Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 477: Rebirth from the Ashes: The Age of Alliance

Vito really wished it was a dream, and if it was a dream, he'd better wake up early so he wouldn't be here like a clueless idiot.

But unfortunately, he can't wake up, so he can only continue to ask like this, asking about things that surprised him, such as the one just now.

"Supreme Commander? Why didn't I know I had it?" Vito stopped in the middle of speaking.

"What?" the law enforcement officer asked puzzledly, and Vito shook his head, "No, it's nothing, what does Supreme Commander mean? Isn't it Supreme Marshal? My, I mean, his title, Vito. Constantine's."

The law enforcement officer looked very confused, and looked at Vito strangely, "He is the supreme leader of the alliance, of course he should be called the commander in chief."

"Although he still retains the title of Supreme Marshal, he is also a military leader after all. Although there is a parliament on Terra, military control has not officially ended after all. I hope it will end after the anniversary of this year, so that I can purchase goods. Check less. "

The Tau people complained, speaking the standard and proficient common language that surprised Vito, he glanced at the noseless alien, then switched around, and spoke again after a moment of hesitation.

"Where is he? Vito where is he?" Of course he asked the Vito, the Vito he didn't know, and the law enforcement officer shrugged.

"Where else can it be? In Terra's Great Court, where are his offices and mansions." The law enforcement officer said, "I listened to the council's advice to him to repair the remaining part of the old emperor's palace, and then The commander lived in, but he also refused, saying that it was too extravagant and wasteful."

"Some people also say that it's because some parts of the imperial palace are full of shadows. The ghosts of the old emperor and his dead followers linger. It is rumored that some tourists have seen his afterimage!" the Tau said excitedly, his eyes sparkling, he Clearly well versed in urban legends and gossip.

The law enforcement officer waved his hand, "That's just a rumor. The old emperor died a long time ago. I dare say that his soul was completely annihilated by the commander. His era and empire have long since ended, but there are still some people who don't want to Embracing the new era, always fantasizing that he is still alive."

Vito frowned when he heard what they said, and he looked at the armor on the law enforcement officer's chest. The sky eagle of the Empire had indeed disappeared, but instead it was a star eagle with spread wings, surrounded by countless stardust. under its wings.

"Isn't this a double-headed eagle?" He asked after looking at it for a long time. The law enforcement officer looked at the logo on his chest and shrugged, "Of course, the double-headed eagle has long since collapsed with the old empire. The astral eagle was also designated as the national emblem in Glory 5."

"It symbolizes the unity of the galaxy, when all civilized countries return to the unified banner, and the moment when the Great Crusade and the war it brought officially ended."

"The Great Crusade is over?" Vito asked in surprise, while the law enforcement officer and the Tau looked at each other, puzzled, "Of course it's over, it ended shortly after the Glorious Revolution, damn it, how remote are you from? ? In your place, since the old empire and its expeditions are still felt?"

"I'm sorry, my hometown is indeed far away, and I'm ignorant, so please forgive my ignorance and tell me what happened, for example, what happened to the Glorious Revolution?"

Faced with Vito's question, the law enforcement officer and the Tau looked at each other in silence for a moment, and then spoke again, "Of course the Glorious Revolution refers to the uprising 20 years ago. The Supreme Commander led twelve progressive Primarchs to defeat the old The Emperor and his followers overthrew the old empire and the Galactic Federation was established."

"Chairman Robert Guilliman designated that day as the founding day of the Alliance, which was 20 years ago today, so we are here to celebrate, gather and celebrate the birth of the Alliance, as well as the past of the old night and the ignorant empire. "

The law enforcement officer said so, and the Tau people on one side were lying on the stalls, looking up at the sky with longing eyes, "Damn, I dare say that the celebration on Terra must be very spectacular, have you heard? Prime Minister Sri Lanka personally lit the torch symbolizing the dawn."

Vito was confused and surprised, looking at the two people in front of him, and looking at the market square surrounded by people coming and going, he didn't see anything here that could bring him an answer, so he could only ask again.

"You mean, Vito killed the Emperor? Are those Primarchs participating in the rebellion?" As soon as his words came out, they immediately aroused great reactions from the two people, especially those from the Tau tribe. haze.

"Rebellion? Only those who refuse to progress and still miss the old empire will call this a rebellion." He said righteously, with the flame of loyalty shining in his eyes, which made Vito very confused. Seeing in the eyes of a Tau tribe The flame gave him a strange feeling.

The law enforcement officer said something to the Tau, soothed his emotions, and then cleared his throat, "Participating in the Glorious Revolution are Robert Guilliman, San Guinness, Vulcan Vulcan, Horu S Rupekar, Lorgar Aurelian, Curze, and Jaghatai Khan, Perturabo, Magrus, Crow King, Leman Russ and the Alpha Brothers."

"But Master Alpharius died, so only the Omega Directors are still alive, adding up to twelve." "Then what about the rest?" "What else? Dead, died in the palace with the old emperor inside."

Vito fell silent for a moment. He watched the law enforcement officer in front of him remain silent. What did he do?

After a long silence, Vito finally let out a long sigh, raised his eyes and muttered, "I really hope this is a dream. It must be a dream."

"Dream?" The Tau seemed to have heard it, and he said annoyedly, "It's true! And if it's really a dream, it must be the best dream."

"The supreme commander overthrew the old emperor and brought enlightenment and peace to the galaxy. In the old empire period, my people were slaughtered long after they were discovered. For that ridiculous "peace guarantee" theory, ha! Said It seems that if all the aliens are killed, human beings will have smooth sailing."

The Tau people said excitedly, "The great commander explained a basic common sense to them. Aliens are not all bad. Kill the bad ones and integrate into the good ones, so that civilization can progress. Seek truth from facts, it's that simple!"

The law enforcement officer looked at his old friend, turned his head and looked at Vito and shrugged his shoulders, "Having said that, there are still many people, especially the old people from the empire era, who do not want to accept this. They refuse to accept it, even if After killing all the aliens, human beings will cause chaos on their own like every time in the past, this is not a problem that can be solved by killing all the aliens.”

"The commander hopes that they can understand, but not everyone can understand." The law enforcement officer said, Vito could understand his words, or speak his own words.

Whether it's the turmoil at the end of the Golden Age, or the wars in the age of strife, or any problems in the past, even on old Terra, most of the strife and wars are caused by humans themselves, greed, suspicion, arrogance and ignorance, Blaming aliens, or, as before, aliens, is just a good excuse to cover up one's own failure.

But even if you kill all the aliens and aliens, if you don’t change yourself, wars, strife and turmoil will eventually reappear, and this time, human beings will blame each other internally and continue the war, just like the later Just like the empire, 90% of the wars are fought by humans themselves.

Vito remained silent, thinking about all this, understanding what "he" had done, "So, the Supreme Commander accepted the aliens into the alliance and canceled the extermination policy?"

"Of course! We are a civilized nation, rational and knowledgeable, look around, tau, eldar, humans and even some other races, we work together and dedicate our knowledge and talents In just 20 years, we have created What a great civilization! It is dozens of times, no, thousands of times better than that war mad empire!"

The Tau tribe said loudly, even the people around heard it, cast a strange look, the law enforcement officer smiled wryly and patted him on the shoulder, then looked at Vito, "Well, not all races Accepted, for example, there are no green skins, those guys are the same as the old empire, they only know about war."

"That's right!" the Tau said proudly, as if a flame was burning in their chests, "They refused to accept the civilization enlightenment of the commander, just like us Tau, when he crossed the star sea to find us, we were still in the old night of ignorance Fighting each other, killing each other for meaningless things, but the Commander! He brought civilization, brought enlightenment, a purpose, a great purpose that unites all! He led us out of the old night of ignorance, gave us the most precious gift."

"Let us be the people of the Alliance, his people!" the Tau said with fervor, similar passion Vito had only seen when they dealt with the Aether, but from what he told it, ending the Tau The mission of the civil war fell on his shoulders this time, and he replaced the position of the ether, in exchange for their fanatical worship.

"On Tau, we all respect and love the Commander. If it were the old empire, they would probably just kill us, but the Commander gave us something different, hope and acceptance! He gave us a position, one that can shine for the alliance He is the greatest and immortal to us, the Sun on Terra!"

The Tau continued, waving their arms enthusiastically, "We admire him. If the Commander himself hadn't opposed any form of personality cult, his statues and statues would have filled the Milky Way! We would build the greatest monument to praise him great!"

Vito looked around, but he really didn't see any statues, portraits or symbolic things. If they didn't tell him, he really wouldn't be aware of the people and things on Terra.

But this is also what you can do yourself. The civilization in the universe needs to make progress by yourself, find the future and what to do by yourself, instead of blindly relying on yourself or anyone else. Any worship and belief are meaningless and will bring It's fallacious, so it's really something I can do.

"It is the same on Terra as we are here. Although we love the Lord Commander, he forbids to hang his portrait or statue, so we must remember his image in our hearts when we celebrate."

The law enforcement officer stopped, looked at Vito carefully, and showed different expressions, "Someone told you that you look a lot like the commander?"

Vito was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and pretended to look at other shops, looking at the strange products above, "Someone said that."

He simply answered, the law enforcement officer and the Tau looked at each other, shrugged after a little silence, "Well, speaking of it, what are you doing here? Are you coming to Corsonia, sightseeing or participating in a celebration?"

Vito hesitated, he really didn't know what he was doing here, or even how he got here, a place that was no different from the real world.

But suddenly, an idea, a purpose, popped into his mind, as if out of the blue, and he blurted out, "I'm here for an appointment, I'm looking for 49 Corsonil Street, Fleet Lane, can you point me to Do you want to go?"

The law enforcement officer was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the rail station in the distance, "Where are you going, take the rail train, go out after reaching Starship Avenue, you can find it when you go out, if you really can't find it, the municipal AI can be seen everywhere on the roadside Just ask."

"Okay, thank you." After saying that, Vito started and left. He didn't plan to stay here for too long. Since he didn't know how to leave, he followed the voice in his heart and went there to have a look.

But just as Vito walked by, the Tau suddenly stopped him, and then threw a small object to himself, he smiled and said goodbye to Vito, "Welcome to Corsonia, you will like this era. "

"I will... look at this era." Vito said, nodding goodbye to the two, and then took the little thing onto the suspension train, and then drove into the city along the track.

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