Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 690 The End of Autumn: The Macharius Expedition

"Have you heard of the Macharius Expedition, or the Solar Expedition? It's quite famous, known as the Expedition of the Star Militia." Vito said while sitting on the armrest. He didn't know when he had already said As he spoke and sat up, he obviously opened up the chatterbox, as did the others present.

"It's as if we, the Astartes, were not involved. As far as I know, at least eight Space Marine Chapters took part in Macharius's crusade."

"I'm glad you know, Ragnar." "Ha, after all, our regiment also participated. I remember it was the Ninth Dalian "Death Wolf" Dalian. Inspired."

"Ho Ho Ho! The giant wolf roars, the chainsaw roars, and the Iron Autumn brings a pack of wolves down from the sky. Listen, Ho Ho, the death wolf is roaring." Ragnar sang on his own, don't say it, sing Not bad, Olaf nodded with a smile, and motioned to Vito, who shrugged.

"Your saga is still so stylish, barbaric? But I like it. Anyway, I'm telling the story now, and you're singing later." Vito said, his hands resting on the armrest behind him, crossing his legs Come and sit cross-legged on the armrest like the old fairy, and also started to tell the story like the old fairy.

"It was the 6,000th day of the empire's sun revolution. Bad news came from the distant Nova Terra star field. It is said that in the local darkness, evil forces are rising from it. Those who have not been wiped out, well, I Let’s tell the story well, I really can’t learn from your Sakya.”

"It's okay, tell me, I'll make up a song later, and it will be an absolute classic forever!" Ragnar patted his chest proudly, "Don't believe me, I was also a handsome talent from all over the world in our group back then. Does a scholar understand?" "A scholar?" "His consciousness is that every time he quarrels while drinking, his curse sentences are the most creative, Bell."

Vito explained, then cleared his throat and put his legs down, he sat on the armrest and pointed to the star map behind them, "The war on Nova Terra ended with the death of their capital and the Second Emperor, but In fact, the war is far from festive."

"The remnants of the rebels who were not eliminated, as well as the forces that chose to resist to the end, fled to the north of the Taiping Star Region, those undeveloped vast unmanned galaxies, where they formed the First Order and chose to fight the Empire to the end. Coupled with the classic government affairs department's lack of conduct, the entire Taiping Starfield is even more rebellious."

"Why am I not surprised at all?" Lancelot said with a joking smile, he pressed his sword and leaned there, Loken also shrugged, showing a little helplessness, "It's the same as what I've heard, To be honest, I know the limits of the mortal government that Malcador created are here, but...their incompetence is beyond imagination."

"Just get used to it, Gavill, welcome to the Empire." Vito shrugged and said, "Because of a series of classic empire-style problems, the entire Pacific Starfield that had subsided was full of smoke once again, and many galaxies were killed. The imperial administrators even surrounded and annihilated the local incompetent Ministry of Justice and garrison troops, directly declaring independence again."

"And Macharius was one of those who were sent to the Pacific Starfield to carry out counter-insurgency missions in turn. He was just a lieutenant commander in the navy?" "Lieutenant Colonel." "Oh yes, thank you Cole. "

Cole is actually the one who knows Macharius’ deeds best on the scene, and he really understands it thoroughly, even from the time of Macharius’ birth, far better than Vito, an acquaintance of Macharius. Knowing him, perhaps knowing a little better than himself, is not surprising, after all, where Cole came from, the former Victoria Star, and now the current Macharius Star.

All the kids there know about the Sun Lord and regard him as their idol, and Cole is one of them, so he understands the short but brilliant life of the Sun Lord better than anyone, but he is not good at speaking. So this kind of embarrassing thing should be left to Vito, after all, he has always been very social, or how do you say that word? Social terrorist?

"In short, Macharius, at that time he was still a lieutenant colonel trainee captain of the navy, was stuffed into the transport ship with many troops of the navy, and sent to the Pacific star field to carry out the unfinished war , and saved the supreme lord of the empire at that time on that broken planet called something."

"Why does this name sound familiar?" Loken raised his eyebrows and asked, Vito shrugged his shoulders and made a helpless gesture, "It's actually the Warmaster, but after the Horus Heresy, the word was I thought it was an ominous meaning, I heard that they originally wanted to use the Supreme Marshal, but thought it was disrespectful and would be punished, so they changed it to the Supreme Lord, so it sounds a bit strange.”

"This word was changed to Sun Lord after Macharius was elected, because he had already become the commander-in-chief of the Sun Fleet at that time, so he changed it according to his title. To be honest, it sounds much better, then It was after he rescued the former supreme lord, I was not familiar with him, but I heard that he passed away not long after, it seems that the old wound relapsed during the suppression of the rebellion."

"He admires Macharius very much, and he has a good vision. Although the young man is very young, he is indeed a rare all-around talent in the empire for thousands of years, the kind of hexagonal warrior, navy, army, and even Astartes command I understand, people give me a nickname, the little one is the high marshal."

"Are you bragging?" "Are you? I was awesome, okay?" Vito raised his head and said proudly, Cole waved his hand speechlessly, "Go on, this is talking Sun Lord, it’s none of your business.” “It’s really boring, obviously my deeds are dozens of times more exciting.” “That’s because we’ve heard you say the same thing dozens of times, so damn it, tell me something we don’t know, okay? ?”

Vito shrugged his shoulders helplessly, scratched his nose and continued, "After Macharius became the Sun Lord, he soon discovered the problem of the Taiping Starfield. It will immediately recur in other places, or even rekindle in place, because the remnants of the First Order in the unknown area still have many secret facilities and factories there, which can provide continuous support for the rebels."

"In the end, in order to completely resolve the unsolved situation of the past ten years, Macharius decided to launch a fatal blow to the unknown area. He regrouped the scattered fleet and expeditionary force of the Astra Militarum, and abandoned many planet."

"Give up the rebellious planet?" "Don't worry about Bell, those places will not belong to the rebels either. As soon as Macharius left, his dear and reliable Inquisition issued an extermination order for those places. Guarantee that not a single grain of rice will be left for the rebels." "Oh well, it's pretty...predictable."

"Having said that, after Macharius assembled enough troops, he began to launch a fixed-point attack towards the unknown area, which was outside the navy's route map, and it was a completely unfamiliar territory. At first, his plan was met with many and I have even heard that there were plans to assassinate him in order to organize what they saw as a suicide plan."

"Then they failed?" Loken asked while holding his arms in his arms. Actually, he knew that he didn't need to ask this question, but he decided to ask it anyway, so as to liven up the atmosphere and let Vito interact a little bit, making the conversation even more exciting. Some.

"Isn't that right? What kind of assassination am I playing? All the conspirators were warmed up in the living room by the assassination before their horoscopes were written. Afterwards, the arrival of the Space Marines Chapter made Macharius' expedition officially recognized. Certainly, the addition of interstellar-level fighters silenced all opponents, both openly and secretly, especially the Dead Wolf Dalian Commander of your Wild Wolf Chapter, he was really alarmed at the time."

"Dead Wolf Commander pats his stomach, shut up all fools," Ragnar sings, "actually he chopped an old general in half with an axe, but he did it in the stomach, so it's okay wrong."

"The expedition of Macharius began soon after, so, shortly after the Nova Terra war ended, a larger-scale expedition began, which will be called the expedition of Macharius in the future. Or Expedition to the Sun."

"Macharius divided his subordinates into six parts, each leading the navy, the Star Border Army and the Astartes and the battle group launched an offensive. I was in charge of the second army and cooperated with the commander of the dead wolf Dalian. , Our cooperation is very pleasant. In the first year, more than 200 planets were recovered, accounting for more than one-third of the total recovery, but it is a pity that no one knows that I did it."

Up to now, in the combat history of the Astral Army, it is still clearly recorded that the commander of the Second Army is called Vito Constantine, but no one knew at that time that it was the man with this name. You know, the Empire Too many military aristocrats called this name, hoping for a good omen, so the real master was overwhelmed instead.

"Okay, okay, now we know, you can shut up." Cole said with his hands in his arms. To be honest, he was not surprised at all. After knowing Vito's real identity, he thought of that name, but Vito still showed his face. With a proud smile, he put his hands on his waist and held his head high, "It's good to know, I'm just that awesome."

"Back to the point." "Okay, okay, you Macharius." Vito laughed jokingly, Cole's expression twitched, and Ragnar pulled Loken and laughed. up.

"Ahem, well, let's get back to the point. As I said, the expedition went smoothly, and the entire unknown area of ​​the Taiping Starfield was wiped out. After the remnants of the First Order staged fierce but useless resistance, Annihilated by a large expeditionary force backed by the Astartes, in the sixth year of the war victory was already the Empire's."

"But Macharius was far from satisfied with this. Although he still achieved an unprecedented victory, and it is true that there has never been a victory since then, he was still not satisfied. He was only twenty-nine years old at the time, and his blood was full of course. Will stop here and return to Terra to become a bureaucrat weighing several hundred pounds."

"That child is a conqueror, and all conquerors will only die on the road, so at the celebration banquet, Macharius decided to continue advancing with the whole army and invade the truly unknown area. Those who even the remnants of the First Order are on the verge of When you are in a desperate situation, you dare not step into the vast expanse of star torch."

"Good boy." Ragnar said with emotion, he put one hand on his axe, and stood in front of him, "The kid is either a warrior, or a madman, or both."

"Yeah, the big guys thought so too at the time, but those guys in Dead Wolf Dalian who are not afraid of death are particularly enthusiastic about it, and it's right on top of it. They supported Macharius' decision and used the old tricks to convince him. All, at last, an expedition to an extraterrestrial galaxy begins"

"But it didn't last long." Kerr added, and here he finally couldn't help but join in, which is the part he remembers so far, the rise of the conquerors, and the final moment of the end, "the first striker Not long after the fleet entered the system, it completely lost contact. There was a whole pack of Space Wolves among them, which frightened everyone else. Disobedience is unwilling to step out of the light of the Astronomical Torch."

Human fear finally overwhelmed the desire to explore the unknown, and this was also the end of Macharius' expedition.

"That's right, at the meeting afterward the commanders of all six legions objected to continuing the operation, and so did I, the outer galaxy. It's not yet an area where humans can set foot. In the end, in a quarrel, in fact, Macharius was against the After all of us got angry, he finally calmed down, agreed to the proposal to withdraw the troops, and then declared the end of the expedition."

"Many people are ecstatic about this. Soldiers who have been away from home for decades are eagerly looking forward to their return home. Terra has also sent a warm welcome message and announced that a grand battle will be held in Terra. Celebration and parade, to commemorate the great victory of Macharius, whose name will be remembered to the ends of the galaxy."

"It's a pity that the owner of that feast never returned to Terra." Cole lamented, "In 40K.199 of the Imperial Calendar, Marshal Macharius died of illness in the tropical jungle of Planet Monsolo. History records that the residual plague left by the demons of Nurgle killed him."

"It's a pity, his saga should have had a perfect ending." Ragnar said like a regretful poet, "The conqueror who dared to challenge the outer galaxy finally died in an unspeakable battle." Although it is the same as many conquerors in history, it is also sad." Bell added with a sigh.

"Yeah, it's really not the right time for him to die of illness." Vito whispered, looking at the Milky Way outside the window with his arms folded, Loken saw the dim look on those eyes passing by the starry sky, he knew that this story was not And it sounds so simple, he looked over and smiled, "How is it? Captain Loken, can't we take this imperial history lesson?"

"It's okay, the ups and downs are meaningful, but what are we talking about here?" Loken asked in surprise, but before he finished speaking, he was shrouded in a huge shadow, and he slowly raised his head and stared wide. The eyes saw the huge monster flying by the window of the bridge overhead.

Outside the window of the Infinite Frontier, a huge ark ship of the Eldar race appeared in the void with a shining light on its surface, and it, the light under the sun shrouded the head of the Infinite Frontier.

A small drainage, I uploaded a book I wrote before, that is, there are existing manuscripts, I don’t need to write or take up the update time, a magical novel, almost a combination of Warhammer + Wizard + Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, my personal favorite I like this one, welcome to read it if you are interested, (referring to one more book to generate income bushi)

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