Emperor may be very relieved, after all, he established the Webway plan to make humans a new species of Webway civilization, and in the process of the Emperor sitting on the golden throne and the entire human empire half-dead, since there are already a group of humans Completed the traceability of the emperor.

Here, once unknown, there have been no outsiders here for decades, and no one has spread the news of this place to make this miracle known, but that has also become history, and the first visitors in decades have been Arrived, and one of them, slept well last night.

Vito came up from behind the huge bulkhead arch on the landing deck. Instead of power armor, he was wearing the Inquisitor's white shirt, and the black jacket was slung over his shoulder with one hand. Vito walked into the sun. Next, with one hand on his hips and one leg slung across his shoulders, he looked around in the bright sunlight shining in from outside the gate.

The dazzling sun made Vito unable to see the surroundings clearly for a while. He raised a hand to block in front of him. Vito squinted his eyes and gradually his pupils gradually changed from slender to narrow under the strong light. Oval shape, with the rapid change of the pupil, Vito's field of vision gradually adapted to the sunlight.

When the interference of the sun disappeared completely, Vito stood on the top of the high landing deck gate bridge, stood on the deck of the battleship and looked at the surrounding settlements under the sun, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, Feeling the warm breeze from all around blowing across his face, the messy hair that he hadn't had time to take care of also fluttered along with it.

Vito heard the splashing sound of the waterfall, the rustling sound of the river flowing through the river bank and the swaying fields, he opened his eyes, looked up at the sky, stretched his waist, and then walked down.

Vito walked all the way down the gate bridge, he still hung his jacket on his shoulders, letting it sway behind him with his steps, Vito quickly walked down the wide bridge on the landing deck, and then took a step Set foot on the land under the tall hull.

As soon as he stepped onto the grounds of the settlement, he immediately noticed two beautiful ladies sitting on the side of the gate bridge, on the steps outside the hut closest to the landing deck. Then, with his hands behind his back, he stood in front of the pillar beside her.

Vito looked at them and smiled, and then walked up with his clothes on his shoulders. He extended his arm and greeted them with a smile, "Morning, ladies, how was last night?"

"Normal, but I can see that you are doing well, right? With your hair, did you sleep well last night?" The silver-haired Lilith held her chin, looked at Vito and smiled mockingly, while he was silent. With a smile, he walked to the steps beside Lilith, raised one foot and stepped on the steps beside her.

Vito bent down slightly, and let the hand that was carrying the clothes rest on his knees. He also put the jacket on his shoulders. If he matched it with a cowboy hat, he would look like a chic cowboy.

"Slept soundly, better than when I went to bed with you." Vito looked at Lilith and said with a smile. The latter was not angry, but burst out laughing. She propped her face and tilted her head to one side Vito.

"That's right, then I'll let you know first, you don't want to sleep well tonight, you owe me a lot, and I will come back tonight."

Lilith's sweet smile turned into a cat catching mice in an instant, and Vito could only smile bitterly when he looked at her, "Speaking of which, where is Magnus? Our big professor didn't talk to him. You a piece?"

"I'm not his lover, why is he with me? Probably reading his boring books now, or thinking about life somewhere."

Lilith said, gesticulating impatiently with one hand in the air. Vito looked at her with a wry smile for a while, and then looked at Yeta on the side, "How was your night last night? Yeta."

"Report to Marshal, I'm sorry, I lost Miss Lilith last night." Yeta stood up straight and looked at Vito, nervously and embarrassedly planning to tell Vito that she lost Lilith last night, but her words The more he spoke, the lower his voice was, especially after being interrupted by that interruption.

The person who interrupted was Lilith. She stood up and leaned against the doorpost on one side. She looked at Yeta with her arms in her arms and shrugged, "She did a good job and kept a close eye on me, so, Only a little accident happened before she came to find me."

"How small?" Vito also smiled and hugged his arms. He straightened up, with one leg still stepping on the steps under the eaves. Lilith, who was sitting next to him, smiled and shook her little silver head.

"Well, it wasn't much, just three or four drunk morons approached me and slapped my ass, seriously, they were boring, clichéd stupid pickup scenes, so, I Just let them satisfy me in another way, in short, we had a fight."

"Oh? Are they okay?" Vito smiled and looked at Lilith who was sitting on the side. The latter smiled very happily and gently slid his finger over his chin. She turned her head slightly with her gorgeous eyes , looked at Vito who was standing aside.

"I'm still alive, but I may need to lie down for a while, and it will hurt, but I'm still alive, aren't I?"

Lilith smiled charmingly, blinked her eyes, Yeta in front of her cleared her throat, and looked at Vito with her hands behind her back, "I'm sorry, Marshal, but I want you to guarantee that those idiots will be rewarded Punishment!"

"I don't think it's necessary, Lily has made them pay the price on the spot, hasn't she?" Vito turned his head to look at Lilith with a smile on his face, who put his hands on his knees, straightened his waist and smiled charmingly, Vito looked at the smile and smiled even brighter, showing his teeth.

"Thus, those boys have learned their lesson. When they wake up, remind them to use their brains before doing anything next time. Otherwise, next time, it won't be as simple as just lying down for a while."

"Of order, Marshal." Yeta nodded and responded. After a chuckle, Vito looked at Yeta in front of him. She looked quite similar to Reina when she was young, not exactly the same, but it was, let Vito Toneng recalled Reina's appearance.

"In private, call me Vito, don't call me a marshal, it's embarrassing to death." "Yes, Mr. Yuan Vito." "Don't bring your lord, so call me again." "Yes, Vito."

Yeta said shyly, she seemed very tangled and shy, but Vito walked up to her with a smile and patted her on the shoulder, "Isn't that all right? Now I will do Yeta a favor and inform Colonel Peter , wait for me at the gate of the settlement, I have a plan to tell you."

"Plan? What kind of plan?" Hearing Vito's words, Yeta suddenly regained her spirits. She raised her head and looked at Vito in front of her with admiration. The latter laughed and then took a picture of her Shoulder.

"Big plan, so go, find Peter and go to the city gate together, I will take you with me, and then you will know." Vito said, patted Yeta on the shoulder and raised his head slightly, indicating that she can leave , the latter smiled and immediately saluted Vito, then turned and ran away quickly.

Vito put his arms around his arms, stood under the eaves, looked at Yeta's back like a little girl and smiled, "What do you think of her? Is she okay?"

Lilith also looked at Yeta's back. She dragged her chin and looked at the little girl who was running around with a ponytail hanging behind her head, "Energetic, enthusiastic and youthful, and I have infinite admiration for you, Simply put, in other words, you got a little girl."

"Ha, just like her father, but I still like that one day, she can no longer worship me, and she doesn't have to worship me, just like, all humans do to the emperor." Vito said with a soft sigh, as if Feeling something, many things flashed in his eyes as he looked at the girl's back.

Lilith tilted her head slightly and glanced at the pensive Vito, with a mocking smile on her face, "Why? Looking at her tall and straight peaks when she saluted you, are you interested in her?"

"Fuck, am I that unscrupulous?" Vito put his hands on his hips, turned his head to look at Lilith with a wry smile, and the latter asked happily with a charming smile on his chin, and asked in a sweet and affirmative voice.

"do not you?"

The two looked at each other and laughed. Vito smiled and waved his hands, "I'm interested in a child who hasn't even grown his hair yet."

Lilith rolled her eyes, shrugged her shoulders with a smile, and looked forward with her chin in her hands, "You're not wearing power armor, but when you went to bed, you found it too troublesome to take it off, so you simply stopped wearing it?"

"Damn, why are you thinking so jumpy? Although what you said is true, I can't even hold a glass of water in that pierced armor. I really don't know how that old bastard and Guilliman are wearing that armor. You can even sign with a pen."

With his hands on his hips, Vito looked towards the city wall of the settlement in the distance, and he laughed, "But, it's not because of that reason, but because I have a plan, and that plan doesn't need that power armor , not only is it unnecessary, wearing it will cause additional troubles, we have a lot of troubles now, and we don’t need new ones, so I’m staying on board.”

"So what's your plan? You king of empire ideas, you were still thinking about this when you went to bed last night?" Lilith held her chin and said helplessly with a sigh, while Vito beside him was standing on the eaves down, with a big smile on his face.

"The inspiration comes out in a flash, and when I go to bed with you, sometimes I can come up with some weird plans, how should I put it. Maybe it's because the mind is empty when I go to bed, and it is easier to collide with the spark of inspiration?"

"There are also physical sparks." Lilith smiled, and made a very direct and jumpy joke. After hearing this, Vito also laughed. He shook his hand and leaned against the pillar, "Indeed, Double the spark, double the fun."

"So what plan did you come up with?" "Aren't you going to guess?" "Honey, I was too lazy to guess the chaos in your mind, which is as chaotic as Tzeentch, many, many years ago." What are you thinking?"

After hearing this, Vito laughed softly. He put his arms around his arms and slightly bent his legs stepping on the steps. Vito let himself stand in the shadow under the eaves, like a man wearing a cowboy hat walking on the street. Waiting for something to do with people like cowboys.

Cowboy Vito lightly pushed his head on the non-existent cowboy hat, raised his sharp eyes from the shadows and looked at the sunny street ahead, "The problem of electronic demons is simple, Helen can easily Get rid of him, no matter how powerful the Iron Warrior's electronic virus is, compared with an excellent artificial intelligence, it is the difference between a bicycle and a sports car, although I still have to quietly let Helen solve the problem."

"They don't know about Helen? No, you have an artificial intelligence in your hand?" Lilith asked, looking at a crew member passing by, Vito also looked at the crew member in blue uniform, he Walking past the two of them, his whole body was illuminated by the sun.

Vito looked at him, his eyes following the blue military uniform standing in the shadows, "No, I don't know, Helen's existence is a secret, only a very few people know about it."

"Then I'm quite honored. I'm one of those few people. Dare I ask, how many are there?" Lilith straightened up on her knees as she spoke. She stretched out her arms and stretched. The slender arms, although when stretching, Vito seemed to see her like a cat, and stretched out his paws.

The long succubus claws gently protruded from her fingers, but then quickly retracted. Vito smiled and raised one hand to count.

"Let me see, there are still people alive, the Emperor, Waldo, Kaul, Celestine, Sanguinor, and you, well, it's gone, and everyone who knows is dead gone."

"Wow, it looks like I should be more honored? I didn't expect that I would line up with these heroes." Lilith smiled and pushed her hands back, which made Lilith sit on the floor in front of the house. Turning his head to look at Vito to the side.

"Maybe Helen can indeed easily solve the problem of the electronic demon, but we still lack the materials to repair the battleship, don't we? If you don't repair your big baby, it won't be able to fly, unless you can carry it away, how about? Try it? "

Vito glanced at Helen with a joking smile on his face and smiled, he shrugged with a smile, "Thank you, forget it, I'm not a tow truck, and besides, this big girl, what kind of tow truck can take her away ?”

As Vito said, he turned his head and looked at the giant ship lying on the ground. Her towering body was like a steel mountain lying on Vito's side. At a glance, she couldn't see her head at all, "We have to put it Fix it, let it fly by itself, Helen will unlock the system, and then make the STC formwork production line run."

"What about the materials? I guess you can't take a shovel and dig a hole twice for those production materials, right?" Lilith leaned back on the ground and looked at Vito with her head tilted. Suddenly he laughed, and turned his head slightly to look back at Lilith.

"We don't have it, but our neighbors might have it. We can go and borrow some." Vito had a sly smile on his face, the smile that only appeared when he was thinking of some conspiracy or crazy plan.

Lilith also laughed when she saw that smile. She raised her head, lowered her eyes slightly, and looked at Vito beside her, "You Spirit Race, do you have pointy ears?" "Yes, and you like to torture people. There are also a bunch of sharp-eared neighbors who are all kinds of black and white, we go to them to borrow some, and then return it in the future, and shoot it back to them after making the finished product."

Vito was talking with a wicked smile on his face, but he stopped suddenly. Vito kept his smile and leaned against the doorpost and turned his head slightly. He saw the white-robed man coming from across the street in front of the settlement school. The young preacher, who was dressed like a monk, came up to his knees.

He walked across the street and quickly came to Vito and bowed, "Master Marshal."

Vito looked at the young man in front of him, "You are the young man who came with Virtus before, right? The one who supported him."

"Yes, my lord, I'm honored that you still remember me." The young man said humbly, his voice was light and full of a pleasing melody, just like the notes of a beautiful song.

Vito listened to the beautiful voice, he was sure that reciting a poem would definitely be a wonderful enjoyment for this young boy in front of him, just like Sanguinius back then, in fact, his voice was quite As holy as Sanguinius's, light and rich in melody.

Vito looked at the blond boy, he nodded slightly, motioning him to stand up, "Your name, son, what's your name?" "Ars, my lord, my name is Ars Leno." "Very good, Ars Leno, raise your head, and tell me why you came to me."

The young man with blond hair raised his head, and he looked at Vito in front of him with those sapphire-like eyes. He was handsome and looked like the exquisite sculpture carved by the greatest builder in the world with his whole life. In general, his whole person seemed to be a perfect work of art, infinitely approaching the real perfection, he spoke again, speaking with that beautiful voice.

"Mr. Virtus is unwell today and cannot attend class, but he is not willing to delay the students' lessons. Therefore, Mr. Virtus thought of you, sir, and he sent me to ask if you can go to class to speak A lesson? Tell the kids about the Great Crusade, the Golden Age and more ancient lore and literature."

"Ha, Virtus is still so dedicated, even to the point of being stubborn, he can take a break, but obviously, he is still the same as before." Vito stood down from the porch with a smile, and Lilith beside him With a charming smile on his chin.

"Wow, it looks like you're going to be a teacher, I'm sure it'll be interesting."

"Ha, I won't show you the exciting plan. It's not me who is going to class. In fact, I have a better candidate."

"Oh? Who?"

"Sunburned one-eyed Ogryn giant."

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